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It's over, Patreon! It's finally finished! One year in the making, Memories of Arcadia has concluded!!

I never could have imagined this comic taking me a literal year, but I gotta tell ya, while I had my fun and learned a great deal through this project, it is so, so good to have seen it through to completion.

And it's finally time for the big reveal! Mamabito's real name is...


Truth be told, while I floated this name early on in the character's development, it wasn't until this comic took off that I made the decision to follow through with it. Memories of Arcadia was always going to be a story about finding and reinventing yourself to be something more. When deciding on a name for my characters, I always look up the meanings of different names I'm considering, to see if there's any inherent symbolism to be had. Curious, I looked up the meaning behind the name "Renée" after my wife had suggested it more than
a year ago, and was awestruck to learn that it means... "reborn".

After that, Mamabito couldn't be anything else. She's been Renée for a year now, and that's how she's gonna stay.

Now, I just wanted to say... Thank you, all of you, for being here and supporting me through this wild project I started on a whim, and managed to see through to the end. It's been a long journey, but I feel like it's been a worthwhile one, with an important message I think a lot of us needed to hear. It can be easy to lose track of the past when life takes hold... But there's no shame in living your life and being you. And, in time, you can always reconnect with those friends who helped you get to where you are today. Good friends can always forgive. And best friends never forget.

Take care of yourselves, everyone. And have a wonderful day. ♥



RextheKobold (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-22 02:53:37 This whole story has been a fun trip and needed distraction from the year we've all had. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)
2021-03-20 17:11:35 This whole story has been a fun trip and needed distraction from the year we've all had. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

This whole story has been a fun trip and needed distraction from the year we've all had. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

FT Genikit

Aww, not only do I get to know her real name, but to actually see how she really felt after finally remembering something very important. Mitzi is right to say that she needs to stop beating herself up, for it's true...she has grown so much. :)