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Hey, Patreon! Don't worry, I hate the title, too! Hopefully it's a placeholder, but I'm not focused on that right now!

I had this idea a week or so ago, and had to sketch it up! Mamabito loves to decorate for Toy Day, but decorating comes with annual hassles... Now she's all tangled up in lights! Thankfully, Papabito's just around the corner, willing and able to help, right? ... Right?

This line art actually comes from a f'real traditional sketch I drew in a f'real traditional sketchbook that I keep next to my f'real traditional bed! Take my word for it, these lines are a lot cleaner than the original sketch! I hope to use that sketchbook more often for little ideas like this one, though! Otherwise I may not have drawn this at all!

Until next time, guys, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your continued support!




It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, alright~


"Oh turnips" is a hilariously cute "curse" and the DANG on the tea cup is a fantastic touch. That kneeling position with the feet poking out can make you feel a certain way.


I can't take full credit for "turnips", as it's also an "expletive" used in-game! I thought it would make for a funny visual gag to imply that the cup actually said DANGER, but our viewing angle cuts it off to humorous effect! And yeah... That position always gets me feeling a certain way, too~ Also, did you happen to notice that the mug is no longer steaming in the last panel? That steam is coming off of Finn~