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Iris was still taking a shower when Tallulah walked inside the bathroom. She could see her friend’s lipsticks and magazines. There was a bowl full of elastic hair bands: blue, red, cyan, magenta... She could see every possible color right there, except for white, black, or any shade of grey.

“Your bathroom is cute.”, said Tallulah.

“Cute?”, Iris asked, smiling.

“Yeah, cute. Everything is so colored over here.”

“It wasn’t always like this, specially before my transition. I guess now I want everything to be as colorful as possible.”

“That’s great,'' she said as she opened the bottom drawer.

“Don’t open that one, Tallulah! Hey!”

“Well, well… What about this?” 

Iris blushed. She was silent for a couple of seconds.

“This is my old sleeve. I… I don’t use it anymore.”

“Your old sex toy, hidden beneath your towels. And it’s really soft, look at this… Girls don’t usually buy these...”

“Well, Epona uses one. It’s not technically hers, I mean, I think it belongs to the farm, but… And Leto has at least five! Why am I still talking?”

“Don’t be ashamed, Iris. It was your toy when you were a boy. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve only found out I was a futa when I wasn’t a virgin anymore, so I never felt like buying one. Does it feel good?”

“Hell, yes, but… How do you do it, then, when you’re alone? Don’t you get tired of just using your hands?”

“My hands? Iris…”


“Babe… I can suck it.” 

“Oh!. I see…”

“Well, at least I can do it when I’m on a bed, but… Hey, can I borrow it?”

“I guess that… Yeah… But doesn’t it feel way better when you suck… Tallulah? Are you even listening?”

“Yeah, yeah…. I am… I’ll try something different this time… Thanks, Iris! You’re the best!”

* * *

Hello, hello! Quaraci here!

I’m working on multiple paintings right now, which is awesome news (#yaaaay). We have some Leto, Epona, Iris, and Shola paintings on the way, but I noticed that we haven’t seen that many Tallulah scenes lately. That’s sad… So I went to our sketches and decided to finish this one. I’ve been daydreaming about underwater scenes with Tallulah for a while now, and this one is my third attempt on this general idea of an underwater scene depicting cum coming out of a sleeve/sex-toy/condom/her-own-hand.

I hope you enjoy it! Thank you all so much for the love and support! =^______^=





This is such a unique concept. Your painting is amazing! Love all the underwater effects, especially the stream coming out of the sleeve. It has been a while since you last did a Tallulah. So, if you don't me asking, I'm way behind in the lore, why does each character have an affinity to an specific animal? Were they blessed or changed or given a gift? Do they share abilities like, can Tallulah swim better or talk with dolphins? Or is it just for fun down in the crotch? ;) Keep up the great work and looking forward to your next paintings!


Hey, Kyropracter! I’m glad you like it! =^______^= Well, it’s debatable whether we have a canonical explanation for the girls’ origins or not. I’ve been posting short fragments with each painting since my first posts at HF, and some of them eventually delve into the girls' origins. However, most of this content is speculative, with very few evidence, and more questions than answers. I intend to write+draw+paint a canonical story, perhaps as a graphic novel, someday in the future, but we’re not there yet. If I could write a concise, non-comprehensive “Lore 101” of what we know so far, it would be as follows: --- There are futanari women in this world, and a very small percentage of them have non-human penises. --- Regular futas are well known to the general population, but futas with non-human penises are so rare that many people doubt their existence. --- They were all born the way they are. Tallulah found out she was a futa later on, since her penis is retractile, but she was born a dolphin futa. --- A long time ago, Epona and Leto found out that they were somewhat engineered (as in genetically engineered) to be like this. They found out that this was the only way they could be cured, in utero, from an otherwise incurable disease. --- They don’t know if this also applies to all non-human futas, or to all futas. --- They don’t have any special powers/abilities/gifts, although Epona fantasizes about being able to communicate directly with horses and mares. She has a deep relationship with them, though. She’s even fallen in love with a couple of them. Tallulah and Leto, on the other hand, take this animal kinship more lightly, but yeah, they like to be in their other halves’ natural habitat as well. ;) --- Being a futa isn’t socially accepted at all in this world. They all have been called freaks, and suffered some sort of abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, etc.). This is a recurring theme. --- Iris is a completely different type of character. I don’t even have a proper name for it (a gender bender, maybe?). She used to be a man, and then she slowly turned into a woman, and a woman with a mare’s pussy. Some of her story was written in my HF stories section (“Lost in Transition”). --- Last, but not least, we’ll get to see some variations of them, like the satyr Epona, or the mermaid Tallulah, but I’m considering them to be fictions inside this world, the kind of wet dream they would have from time to time. ;P~~ Some of these elements may vary, or even change completely when we get to our canonical, graphic novel narrative of these girls’ stories (that’s part of our Patreon goals). I want to do something truly special when we get there. =^_____^= Oh, my! I’ve written an entire post! LOL Cheers, my friend!


Hey Quaraci, thank you for taking the time to explain all of this! It's quite a bit you've developed, and sounds like you've fleshed out most of the world building already. I'm looking forward to seeing how Shola fits into all this as well. I also think a novel is a great idea! But you'll know when you're ready and at that point. Cheers!


Hey, Kyropracter! No problem! =^__^= Trying to organize, even figure out some aspects of this fictional world is always a nice thing to do, so I truly benefited from it. About Shola... Well... She's a very important piece in this puzzle, since she's the daughter of one of the doctors Epona used to visit when she was younger. =^______^=