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Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

 June is a special month for our beloved girls (and yours truly), filled with joyous celebrations and folkloric events. One of the highlights of June here in Brazil is the festival of São João (Saint John the Baptist) that takes place all over the country during the solstice (although it takes place during our Winter Solstice, it’s historically meant to take place during the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere). It's a time when the streets come alive with colorful decorations, lively music (forró, which is an umbrella term for various types of music and dance, like xote, baião, arrasta-pé, and xaxado), bonfires, fireworks, and traditional dances. The festival is a wonderful opportunity to indulge in delicious traditional food – heavy on peanuts and corn, which I love! – like paçoca and canjica. The vibrant atmosphere and community during this festival make it a truly unforgettable experience. =^_____^=

 June is also recognized as LGBTQ+ Pride Month. It’s a time to celebrate and honor the diverse and vibrant LGBTQ+ community. Being a proud – albeit introverted – member of the letter B in LGBTQ+ living in a country that discriminates against queer people, I decided to have some of Pride, tiny or symbolic as it may be, as part of an illustration this year. Whereas many of us are celebrating in events and parades, my only wish is that one day, everyone can receive love, respect, and acceptance from those around them, especially when they’re most vulnerable (for those who didn’t have the experience of growing up queer, vulnerability and fear can be the baseline, daily feeling that permeates all relations, and this causes much suffering. I believe the world can become a better place for all human beings).

 Thank you so much for your love and support! I'll send the Carmine and Cyan packs links in a few minutes.

 You’re all welcome to this celebration! Happy Pride! Happy São João! =^_____^=




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