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Hello again, Patreon! As I teased before, a WIP of Page Nineteen was already fast-approaching... And here's your first look!!

This page has me especially excited... because I'm ready to introduce a new character into this story! Just who is this sleepy-eyed bedhead boy that young Mamabito has met on the train? Guess we'll have to wait and see!

I had actually sketched up a couple more panels beyond what you see here... But this feels like a good stopping point for this page! This entire scene would make the page much too tall if I managed to squeeze it all in, so we're splitting it apart into two to be safe. And to finish it sooner than the last one!

Look forward to the next update, the line art phase, which will also include cleaner text! Until then, take care, and thank you, as always, for continuing to support me and my work! You guys are the best!!



Jason Levine Artwork

Droopy eyes are best eyes. I can't wait to see this finished!