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Hey, Patreon! Sorry for the lack of updates for a while! Technically speaking, this line art isn't even finished proper-- still need to draw whoever's doin' the deed!-- but I think you guys have waited long enough for me to share what I've been up to!

As I work up to the next step of Memories of Arcadia, I've decided to revisit an OC I've had for more than fourteen years now, my sweet little albinistic angel, Lilliana Wiesel. Lilli made her debut on my deviantART account when I participated in the Stranded! Summer Swimsuit Spectacular! project, or S4, with my 2007 piece, Mistaken Deity! Would you believe that was also the last time I've drawn this girl getting tickled? One could argue that the last time would actually be Precious in Pink, but that's technically the moment right before the fun really gets started! And even then, that was back in 2009! It's high time she gets her due!!

I don't plan on doing all kindsa crazy shading with this one, something more like my recent Mamabito: The Night is Young image, colored lines and maybe some light shading here and there. Regardless, it's coming down the pipe, and I hope you're all looking forward to it!

Thank you for your continued support, everyone! Take care of yourselves, now!!



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