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In the moonlit expanse, Ultraman Neos engages in a battle of epic proportions against the otherworldly Silver Bloome. However, as the confrontation unfolds, Neos finds himself ensnared by the sinister tentacles of the alien invader. Will he succumb to the eldritch powers that seek to twist his heroism into an eternal nightmare?

PS: Happy New Year! To celebrate, it is only appropriate that I make this story free for everyone for a fresh start and set the mood.

Yes, I am expanding to the Ultraman series too! More to come, don’t you worry!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:


Ken K


Ty smith





Robert Terwillger

Matt Thomas

Daniel K


Neos up!

As Genki Kagura arrived at the HEART Moon Base, the sheer awe of its advanced technology and cosmic marvels filled him with amazement. He marveled at the state-of-the-art facilities, realizing the enormity of humanity's reach into the cosmos. However, the excitement was short-lived as the tranquility of the lunar outpost was shattered by blaring alarms, signaling an unforeseen anomaly.

"This place is incredible! I never imagined we could achieve such feats," Genki marveled, his eyes wide with wonder.

His amazement was abruptly cut short as the observation windows revealed a nightmare unfolding above the lunar surface. A monstrous jellyfish-like entity, Silver Bloome, descended upon the moon base, casting a shadow of dread over the once-hopeful recruits.

"What... what is that thing?" Genki questioned, his amazement turning into horrified disbelief.

Ultraman Neos, the cosmic guardian residing within Genki, recognized the cosmic horror that threatened them. Through a mental connection, Neos conveyed the impending danger to his human host.

"That's Silver Bloome, a cosmic aberration with an insatiable hunger. We must act quickly to save them!" Neos urgently spoke in Genki's mind.

The atmosphere shifted from amazement to horror as the spaceship carrying young cadets was ensnared by Silver Bloome's gravitational pull.

"Help us! We're being pulled in!" pleaded one of the cadets.

"It's crushing the ship! We can't escape!" cried the other.

The cadets' pleas echoed in Genki's mind, their faces twisted in terror. The cosmic horror that unfolded before them was beyond their comprehension.

"We need to do something!" Genki exclaimed, the urgency gripping his heart.

"Hold on, cadets! We won't let this creature take you!" Neos reassured, the resonance of determination cutting through the chaos.

With urgency gripping his heart, Genki underwent a profound transformation. In an instant, he became Ultraman Neos, ready to confront the eldritch monster and face the unspeakable horrors that awaited them on the lunar surface.

"It's Silver Bloome, a devourer of worlds. Brace yourself, Genki. We're in for a cosmic battle," warned Neos as they soared toward the cosmic abyss where Silver Bloome threatened to consume the ill-fated spaceship.

The once-amazing HEART Moon Base became a silent witness to the unfolding cosmic tragedy. Little did they know that this encounter would plunge them into a nightmarish abyss of despair, forever altering the fabric of their existence.

In the lunar expanse, Ultraman Neos engages in a battle of epic proportions against the otherworldly Silver Bloome. However, as the confrontation unfolds, Neos finds himself ensnared by the sinister tentacles of the alien invader. Will he succumb to the eldritch powers that seek to twist his heroism into an eternal nightmare?

An eerie light illuminated the moon's barren surface as Ultraman Neos faced the terrifying Silver Bloome. In its disguise as a flying saucer, the extraterrestrial creature had threatened a nearby HEART lunar base, prompting a counterattack by the giant Earth defender fighting against all its wicked might. Gazing upon the towering, crimson jellyfish-like monster sent shivers down the spine of Ultraman Neos host Genki Kagura.

Genki shouted "Ultraman Neos!" while raising the Estrellar. Prepared to face the extraterrestrial terror, Neos emerged from the light bands.

Neos held out his hands in the standard posture for his Neos knuckle shell. As the energy burst, Silver Bloome's tentacles deflected the onslaught in an unsettling way. The energy that the tentacles had absorbed abruptly surged back through them and struck Neos, terrifying him. Genki gripped his teeth in agony as his own attack backfired.

"This isn't right," Genki muttered, his voice trembling with fear. "Our attacks are only making it stronger."

