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As you can undoubtedly imagine, with the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield just a few weeks ago, I've been on a bit of a Pokémon kick! The game is great fun, all the new critters are incredible, and, as always, Game Freak delivered and brought us some incredibly charming new trainers. And none gave me the warm fuzzies and had me smiling as much as the adorable new Backpacker!

I had to finally sit down and draw this cutie for myself, and as you can see, it's already very nearly done! But I simply couldn't resist taking advantage of that particular facial expression she makes after losing in battle, so this one will also be getting a very simple tickling variant!

So, I'm sure my NSFW patrons are wondering: What about the Kurenai piece? Not to worry! This was just something to take the edge off so I could stay active and not drop out of the art game for weeks, a bad habit I admittedly fall into from time to time. I've learned that if I continue to act on a whim and draw as I please, I can actually stay a lot more productive and not burn out over a single drawing! Work will continue on the Kurenai piece as soon as this one is finished!

This is SO CLOSE to being done, I wish I could stay up later and keep working! But I need to sleep up for work in the morning! Expect this to be the ONLY WIP, as the next update will be the finished product! Until then, everyone!!



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