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So, there’s this friend of this friend of mine. We used to be high school classmates, but that’s all. She texted me earlier today, “hey, Epona, we heard you were looking for a summer job”. That was weird. Her dad has a pub downtown. Not exactly my kind of place, maybe way too old school for my taste. “So my dad asked me if I could ask you to come and work as a bartender for a couple of nights per week, starting today. Are you interested?”. I was, actually, but she was one of the bullies I had to deal with, and her dad was this creepy old man. It wasn’t that long ago, you know. “Come on, we could really use a fresh, gleeful bartender who knows everything about Rio right now”. Gleeful? Really? “The pay is really good! Besides, dad said that you could bring any drink recipes that you have. Any.” Any? Any recipe that’s new, original, gleeful, even? All hail Epona, tamer of spirits. 

* * *

Hey, guys!

We’ve just reached our 25 patron milestone! First and most importantly, thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m so thankful to each and every one of you. Without your support, I wouldn’t be able to dedicate myself to our monthly paintings (it takes some hours to finish one of these). I’ve been studying new techniques and approaches, as always, in order to deliver the best quality images possibly I can (so, yes, we might get a little bit experimental every now and then, but that’s not the point, LOL). I’ve also been designing a series of polls that I’d like to share with you. It’ll be an abecedaire. From A to Z, we’ll cover a pretty decent number of themes, so this is my invitation for you to vote, and, together, we’ll discover new possibilities.

New lands. New depths. New possibilities. Let’s drink to that!  =-_^=



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