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Hey all - 

Wanted to do a short update. As some will know this month hasn't been the best for me, we all have our ups and downs but I dont want to dwell on that.

As I said recently I dont want my hobby based posts on here to be behind a paywall - however at the same time I want to ensure that those who choose to support me do get a little bit of something, because that only seems right?
Although I'll note - I am still working on my next vid, and with some luck that'll be done this week (note I say some luck - I mean a lot of luck lol)

So one thing I'll share with you guys today as my Patrons is a side project I started playing around with, not sure if it will be a success but I thought it would be fun.

So I want to of course expand on the Luetin Necropolis fan fiction - however - I also recently thought how fun it would be, if I could somehow translate those ideas into some form of CYAO (Choose your own Adventure)

Now I discovered you can make this format relatively easily just in a word/google doc, and so I have begun roughly scripting this. I am not sure how long it will be, but considering how much I write for scripts, it will probably be long-ish.

This will be designed entirely just for fun and of course be free to all - Its not designed as being any kind of Patreon reward - it will be and must be a PDF free for anyone.

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up, and maybe later along the line I will give you guys an early version to test, and see what feedback you have to give.

Now! back to editing.



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