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Prepare to be haunted by a nightmarish tale as the brave Kyoryugers - especially Nossan, Ian, and Daigo - face unimaginable terror! The malevolent Dogold, aided by the corrupted Utsusemimaru, concocts a sinister plan to trap the very souls of our valiant heroes!

As the heroes unknowingly venture deeper into the abyss, Utsusemimaru reveals a horrifying vision of their tragic future. Dogold, with sadistic delight, prepares prisons designed to entrap the very essence of the Kyoryugers, leaving them bound to eternal torment!

In the shadowy corners of despair, the Kyoryugers will struggle to resist the impending doom. Shackled by their own insecurities, they confront a distorted reflection of their once-heroic selves. The Greek tragedy masks, laced with malevolence, whisper false memories, chipping away at the foundations of their identities.

As Dogold's twisted plot unfolds, the Kyoryugers' spirits waver, and darkness threatens to consume them. Their grim journey leads to a haunting encounter with their own deepest fears and desires. They are powerless against the relentless grip of evil, facing a cataclysmic battle for their very souls.

In a world where hope seems distant, the Kyoryugers must muster every ounce of strength to resist the abyss that beckons. Can they escape the clutches of Dogold's diabolical scheme, or are they destined to be mumbling prisoners inside metallic cages?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:


Robert Terwillger


Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




Mask up your sins!

Chapter 1: Unveiling the Grim Masks: A Horrifying Threat to the Kyoryugers!

Inside their brightly-colored underground lair, a stark contrast to the grimness of their discussion, the Kyoryugers gathered around a large stone table. Torin's sacrifice had provided them with the powerful team cannon, but the revelation of Utsusemimaru trapped inside Dogold's malevolent armor had left them puzzled and uneasy.

Yayoi, the brilliant KyoryuViolet, spoke with a heavy heart. "That person inside the armor is none other than Utsusemimaru, the legendary KyoryuGold from medieval Japan. This explains Dogold's golden armor and immense power. He must have absorbed Utsusemimaru's abilities."

Nossan, the enthusiastic KyoryuBlue, clenched his fists in frustration. "We were fighting our own comrade all along! This is insane!"

Souji, the youngest member and KyoryuGreen, nodded solemnly. "But why would Dogold do this? What’s his end goal?"

Before they could contemplate further, a chilling sensation washed over them. Unbeknownst to the Kyoryugers, Dogold stood outside the lair with a horde of Zorima footsoldiers. He traced the magical sigil on a nearby manhole cover, a dark smile stretching across his face. This sigil was their secret means of teleportation, a gateway to their sanctuary.

"We shall end the Kyoryugers tonight!" Dogold's voice resonated through the empty streets, cold and menacing.

Back inside, Yayoi's eyes widened in realization. "He knows about our hideout! Brace yourselves; they're coming for us!"

As the ground beneath them rumbled, the team hastily assembled in a defensive stance. The looming threat of Dogold's arrival was spine-chilling.

Amy, KyoryuPink in her formidable skintight costume, tightened her grip on her Gaburivolver. "We can't let him destroy everything Torin sacrificed for! We have to fight back!"

Ian, the stoic KyoryuBlack, readied his weapon with determination. "We stand together, as a team, against any adversary. Let's show them the strength of our unity!"

With a deafening crash, the Zorima and Dogold materialized within the lair. Their eerie presence filled the cavernous space, drowning it in darkness.

Dogold's eyes glinted with malicious delight. "Kyoryugers, your days of resistance end here. Embrace the fear and despair that I bring!"

A tense battle ensued, with the Kyoryugers fighting valiantly against the relentless horde of Zorima. However, Dogold's insidious power seemed to grow with each passing moment, and his twisted laughter echoed through the lair.

Nobuharu, KyoryuBlue, grunted as he launched a fierce attack. "We won't be defeated by you, Dogold!"

But Dogold's laughter only grew louder. "Oh, the naivety of you all! Your futile efforts entertain me!"

The Kyoryugers found themselves locked in a fierce and cramped battle within their lair against the menacing Dogold and his grotesque Zorima foot soldiers. The walls seemed to close in as the heroes fought desperately to free Utsusemimaru and protect themselves from the onslaught of their enemies.

In their spandex-clad, helmeted, and armed Kyoryuger Sentai forms, the team unleashed their power, their vibrant colors contrasting against the darkness that surrounded them. The room reverberated with the clash of weapons and the acrobatic movements of the Kyoryugers.

