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Hello again, Patreon! Hope you all enjoyed my latest Valentine's Day piece featuring the girls! But now it's time to return to the project itself, with yet more sketch pages!

At last, the magic moment has arrived! The point of the story that starts off the whole plot, as well as the grand reveal: Liv is actually a witch!! Who knew!? Well, Hazel certainly didn't, but she definitely does now!! And it seems there's been an unusual side effect of the broken mirror... Why is Liv laughing every time Hazel tickles herself? What the heck is going on!?

Also!! An important question for you all! I have a script for the 7Eves chapters that I follow when I build these pages. That's why I include speech bubbles, but no dialogue; I already know what these characters are saying! But does that make it too hard for you all to follow?

Would you prefer that I add rough dialogue to these pages? Or would you rather wait until the finished pages are shared?

I'll do my best to have a new page to share before the next set of sketch pages drops! I don't imagine there are many more of these left! Perhaps three more sets of six pages? That would bring the chapter to about... sixty pages in length! Hoo boy!! Better get to work on those!

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and thank you, as always, for your support!




Yesss, I love seeing the bigger facial expressions!!!