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I figure this deserves its own thread. How would you like to see some subtle ways to see our punk rock sister slightly changed. I want to update the designs a bit since I made her originally years ago.

One thing I plan is a 2 tone hair style similar to how @OrmilleF green hair OC has, with a bright tone inside and natural tone outside. 



Frequent hair dye changes.


Hmm...looking at her original design right now. I think if you are going with two-tone hair and potentially mixing up the dye regularly, I'd say lean more on the tomboy, punky elements. Get that gal some pants or ripped stockings, a jacket, boots, maybe some more out-there make up at least during shows. You can either have her putting out a more tough, punk image and then have fun when that clashes, or could make it a bit where sometimes she's just trying too hard or is getting tripped up at times by her own style. Sunglasses-at-night sort of thing could be fun every once in a while.


torn up jeans/stockings is a strong idea, im going to feel out some sketches with those