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I had a recurrent dream a while ago, in which one of my classmates would wait for male, but sometimes female, friends next to a chain link fence and have sex with them. Sometimes I watched the scene from a distance, but sometimes I was the one she was waiting for. Sometimes she had some clothes on, but she was usually naked or half-naked, and everything she did was natural and beautiful. My most intense memories from those dreams are her – or her lover's – hands holding tight to the chain link fence as they climax together. In this sketch, I revisit one of those dreams, except here we see Epona and Iris. 

Enjoy. =^_____^=





You have the best dreams!! For me, it's usually things like...I have to pay how much tax...on what 🙄


LOL. I had this other dream in which I waited for a writer in front of a closed door for hours, but she never opened it. I never saw her. The end. =^_____^= I promise I won't sketch that one... With a wooden door... And a nice carpet... Not sexy.