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Hey hey, Patreon! Got a new page for you at last!

Looks like Hazel's mind is fully made up! She's headed straight to that shop no matter what! But it looks like Willow had some important words of wisdom to share before our unshakeable heroine took off. And perhaps, just maybe, a warning...

Time we make our way to a certain occult novelties shop!!

The next update will be the last of the sketch pages for Chapter 1! The first chapter of my webcomic will be fifty-four pages long! Wish me luck that I can get it done and ready in time for Halloween!!

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your continued support!




Sorry for the random question But What happened to willows vest / jacket ?, The one she had on from her debut in page 2 onward. ? Did she take it off between pages 7&8? Once again, loving the look of joy and hope, and enthusiasm, on hazel's face, even if it’s the only shot of her from the front, that we seen this page!


Willow did in fact remove her vest! She was actually in the process of taking it off at the end of the previous page! Like she said, she's gotta get ready for the festival tonight, and that means changing into costume!