Daigo, the brave KyoryuRed, momentarily wished for more space to maneuver before Dogold's sword sent him hurtling against the unforgiving wall. Shaking off the impact, he pushed himself back into the fight, his determination undeterred. "Is that the best you've got, Dogold?" he taunted, a hint of sarcasm lacing his voice. "I expected more from a so-called 'powerful' villain!"

Dogold, a megalomaniac to the core, sneered at the Kyoryugers' resistance. His voice echoed mockingly through the lair. "Oh, look at you, little dino heroes. How adorably stupid." His tone dripped with arrogance, relishing in the heroes' predicament. "But soon, you shall lick my glory hole just like all the others who dared challenge the might of the Deboss Army!"

Undeterred by Dogold's taunts, the remaining Kyoryugers rallied together, their determination unwavering. They charged at Dogold, their weapons gleaming as they sought to dismantle his armored form, piece by piece.

With agility and precision, they skillfully evaded Dogold's sword strikes, their movements synchronized and fluid. As they chipped away at his defenses, a glimmer of hope ignited within their hearts. The battle danced on a razor's edge, their resolve pushing them forward.

Yayoi, the valiant female KyoryuViolet and the team's genius, shouted encouragement to her comrades as they proceeded with their plan. "Keep going! We're making progress!" she exclaimed, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes inside her Plesiosaur-themed heroic helmet. The Kyoryugers fought with a synchronicity that came from their unwavering trust in one another.

Their tactic seemed to be working. The Kyoryugers showcased their agility and precision, evading their opponents' strikes and methodically disassembling Dogold's formidable armor. As they made each successful strike, a sense of hope reverberated within their hearts, fueling their determination to see the battle through to the end.

But just as hope began to take hold, Dogold's frustration reached its boiling point. With a mighty thrust of his sword, he plunged it into the ground, causing a violent shockwave to ripple through the lair. The Kyoryugers were thrown off balance, crashing into the walls, their bodies bruised and their spirits shaken.

"D-Don't... give in!" Amy, the brave KyoryuPink, gasped, trying to catch her breath. "We... can still... fight!"

It was clear that their optimism was short-lived. The exhaustion from the shockwave washed over them as they struggled to regain their footing. Their weary eyes widened in disbelief as they gazed upon the scene unfolding before them.

To their shock and dismay, new copies of Dogold materialized within the lair. These duplicates, dubbed Dogilden, stood alongside their master, their eyes gleaming with malevolence. Dogold's voice resonated with chilling certainty. "Meet my loyal Dogilden copies, Kyoryugers. Just as I captured and enslaved Utsusemimaru within my armor, I shall do the same to each and every one of you!"

A mixture of anger and determination flashed across Daigo's face. "We won't let you imprison us!" he declared, his voice ringing with defiance. "We fight for justice and freedom!"

The room became a battleground once more as the exhausted Kyoryugers found themselves facing not only Dogold but a horde of his insidious copies. Each strike and counterstrike carried the weight of their weariness, but the heroes refused to yield.

As they clashed with their adversaries, Yayoi's mind raced with possibilities. She knew they had to find a way to turn the tide of the battle. "Focus on their hollow interiors!" she called out, her voice a beacon of determination. "Expose their weakness, and we can overcome this!"

Renewed by their shared purpose, the Kyoryugers fought with renewed vigor. They coordinated their attacks, seeking to exploit the vulnerable points of the Dogilden copies. Blow after blow landed with precision, inching them closer to victory.

Yet, fatigue threatened to drag them down, their muscles screaming for respite. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they mustered their final reserves of strength. But the Kyoryugers drew strength from one another, their bonds providing the foundation for their unyielding spirit.

Daigo locked eyes with his teammates, his voice carrying a mixture of exhaustion and unwavering resolve. "Nothing’s gonna tame the Kyoryugers’ wild spirit!"

In their spandex-clad, helmeted, and armed Kyoryuger Sentai forms, the team unleashed their power, their vibrant colors contrasting against the darkness that surrounded them. The room reverberated with the clash of weapons and the acrobatic movements of the Kyoryugers.

But amidst the chaos, tragedy struck. Nobuharu, the valiant KyoryuBlue, found himself overwhelmed by a Dogilden living demonic armor, while Ian, the unwavering KyoryuBlack, was hammered by another copy, slashing across his chest. Their cries of pain echoed through the lair, mingling with Utsusemimaru's anguished screams from within Dogold's armor.

