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“I stayed there, looking at you. You still had some of my cum on your face.”

“You let me sleep like that?”

“You looked sexy.”

“I was tired, Epona.”

“Then you look sexier when you’re tired. I approached you and you didn’t even wake up when I licked your face.”

“I was a mess. Your mess, technically.”

“I cleaned it, didn’t I? I licked you clean.”

“And then what?”

“Well, then I watched you sleep.”

“Ew! That’s totally creepy!”

“There was cum everywhere… On your face… On your chest… On your butt…”

“That was intense.”

“It was, wasn’t it? I felt my cock getting harder again.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up? I could have sucked you. I really wanted to, by the way”

“You were tired.”

“So what? I could…”

“You said you were tired, and you told me you wanted to sleep. I was there, all by myself… What could a girl do in such a situation? I got started by my licking my shaft, first. That made me even harder. I wanted you to wake up as I teased myself.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up, woman?”

“You were tired… So I kissed the head, what?, four, maybe five times, and felt it with my lips.”

“Oh, I’d love to watch you do this. You’re mean, Epona.”

“I’m not mean… I simply did what my body asked me to do. There’s nothing mean about that.”

“What did you do next? Tell me.”

“You know what I did next. There’s no such thing as a spoiler when it comes to blowjobs. Do I need to say more?”

“Yes, please.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary.”

“But it is!”

“OK. I’ll tell you.”

“Oh, God…”

“That’s it. I can see what you’re doing… Keep going…”

“I think I’m getting closer now.”

“I... opened... my... mouth..., just like this, and…”


“Oh, my! Look at you! Haha! Geez, now you’re a complete mess.”

“I couldn’t… I couldn’t hold it…”

“No, you couldn’t… Ok, then, now I don’t even need to tell you what I did next.”

“Oh, please, tell me!”

“No. I’m not telling you a thing from now on. Do you still want to suck this cock or what?”

* * *

Hello, hello! Quaraci here! =^__^=

This is our extra painting for this month, an early access submission. I’ll post it at Hentai-Foundry and Tumblr in five days or so. I hope you like it!  =^____^=



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