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So CYOA is exiting VR meaning changing up the formatting a bit. Do you think speech bubbles are the way to go? Maybe VN style captions? I'd like some thoughts on what you've seen done and what you like.

Also I think I like the idea of introducing the sorceress from the cave as a new IRL character eventually that can flash a green light and take control of us. What sort of gal/design is she IRL?



Well if the Sorceress is also just a player in the game but with some hypnosis type powers then maybe her goal was to just use her powers to get lots of wealth and gear in the game from other players/monsters. But once she finds out she's closeby in the real world to the MC and Crystal she realizes she can get them to serve her there too. Don't have the most ideas in terms of looks but I do like the normal office lady idea from above. Could be like she hypnotizes people to do the boring grindy work for her since she doesn't have time for that.


I think personally I love a bit of good ol hypnotized hypnotist, so I personally think it'd be great for the sorceress to be a victim of someone else to also deepen the plot. I know this is really late.


and IRL meet up with the in game sorceress is something I want to try to steer to, maybe a surprise plot turn when things get stale