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Hello, there!  

This is the next poll of a series we call "abecedaire". From A to Z, we'll gather über important info on our... personal... preferences. Exciting!   

All the questions are related to themes we're likely to see in our page. I'll try to adjust/integrate the answers to my sketching and painting routine, so - more and more - we'll all speak the same language. There's a twist, though: all answers will be written like a personal statement, in the first person, as if you were one of the characters from our gallery. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes. =^_^=  

I is for Impregnation... Because sometimes you're off the pill and you want your futa girlfriend to cum inside you no matter what.



If you have two sets of genitals, you should reproduce twice as well. Let's make a whole lot of baby futas!


Exactly! And we can bet on which animal penis will have the baby. If Epona and Tallulah have a kid it would be interesting to see the mix of an horse cock and a dolphin cock.


Well, we'll have to wait a few years until they're grown ups (we can always fast-forward time when we're drawing...), but a dolphin-horse cock would be... er... Quite a feat from mother nature. LOL =^_____^''=