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"Epona, I wouldn’t meet this woman if I were you. You never know what sort of pervert might be looking for us because of what makes us different. We’ve all had our share of nightmarish dates. She might be one of those people who just want to watch us as we cum, for instance, and you know that, sometimes, what begins like a pleasant ride might quickly escalate to a painful experience. Don’t let her torture you. Better yet, don’t give her anything, leave her and meet me here at my place. I’ll take care of you. I might not give you the mare pussy you deserve, like Iris, but I can find and caress your secret spots like no one else can.



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Hey, guys! Since some of you wanted to see a follow up scene, I tried to think what sort of behavioral experiment a naughty psychologist would talk Epona into. This is the sort of scene that I might revisit in the future, when we start our comic series. This is our exclusive April painting. I hope you like it =^_^=

I’ve been experimenting a lot as well lately, mostly with with linework, rendering and colors, so that I’ve reached a slightly different approach to our image creation process, with way less layers (sometimes, 1 layer is all I need). This approach gives me more control over how the shapes and values blend with one another, which might translate to images that look more natural, or painterly, although it gets more difficult to manage small details, objects, and scenario. Overall, I guess there’s a sweet spot between my old approach (this image is a good example of it: objects and colors well divided) and the new one, which you’ll be seeing more and more from now on. I’d really like to have your input on this matter, since your opinion is über important to me. I’ll let you know whenever a good example of this new approach gets posted. 

Oh, by the way, you asked for more cum, so be sure to sit in the splash zone from now on, okay? Okay! =^_^=

Thank you so much for your support! Cheers!




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