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Hello, Patreon! I know that the last time I shared a WIP of this piece, I said that it would be the final WIP before the picture was finished... But I've been sitting on the finished colors for this piece for several days now, and it felt wrong to keep them to myself all this time! So I felt it best to go ahead and share them here... especially since I've had an influx of new patrons lately! Hello, everyone!! I hope you enjoy your stay!

As an added bonus for those of you reading, I've decided to go ahead and also share the names of these lovely ladies! You've known them up until now simply as Grammabito and Nanabito, but from the beginning, much like Mamabito was named Renée shortly after being developed, these two have had actual names!

Grammabito (left), mother of Mamabito, is named Charlotte.
Nanabito (right), mother of Papabito, is named Bonnie.

I'll be making a rather important text update shortly! Please consider sharing it around when it's up! And until next time, thank you for your support, and take care, everyone!



Hype Eidos

I LOVE the fact that Nanabito wears toerings~ They seem so fitting for her XD Also!! Just noticed that her rings on her hands match her toe rings!


She wears all KINDS of rings! It wouldn't be my brand if she didn't have some on her toes, too!