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Hey, Patreon... This is a big one. Like, the most spoiler-riddled thing I have ever posted. Straight-up, stop reading if this isn't something you wanna see. I just had to get these out of my system.

I'll try not to make posts like this often, but it was important that I explore these ideas so I can better pave the way toward them as I continue developing Hazel & Liv's story. I was extremely secretive about most of the development of previous projects like Memories of Arcadia before, but 7Eves is proving to be something completely different from anything I've ever made.

For the sake of preserving some surprise, I'll be providing no context in these captions this time. But I thank you all for supporting this project so far, and I hope this excites you for the future ahead.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and thank you again for continuing to support me!!




Oh, just destroying hearts and souls out here~ ;w;


As a vampire queen I always anticipate Hallowe'en. This is taking it to another level.