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“You have to learn proper manners. You don't want to be one of those dirty street dogs. I expect you to be polite, polished even. No one likes a dog covered with mud. I like the scent of shampoo and perfume on you, for instance. There's nothing lovelier than a polite, civilized puppy that goes to the pet shop regularly, is there? That's the kind of dog we all love to take to a picnic.”

“But I've showered today, Leto. I even bathed. A bubble bath, just for you.”

“Ah, ah, ah! You shouldn't call me by my name. I am your master. Understood?”


“Good. Now I want you to close your eyes. That's it. Walk with me, E. That’s it. Aw, this is so lovely. You know you please me when you wag your tail like that, don’t you?”

“I wonder, master, when are we going to open this basket? I'm hungry.”

“Well, I'm not hungry, not yet, but if you want it so much… Ah! Stop licking me! Ok, ok, I'll let you eat something soon. We just need to find the right place for a picnic. Ah, ah, ah! Eyes closed!”


“You're such a tease, E. … Come. This place looks adequate, but don't open your eyes yet. I want you sit down and, well, you've been such a good dog I think you deserve a treat. Go on, open the basket. Take it.”



“It’s empty, master…”

“Is it? That’s terrible! And you’re so hungry, aren’t you, E.?”

“I am…”

“You’re crying… You look sexy when you cry like that, did you know?”

“I’m… I…”

“You look sexy when you blush like that as well, but hey, what’s going on down there? Oh, my... Do you get a hard on from being humiliated? E.? I’m talking to you.”

“Y...Yes, master…”

“Aw, you never cease to amaze me, E. And you never cease to please me either.”

“Master… Since there’s no picnic… How do you want me to please you?”

“What do you mean? You’re mistaken, my dear. You’ll have your picnic, but you’ll have to work hard to earn it.”

“What should I do? Tell me! I’ll be a good dog, I promise!”

“Well… I want to watch you. I want to watch you suck all that horse milk straight from your balls, but no hands, just your mouth and tongue. I want you to entertain me, and, when your mouth is filled with your hot, thick cum, then, and only then, I'll let you open your eyes. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, master.”

“Do you want to please me, E.?”

“Yes, master. I want it so bad!”

“Good. I'll be right here. Watching.”


* * *

Hello, hello!

We’ve reached December, guys! Hooray us! =^_____^= I wanted to post this painting sooner, but I went on a week’s trip to Argentina and returned today, so here it is! #yaaay #bdsm #dogging. I hope you like it! Thank you all so much for the love and support!

Have an awesome week! =^__^=





I wonder how Rosalind would treat Epona if they met.


Oh, man, I've got a couple of ideas on that meeting... Overall, my wild guess is that Rosalind would be warm, welcoming, making Epona feel really safe around her. A pleasing afternoon making out at the movies, maybe? Who knows? I don't even think Isaac would be jealous. =^_______^= What do you think?


I think I need to get 150 bucks together.

quaraci (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-14 10:12:36 Oh, boy! =^________^= <3 <3 <3
2018-12-11 02:12:30 Oh, boy! =^________^= <3 <3 <3

Oh, boy! =^________^= <3 <3 <3