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Here it is, Patreon! Page Six of Memories of Arcadia is here at last! And it doesn't look like our little Mamabito is getting along in her new home as well as she would like...

Needless to say, this comic is probably gonna bum out a lotta folks having to take it in so slowly, at least before things start to pick back up again. I promise there's a happy ending! But we have just a little more sorrow and helplessness we've gotta push through first!

My $5 patrons and higher have already been made privy to the context of this page, so this hopefully won't hit them so hard! That said, just working on it kinda got me down, so I've taken to drawing some much happier present-day Mamabito content alongside this comic to get me through~ WIP patrons and up have already seen what's to come!

As always, thank you for your continued support! Here's to continuing strong and seeing something for Page Seven very soon!!




Poor Mamabito... =‘/ This comic is FANTASTIC, btw, and you’re deserving of way more support and fans! Looking forward to upping my pledge when finances allow!