The sight of their fallen comrades shook the remaining Kyoryugers to their core. Daigo, the steadfast KyoryuRed, could feel the team's unity shattering as each hero fought their own battle, their exhaustion and pain eroding their focus.

Gritting his teeth, Daigo shouted to Yayoi, the resourceful KyoryuViolet, urging her to bring the team together. "Violet, We must regroup! Find a way to unite us and bring an end to Dogold's reign!"

Amy's mind raced, searching for a solution amidst the chaos. With determination burning in her eyes, she shouted back, "We need to remove Dogold's armor! That's the key to freeing Utsusemimaru and turning the tide!"

The Kyoryugers fought with renewed vigor, their weapons striking with precision and purpose. Each blow landed with a collective will, chipping away at Dogold's formidable armor. Their teamwork, born from a shared purpose, shone through, weaving a tapestry of determination and unity.

The battle between the Kyoryugers and the Zorima foot soldiers intensified, the air thick with the clash of weapons and the cries of defiance. The heroes moved with a synchronicity that belied their exhaustion, their movements a symphony of calculated strikes and swift dodges.

As the battle raged on, the Kyoryugers found themselves locked in an intricate dance of combat. Their minds and bodies strained under the weight of the relentless onslaught. Yet, they fought on, their spirits unwavering.

Amy's eyes narrowed as she spotted an opening amidst the chaos. With a swift and decisive strike, she managed to disarm one of the Zorima foot soldiers. Sensing an opportunity, she lunged forward, grappling with the creature, her determination burning bright. With a surge of strength, she tore away a piece of Dogold's armor, exposing a vulnerable spot.

The Kyoryugers caught sight of Amy's success and seized the moment. Together, they unleashed a barrage of attacks, each blow aimed at dismantling Dogold's armor bit by bit. Their weapons clashed with a resounding force, sending sparks flying and the echoes of victory reverberating through the lair.

But Dogold, sensing the threat to his dominion, retaliated with a renewed fury. His strikes became more powerful and unpredictable, his demonic armor pulsating with malevolence. The Kyoryugers had to remain vigilant, their focus tested in the face of adversity.

Utsusemimaru's anguished screams echoed through the lair, serving as a constant reminder of the stakes at hand. The Kyoryugers fought not only for themselves but also to save their trapped comrade. Their determination burned bright, fueling their every move.

Yet, despite their valiant efforts, the Kyoryugers found themselves outnumbered and overwhelmed. Fatigue settled in, weighing heavy on their battered bodies. They needed a plan, a way to escape the confines of the lair and regroup.

Daigo's voice rang out above the chaos. "We can't continue like this," he shouted, his voice filled with urgency. "We need to retreat, find a new battlefield!"

Amy nodded in agreement. "To the quarry!" she exclaimed. "We can teleport there and use the open space to our advantage."

With the last reserves of their strength, the exhausted Kyoryugers activated their teleportation devices. In a flash of light, they vanished from the lair, their bodies disintegrating into particles and reassembling in the desolate quarry.

As they stumbled upon arrival, their bodies bruised and wearied, they took in their new surroundings. The vast open field offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to regroup and plan their next move.

But as they steadied themselves, Daigo's heart sank. Nobuharu, the valiant KyoryuBlue, was nowhere to be seen. It dawned on them that he had been left behind, captured by the clutches of the Dogilden copy.

Shock and guilt washed over the team. Their eyes met, each reflecting a mixture of grief and determination. Daigo's voice trembled as he spoke, his anguish evident.

"We won't leave you behind, Blue," he vowed, his voice laced with determination. "We'll find a way to rescue you. We're in this together."






Nobuharu, the fearless KyoryuBlue, found himself locked in a fierce battle with a Dogilden copy. Despite his exhaustion, he pushed forward with unwavering resolve. However, the vile creature was relentless, its blows striking with precision and force.

As Nobuharu defended himself, he momentarily lost focus. In that critical moment, Dogold seized the opportunity, removing his mask to reveal the anguished face of Utsusemimaru trapped within. A scream of agony echoed through the lair, piercing Nobuharu's heart.

"D-Don't... hurt him!" Nobuharu's voice wavered, his gaze locked on Utsusemimaru's tormented expression. His hesitation proved costly, as the Dogilden copy delivered a powerful blow that sent him crashing into the wall.

