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"At last" indeed!! After some harrowing technical difficulties that resulted in me losing a whole night's work, Page Three is finally completed!!

This page establishes some important stuff!

  • First of all... We've now been officially been introduced to Mamabito as a villager!
  • Second, the children now have names!! Meet Leif and Molly, who are twin brother and sister!
  • Third, we'll occasionally be seeing both our storyteller as well as her audience interject and make comments throughout; Mamabito's text will be in the green speech bubbles, Leif's will be in blue, and Molly's in pink.

And, while it's not important, there is a fourth thing established here, and it's a gag I intend to carry through to the very end of this comic. Because I like to be a frustrating little tease sometimes, too~

Please enjoy, and look forward to the upcoming Page Four next week, with any luck!!




This is a fantastic project - super cute ‘n full of expression. Well done so far! ^_^