In the sky, Silver Bloome revealed its upcoming terrible action. Because Neos could no longer see it, it shrank to a microscopic size. While surveying the lunar landscape, the hero was oblivious to the impending danger. Out of nowhere, Silver Bloome resized itself and manifested inside Neos' body.

A cry of dread came from Genki as she yelled out, "Ambush!" as the pain tore through Neos. The alien invader ripped Neos' flesh asunder, leaving a horrible scar. Genki experienced excruciating pain as cosmic energy, which resembled blood, spurted out of the wound as a result of the alien invasion.

Genki caught on, saying, "It's inside us," when he almost passed out. That cannot happen again.

The lunar atmosphere was shrouded in an unpleasant mist as Silver Bloome took pleasure in its astute tactics. Neos charged his Ultra-Light-Lunger as a counterattack was being organized. Due to the distortion of the energy induced by the mist, the once-accurate arrowhead abruptly turned into chaotic beams that spiraled out of control. After being struck by the twisted energy, Neos staggered backward.

"Oh no! We are unable to concentrate our assaults," Genki moaned. "It's playing with our powers."

The Neo Magnium Beam was about to be summoned when Silver Bloome put up a telekinetic barrier. The golden beam was deflected back towards Neos as the protection shield rendered it useless. Neos was caught off guard by the unexpected counterattack, and the impact of his own attack sent him tumbling to the lunar surface.

"We need a strategy, Genki. This creature is influencing our attempts to subdue it." Neos's voice resounded in Genki's thoughts.

To which Genki responded, "I know," his tone betraying his growing irritation. "We need to exploit its weaknesses somehow."

Genki ordered Neos to shoot a flood of Magnium Beams at Silver Bloome, his expression betraying his desperation. The lunar landscape was illuminated by the powerful energy bullets, but Silver Bloome drew them all within itself with its Vacuum Eater. Absorbing and amplifying the energy, the extraterrestrial creature unleashed a devastating retaliation.

Genki yelled out in a frantic "No, no, no!" as the enhanced energy slammed into Neos, sending shockwaves screaming across the lunar surface. Weak and wounded, Neos strained to stand, the once-optimistic combat transforming into a nightmare.

A wicked, resonant laugh from Silver Bloome, who now towered over the prostrate hero, said in Neos’ own voice, "Your resistance is futile, Ultraman Neos. I am the harbinger of destruction, and your powers will become part of me!"

Genki, who was barely conscious, begged Neos to stand up. "We can't give up. We have to find a way to break through its defenses."

Realizing the ineffectiveness of conventional energy attacks, Neos shifted his strategy to a more physical approach. With precision and determination, he unleashed a flurry of strikes aimed at dismantling the alien threat. Each punch and kick carried the weight of cosmic might, creating shockwaves that reverberated across the desolate landscape.

Silver Bloome, however, was not to be outdone. The invading entity unleashed its cunning counterstrategy – barbed tentacles, now minuscule and infused with neurotoxin poisons. As Neos closed in for a powerful blow, the tentacles swiftly and silently ensnared him, wrapping around his limbs with a sinister grace.

"Argh! Poisoned!" Genki's cry echoed through their shared cosmic consciousness. The toxins surged through Neos's celestial form, corrupting his energy and sapping his strength. The once-effective physical strategy had now become a double-edged sword, turning their advantage into a perilous challenge.

Undeterred by the poisoning, Neos fought on, his movements becoming more erratic as the neurotoxins took their toll. Each strike carried with it not only the force of cosmic power but also the struggle against the encroaching paralysis. The lunar surface bore witness to a cosmic ballet of combat and desperation, as Neos grappled with the insidious tentacles, trying to break free from their toxic grip.

"Genki, we can't let this poison defeat us. We must press on!" Neos's resolute voice echoed within their shared mindscape. Despite the adversity, the hero's determination burned bright. Each exertion against the tentacles was a testament to his unwavering will.

As the battle unfolded, Silver Bloome reveled in its calculated strategy. The malevolent entity's gelatinous form undulated with perverse delight, its underbelly tentacles responding to Neos's every move. The cosmic dance between hero and villain continued, with the lunar landscape bearing witness to their struggle.

Genki, attuned to Neos's every thought and sensation, grappled with the shared pain of the poisoning. "Neos, we're in this together. We can overcome this," he urged, his voice a comforting anchor amidst the cosmic tempest.