Pain radiated through Nobuharu's body as he struggled to rise. He could feel the weight of his injuries, his strength waning with each passing moment. But his determination burned bright, and he refused to let despair take hold.

As he staggered to his feet, Nobuharu glanced around, only to see his teammates engaged in their own battles. The Kyoryugers were fighting desperately, their focus scattered as they grappled with their individual adversaries.

In a cruel twist, the Dogilden copy that had bested Nobuharu grew larger, its demonic armor expanding to envelop him. It reached out with a metallic hand, its grip like a vice, seizing his leg before he could escape.

"No!" Nobuharu cried out, his voice filled with desperation. He clawed at the encroaching armor, his fingers slipping against the cold metal. But it was futile. The Dogilden's grip tightened, its strength far greater than his own.

With a brutal yank, the Dogilden copy dragged Nobuharu toward its hollow interior. He thrashed and fought, his every movement a desperate attempt to break free. But it was as if the armor itself had come alive, its insidious design designed to subjugate and imprison.

Nobuharu's struggles grew weaker as he was forcibly sucked into the armor. Darkness closed in around him, his vision reduced to a narrow tunnel. His body felt heavy and sluggish, as if being drained of energy and life itself.

As KyoryuBlue struggled against the suffocating grip of the Dogilden, his voice trembled, and his words stuttered with a mix of fear and determination.

"I... I won't be... your slave," he stammered, his voice laced with defiance. "I am a... Kyoryuger, a defender of justice!"

Inside the confines of the Dogilden armor, Nobuharu could hear a chorus of eerie whispers, an ethereal symphony of malevolence that echoed within his mind. He tried to block them out, to find strength in his resolve, but the whispers grew louder, their influence seeping into his thoughts.

"No... That's not... true," KyoryuBlue protested, his voice faltering. He struggled to hold onto the truth, to resist the invasive whispers that threatened to corrupt his very essence.

With a sinister smile, Dogold removed his mask, exposing the corrupted face of Utsusemimaru, the once-noble KyoryuGold. Utsusemimaru's voice echoed through the lair, filled with self-loathing and anguish. He screamed about his failure, branding himself a clown in his mind. Utsusemimaru's anguished screams joined the haunting chorus, intermingling with the whispers. They tugged at Nobuharu's heart, fueling his determination to break free from this nightmarish prison.

Utsusemimaru's voice echoed through the lair, filled with anguish and self-loathing. "I failed as KyoryuGold," he shouted, his words cutting through Nobuharu's faltering spirit. "We are nothing more than pitiful clowns who are forever humiliated by our owners."

Nobuharu's heart sank as he absorbed the weight of Utsusemimaru's words. Doubt gnawed at his resolve, his belief in their heroic mission teetering on the edge of collapse. The false memories played like a cruel tapestry in his mind, showcasing the Kyoryugers as nothing more than entertainment for their enemies.

Within the Dogilden prison, the stifling air reeked of despair. The vivid scene of his comrades' transformation into clown freaks, their vibrant costumes stained with humiliation, haunted Nobuharu's thoughts. It seemed as though there was no escape, no way to break free from this twisted reality.

Nobuharu's thoughts stuttered, his once confident voice now trembling with fear. "I... I can't believe this... How did we become clowns for the Deboss Army?" he stammered, his words barely escaping his lips.

Without him realizing it, Nobuharu's helmet visor was forced open, exposing him to the putrid stench of the interior. The foul odor filled his nostrils, mingling with the already weakened state of his mind, further eroding his resistance. As the noxious fumes seeped into his consciousness, Nobuharu's thoughts grew hazy, his perception distorted. The false memories began to intertwine with his fragmented reality, blurring the lines between truth and illusion.

The sinister metallic interior spread its grip, forming shackles that coiled around KyoryuBlue's neck, wrists, ankles, and other vulnerable parts of his body. These malevolent restraints tightened, constricting his movements and asserting control over his weakened form. The cold touch of the shackles jolted Nobuharu. With each tightening, his freedom diminished, and his defiance felt futile against the overwhelming power of the Dogilden prison.

The shackles bit into his flesh, leaving painful marks and reminding him of his vulnerability. His once nimble movements were now hindered, his range of motion reduced to a mere fraction of what it once was. KyoryuBlue's limbs, once strong and agile, were now held captive by the twisted design of his own prison.

