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FULL MATCH - Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles vs. LA Knight - REACTION

Watch "FULL MATCH - Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles vs. LA Knight - REACTION" on Streamable.


Josh Lomax

One thing I'll say about your reactions I've noticed. You talk over the commentary alot. You always mention how you don't know the story or the rules, or whatever but the commentary team has been talking about it. Like they mentioned that the first person to get the pin or submission wins the match three times BEFORE the chat told you when you were confused, but you were talking over it. The commentary is part of the experience. They are there to tell you what's going on and to explain the story fir those who haven't been watching. Obviously if you're reacting to something being said or done on screen, causing you yo miss something that's one thing hut alot of the time you're talking about or doing random things that really have nothing to do with what's going on, while I believe if you let yourself just sit and watch, giving natural reactions you'll learn more and understand more about what's going on, other than the physical movements being performed. Wrestling is 50% physical, 50% story so you're missing half of the experience

Ian Beausejour

This is her first PPV. I don’t think she’s seen more than 10 full matches. I get your point but she’s learning fast, and also, being a reaction page, she has to “react” aka talk lol


AJ Styles is incredible, 5 star matches, the best 3 match series in John Cena's career, the bedrock of TNA back in the 2000s, and an incredible WWE career to boot. No doubt one of the best of the 21st century


when he first showed up I was like ' I dunno what the hype is about with this wrestler' but then he corrected me 😅