Neos, fueled by the collective strength of their bond, pressed forward. Each blow against the tentacles was met with a surge of resistance, but the hero fought on. The lunar dust stirred with the intensity of their cosmic clash, a dance of light and shadow against the desolate backdrop.

In the face of adversity, Neos summoned a burst of cosmic energy, attempting to break free from the entangling tentacles. The air crackled with the release of celestial power, but Silver Bloome responded with an unsettling intelligence. The tentacles tightened their grip, constricting around Neos with a vengeful tenacity.

"Genki, I won't let us fall here," Neos declared, his voice strained but resolute. Despite the encroaching paralysis and the relentless assault of the tentacles, the hero's spirit burned brightly.

With the physical toll and the invisible poison flowing through his cosmic veins, Neos staggered as the lunar dust settled. He had no idea that the poisonous mixture intended to warp and corrupt his magnesium energy had been brought to him by Silver Bloome's barbed tentacles.

Neos tightened his grip, getting ready for yet another attack. Still, the poison set in as he swung his Neos Knuckle Shell around. The energy bursts, which were previously very accurate, began to emit random patterns and completely missed their intended target. As they drew the warped energy and sent it hurtling back toward Neos, the tentacles appeared to pulse sinisterly.

As the diverted energy hit Neos, a sharp ache surged through him. Genki Kagura, confined to the Estrellar, felt the full force of the strike; the anguish intensified by his bond with Neos. As Genki clenched his jaw and tried to make sense of this sinister attack, beads of cosmic sweat sprang on his forehead.

"Neos, this never happened before," Genki said, his voice resonating within the metal structure of the Estrellar. "Our attacks... they're not under our control. It's like the energy itself has turned against us."

A red behemoth, appearing unfazed, stretched out its tentacles once more. The corruption within Neos' energy core intensified with each stroke, which gave him a fresh dose of poison. Silver Bloome took pleasure in its strategic approach as the fight went on, manipulating Neos into his own downfall without his knowledge.

The words "Fight through it, Neos!" came out of Genki's mouth in an exasperated tone. "We can't let this thing manipulate us."

Still, Neos's strikes deteriorated from tremendous bursts of energy to increasingly clumsy motions as time went on. The tentacles persisted in their attack, infusing Neos with venom that sapped his strength and mental fortitude.

Silver Bloom's strategy change was a harsh twist. Neos thought he had the upper hand when it retreated somewhat. Neos, seeing an opening, sprinted forward, trying an ultra-flying kick. Still, they were feeling the effects of the poison. Once a sign of deadly power, Neos was left defenseless as the kick faltered in mid-air.

At that same moment, Silver Bloome grabbed control and entangled Neos with its long, sharp tentacles. As they encircled the hero, the venomous tentacles tightened their hold. Neos, ensnared and diminished, fought valiantly against the unrelenting onslaught.

"Neos, break free!" Genki yelled, his voice resonating through the Estrellar. "We can't let it control us like this."


As the cosmic horror unfolded, the lunar surface witnessed Silver Bloom's unleashing of the Desolution Mist, its crimson tendrils rising toward the stars. The moon, clearly visible before, was obscured by a sickening haze that filled the air. As the haze expanded, Neos felt danger approaching, and his gut told him something was wrong.

“ARGH!” shouted both Genki and Ultraman Neos as the burst of Desolution Mist hit and enshrouded them. In an instant, the heroic giant felt unimaginable pain with a single touch as the evil substance violated his cosmic figure. An apocalyptic embrace was embraced by him as the otherworldly strands of the Desolution Mist cocooned him. A sudden scorch was felt on Neos's cosmic skin as he was briefly dazzled by the dense haze.

But the mist was more than a mere physical threat. The moment it touched Neos, it combined with his magnetic energy, causing a sinister synergy that sent the hero spiraling into despair. With the menacing touch of the mist, the poison flowing through his veins became more potent, and the corrosive consequences were hastened.

Feeling the pain that Neos felt, Genki scowled inside the Estrellar. "It's... it's eating away at us, Genki. The mist is corrupting our energy."

However, Neos's effort to call upon his Ultra Multi-Beam was thwarted by the ethereal mist. The controlled burst never happened; the beams instead spiraled out of control and crashed onto the lunar surface in all sorts of random patterns. An extraterrestrial spectacle of chaos was created as the warped beams reflected off the rocky terrain.

