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Iyo Sky vs. Bayley (WWE Women's Championship) WrestleMania 40. Wrestlemania Night 2 Reaction.




Iyo Sky vs. Bayley (WWE Women's Championship) WrestleMania 40 - Reaction

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Definitely my favorite match of the evening, but I might not be very impartial. :D The last few minutes I loved most because I could see a lot of the old Io Shirai come back. I hope we'll see more of her soon. Soooo, let me fanboy a bit. IYO SKY, or as she was known for most of her career, IO SHIRAI, is or at least was the greatest female wrestler in the world. She was the ace of STARDOM (a very highly regarded japanese female wrestling company), she had won everything there was to win (at one time held 4 titles at once), was named female wrestler of the year from japanese sports magazine three years in a row and then she started anew in the US at NXT, where she had one of the greatest title reigns of the women's division. There's a lot more I could list, but short fact is, that she's in my opinion the female pendant to Rey Mysterio (who she calls her idol and inspiration) who himself was my hero when I was a kid. :D If you would like to dig a little deeper, there are two pretty cool matches of her. First, an intergender match against Pentagon Dark (who's a very well known Mexican wrestler, currently in AEW), which might be rough to watch for you, but shows how tough IYO is: https://youtu.be/ZiT1W7rgMmM Second is a match for STARDOMs world championship, where IYO defended the title against Mayu Iwatani, who herself can be named as one of the best wrestlers in the world. This match is one of my all time greatest matches to watch because these two are just amazing athletes and have great chemistry: https://youtu.be/-OYiiK8tf3k (match starts at about 6:30 mins)

David Clark

Fun context to the chant: https://youtu.be/l3WwK0ffit4?si=6LSCe-sTFcFAEYSV