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Hey, Patreon! I decided to say screw it to a title, and just give you guys a fun little piece featuring my new girls, Hazel Woods and Liv Mareluna!

I'd been asked a while back about Hazel's hobbies, seeing as Liv was getting a lot of spotlight early on. Hazel is very much into plants, science, animals... and yoga! The girl is actually extremely flexible, finding it very easy and extremely relaxing to stretch her body as far as she can take it.

Liv, well... Liv makes an attempt. Poor thing!

Until next time, friends, take care, and thank you for your continued support!!




Now, I love me some hippie. Eryn over there wondering when I'm gonna finish something. But if Liv wasn't already there, she's spiritual now. Ever do the presidential physical something or other? The box stretch was the worst! I looked exactly like that! Could run a mile in no time, but ask me to bend? That was the limit.