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Hello again, Patreon! Sorry for the delay in comic updates!! This page is a doozy, and it took a lot of doin' for me to muster up the drive to get it all lined. But I have to say... I think this might be some of the cleanest line art I've done for this comic to date! Good thing, too, because the next page will be the last!!

Flats hopefully shouldn't take long, but those lilies-of-the-valley are gonna take a bit longer, since I'll be coloring the lines on those at the very least! I also have another confirmed vacation arriving at the end of the month, and I sure would love to have this page done before that starts! Wish me the best, everyone!!

I know I say this with every update, but I really mean it: thank you for your continued support. I had more patrons join up last month than I have since this page launched. I understand if you can't stick around, but you truly have no idea just how much it helps. My wife and I would have been completely broke for the next week if it weren't for you guys. My most sincere thanks to you all!!

Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you next update!!




That last panel hit me with a lot of feelings... But still, this came out great! I can't wait to see it all finished. Glad to hear you and the missus are hanging in there. Take care, both of you!


It's a very real emotion I'm aiming to capture there at the end, I just hope it doesn't bum people out too bad. The next page oughta make up for it! Thank you, Jay!