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You guys spawn outside of the cave you died at last time. 


Suggest what you do next, ♥ like the suggestions you want to see happen.

Try to suggest different ones from what you already see and I'll make a poll for us to vote on the top picks, and a thread for the highest tier patrons on what direction we want to go.




I read the title as "Alex Jones you and Crystal in game.

Daniel Sanders

ROGUE!! Was really hoping for rocker bard. But the outfit looks nice as hell

Master Blankie

I say we send the Rogue in first to assess the situation, then send the dancer in to give the Rogue an extra turn, Fire Emblem style!

Royal Demon

*they then left her go in alone and she came out nude*

Durán Ahumada Angel Roberto

I have two ideas: Trying again to accomplish that dungeon and get the op equipment, or instead, try to go and defeat the first boss with the equipment we already have In the first one we achieved to complete the dungeon, but the loot also hypnotizes those who use it. For the boss would be something similar. Crystal shouldn't be affected because she's already under control, so now the spotlight is on Alex


Send Alex in wait a few minutes check to see if she’s under both in-game and irl if not either check crystal’s phone and see if she’s in counter the boss yet if so try to have Alex be “indoctrinated” don’t know if that’s the best word into the state crystal is if Alex is then well we’ll get to the bridge when we cross that


Either find some hypnotic gear to give to Alex or go "attempt" to defeat a hypnotic enemy/boss but actually try and get Alex to get hypnotized by it.


Have Crystal fall into a state of trance, but not by our hand: the boss is calling to her and demands that she brings Alex to it to hypnotize her too.


Why don't we ask Alex what she wants to do? It's only polite.


We politely try to warn Alex to be aware of the mind control effect if we fight, but she pretty much ignores our warnings and ends up getting affected by it. The boss can only affect so many people at a time, so it allows us or Crystal to defeat the boss, but it leaves Alex under the effect afterwards or she wakes up after the boss is killed but a similar visual can put her under again even if it's not the boss. Perhaps we can get a description from her what it felt like with a hint of veiled/confused interest?


Alex finds a rare chest and picks the lock to find a cursed hypnotic sorceress hat


Alex picks up some cursed treasure or and gets an intelligence deduff

Jeff Grey

Tell Alex to use her stealth ability to scout ahead and wait for her to get hypnotized as well. Take advantage of the fact that we heard on a game board that bosses in this game have status effects that can only effect two PCs at once.


ive got a good feeling about this


Ask Alex to scout ahead inside the cave and gather information on the enemies within, give her plenty of time to get nice and hypnotised by the same monster that got Crystal,


Alex is about to 1v1 the boss (with not good results) but another party is already in there getting the mind whammy


She tries to beat it to prove it's weak

lost in numbers

That boss in the cave use a terrifying attack right? Let's go to see if it leaves statues of you in there. (Also, will give the boss a chance to use mind control on alex)


Alex demands that POV and Crystal go ahead and tank so she can defeat the boss. A turn of events happens and POV and Alex end up in a trance while Crystal defeats the boss. Seeing that you both are in a trance the only thing Crystal can think of is to fulfill the previous request to put Alex under, but her suggestions end up unknowingly being taken by the POV too, so both Alex and POV get some triggers

Determined Dragon

I like the idea of Alex picking up hypnotic gear but what if it also enhances her assets. Like that hypnotic bra she once wore but in game this time.


Btw, here's how this scene could be set up: Page 1: Alex says "We all go together, I don't wanna see you running away or anything." POV and Crystal agree. Page 2: Narration says "A whole boss battle later." Crystal is standing with a confident pose above the defeated boss while saying "Thanks for distracting the boss for me, hehe." Page 3: A shot showing that both Alex and POV are in a trance (maybe put pov in a whole set of armor to not show their face.) and a bit of Crystal face at the border of the scene saying "Huh? Alex is actually in a trance!?" "I can finally put her under like I was supposed to!" Page 4: Crystal gives some poor programming that ends up being taken by both Alex and POV.