“We’re starting to lose control, Genki,” Neos moaned, his voice strained from the vicious attack. "I can't fight back."

For Neos, the nightmare scenario was made even worse by the presence of mist and poison. As his nimble and powerful frame buckled under the constant assault, every step became a fight. The cosmic energy that had been his source of power appeared to be dwindling with each passing second, exposing him to greater danger.

Worse, his very appearance became defiled by the evil mist. Ultraman Neos’ silvery skin became a patch of sickening yellowish hue matching the invading smog that infected him. His vibrant crimson details became murky and faded with more and more deterioration. His heroism became miserable.

As it saw its heavenly enemy suffer, Silver Bloome let out a haunting cry that sounded like faraway cosmic mourning. The mist hung over Neos like a ghostly figure, now drenched in corrupted magnesium energy. The hero's once-luminous figure, now shrouded in a macabre haze, testified to the domination of Silver Bloome's sinister influence.

“Neos, we must not allow it to destroy us.” Genki pleaded with all his might.

The rallying cry wasn't enough to save Neos from the toxic fog. The tainted magnesium energy was opposing him every time he tried to direct it. A cosmic conflict between the unyielding forces of evil and a once-mighty hero unfolded on the moonscape, illuminated by an unsettling light.

Neos was charging for a last, desperate counterattack when Silver Bloome, its shape vibrating with dark energy, detected him. As it awaited the hero's action, a diabolical awareness shimmered within its scarlet threads. His voice betraying his desperation and willpower, Genki Kagura pushed Neos to give it his all.

As Neos focused his magnesium energy on the Neo Magnium Beam, the golden aura around him grew stronger. As if the impending collision of celestial titans could be felt on the surface, the lunar landscape quivered. But in its wicked wisdom, Silver Bloome created a twisted countermeasure.

With her telekinetic barrier, Silver Bloome which was in sync with the cosmic forces appeared just as Neos unleashed the strong golden beam. In an otherworldly glimmer, the barrier came into being, encasing the extraterrestrial threat in an impenetrable shield. Once a symbol of Neos' mighty strength, the Neo Magnium Beam crashed with the invisible force, causing a rippling effect of warped energy.

In an act of deliberate malignancy, the telekinetic barrier did more than just block the Neo Magnium Beam; it also sent it hurtling back to where it came from. Unprepared for the sudden change, Neos tried to dodge the redirected energy, but by then it had already done its damage. The intensity of the golden beam's impact exceeded that of his own onslaught.

The misdirected Neo Magnium Beam crashed into Neos, causing a cosmic explosion on the lunar surface. Crashing against the rocky landscape, the once-majestic hero was thrown backward, engulfed in a blinding cascade of golden light. The impact reverberated across the moon, a clear indication of Silver Bloom's immense power.

"Neos!" Genki exclaimed, her voice betraying a mix of astonishment and anxiety. Like the whirlwind of feelings swirling around in Genki's head, the Estrellar trembled under the force of the blow.

Above the fallen hero, Silver Bloome hung, its tentacles swaying with a satanic delight. A battlefield characterized by cosmic chaos was left behind as the telekinetic barrier disintegrated. With his cosmic energy pulsating like a fading star, Neos fought to rise, feeble and bewildered.

Despite the dire conditions, Genki remained resolute and persuaded Neos to rise up again. "We can't let it end like this, Neos."

But Silver Bloome's strategic moves appeared to weaken the hero's customary stamina. In addition to weakening Neos, the telekinetic reversal had planted doubt seeds within his cosmic essence. The unwavering protector of Earth was suddenly defenseless, caught in the tangle of his own abilities that had turned against him.

Then, Silver Bloome’s bulky jellyfish bell-like main body unleashed bright flashes of fiendish corruption energy that blinded Ultraman Neos into utter panic and write of pain. As if the agony wasn’t enough for the evil floating alien, it zapped Neos with the same energy right into his eyes. His entire body became jerky and twitching in his place, his muscles stiffened and spasming as his heroic journey came to a pathetic end. Even Genki inside the Estrellar crystal felt this doom.

“No! Not like this! Please!” begged the young heroes together.



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