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“Why did you do it?”

“Well, the ladies restroom line was humongous!”

“You could go to the second floor! The restroom there was empty!”

“I really needed to pee, Tallulah. I. Had. To. Pee!”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“It’s no big deal! The other one was empty. Sort of.”

“The men’s restroom! Yes, it is a big deal! What if someone saw you?”

“Well, technically there were some guys there.”

“So, you waited for them to leave, and…”

“See… This is the thing… I really, really wanted to use the urinal.”

“You what?”

“It was my first time using it! It’s both gross and funny, actually. Have you ever tried it?”

“No, I’ve never… That’s not the point! We have to be discrete, Epona! We’re like unicorns to them! See, this is why there are so many people staring at us.”

“Take it easy, Tallulah! You’re paranoid. That guy over there, the one with a beard, he was peeing too, next to me.”

“Stop waving! Oh, I’m so embarrassed right now… He saw you, and now he’s looking at me, and...”

“Don’t be, silly. He wanted to see me. He looked at me in the eye, I mean, when we were there. I did the same. He’s kinda cute, don’t you think? He was the only one who actually saw me… So I gave him a sneak peek.”

“Wait, what? What did you do?”

“Not much, actually. I squeezed it a little bit, so he got to see my girth. After I finished peeing, well, the whole situation got me semi hard, but I didn’t want it to go any further, so I stopped, took a deep breath, washed my hands, and left.”



“He’s coming. He’s coming towards us!”

* * *

Hey, guys! Quaraci here. This is our November exclusive picture (yaaaaaaaaaaay!). I’m already trying to incorporate some of our latest poll results into our paintings (which means our OCs will be spotted more often in public spaces). I think this feedback between us is simply awesome (you pervs! LOL). I’ve had some delays, though, due to some technical problems on my desktop computer (I think my good old core i7 might be dying… Every time it crashes I lose some of the work I was doing), but I’ll have it fixed soon, even if it means buying a completely new gear. 

I hope you like it! =^____^=




She looks delicious, I can understand his curiosity...want.


I love scenes that can be both naïve and naughty. The guy was puzzled, and she just wanted to try a urinal... Right? ;) I'm glad you like it, Tazmatwo! =^_____^=