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Hey, Patreon! Surprised to see me again already? Me, too!! Work on Page Nineteen has already wrapped up! Much, MUCH sooner than expected!! A perfect storm of motivation, free time, and overall enthusiasm have all culminated not only to finish this page, but to introduce this new character!

Now that she's hopped the train to a new town, little Mamabito has met a fresh new face: a sleepy-eyed boy with messy blond hair. He may not look like it, but he's eager to make conversation with his fellow passenger, and it looks like he's succeeded. Now, at least, we'll soon learn young Mamabito's reasons for leaving Arcadia, and precisely what she intends to do next!

Work on Page Twenty will hopefully begin very soon! The most important lesson this story was always meant to impart is finally about to be told!!

Until next time, friends, take care of yourselves, and thank you, as always, for your continued support!!