A sense of powerlessness washed over him, amplifying the weight of the false memories and eroding his resolve. The shackles symbolized not only physical restraint but also a mental and emotional imprisonment, further ensnaring him within the grip of despair. Nobuharu's voice trembled, his words now a reflection of his deteriorating state. "Per...haps... we... are freaks," he stuttered, his voice laced with resignation. The weight of the false memories pressed upon his shoulders, bending his spirit to their cruel narrative.

As the shackles constricted, Nobuharu's stuttering voice became more subdued, his words losing their former determination. "I... am a freak...," he muttered, his spirit demolished beneath the weight of his captivity. The false memories and the suffocating hold of the Dogilden interior seeped deeper into his consciousness, eroding his Kyoryu spirit to resist. Eventually, the mental pressure and deep arousal from the overwhelming stench addiction made Nobuharu unload himself inside the Dogilden living armor prison. Slivers of heroic energy slowly yet endlessly poured from the jerking Sentai warrior to the metallic confines around him.






In the desolate quarry, the spandex-clad Kyoryugers stood, sweat-drenched and weary from their relentless battle with Dogold and his legion of Dogilden living armor copies. But their struggle was far from over as they were now faced with ten fearsome opponents hungry to subjugate and imprison them within their hollow interiors.

Daigo, also known as KyoryuRed, gritted his teeth, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of the approaching Dogilden copies. "Stay alert, everyone! They're relentless, but we can't let them break us!" he called out to his team.

Amy, the KyoryuPink, clutched her Gaburivolver tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this up," she admitted, her voice trembling with exhaustion.

Souji, the KyoryuGreen, wiped sweat from his brow, his body aching from the constant battle. "If we can't find a way to defeat them, we'll be trapped like Utsusemimaru!" he exclaimed, a sense of desperation in his voice.

"We are the true power here!" one Dogilden snarled, its voice reverberating with dark glee. "You will all bow before us and become our prisoners!"

The Kyoryugers spread out, adopting defensive stances as they faced their relentless foes. Their battle cries echoed through the quarry, the clash of metal and energy filling the air.

KyoryuRed lunged at a Dogilden, his Gaburicalibur slashing through the living armor's defenses. But as it fell, the enemy rose back up again. Its hands traced the regenerating metallic skin while laughing at the Sentai heroes’ futile fight.

“Your little toy and dance will not save you now, extinct heroes!” exclaimed the Dogildens together as one eerie unity.

As the battle wore on, the Kyoryugers felt the weight of exhaustion bearing down upon them. Their movements slowed, and their attacks lacked their former vigor. The relentless onslaught of the Dogilden copies took its toll, chewing away at their stamina and resolve.

But even in the face of overwhelming odds, the Kyoryugers refused to back down. Their belief in their mission and their bond as a team fueled their determination, pushing them to continue fighting despite their weariness.

Yayoi leaped into the air, avoiding a Dogilden's attack, her mind racing for a plan. "We need to find their weakness! There must be a way to defeat them! We have to save Nossan!"

But as the battle raged on, the Kyoryugers' words of encouragement began to falter, their once unwavering resolve waning under the relentless assault of the Dogilden copies. Their skintight heroic suits now bore scars and tears from the onslaught.

Daigo fought back the urge to give in to exhaustion, his black armor showing signs of wear. "We have to find a way to turn this around," he urged, his voice determined but strained.

Ian, lying on the rocky ground, groaned after enduring a barrage of hits on his spandex-clad abs, his black Kyoryu suit now bearing scratches and bruises. "This is... impossible," he muttered through gritted teeth, his speech faltering as he struggled to push himself up.

The Kyoryugers' situation became even direr as another Dogilden armor teleported next to the groaning Ian. The living armor's head opened, revealing the face of the now-depraved and mindless Nobuharu trapped inside his broken KyoryuBlue helmet. His eyes were vacant, and his once-heroic expression was twisted into a cruel and sinister leer.

"N-Nossan?" KyoryuBlack stuttered, his voice tinged with shock and horror as he recognized his fellow Kyoryuger, now seemingly under Dogold's control.

"N-Nossan? Is that... you?" Daigo stammered, his voice trembling as he struggled to comprehend what he was seeing.

With an eerie and emotionless gaze, Nobuharu shoved KyoryuBlack toward another Dogilden, the interior of the living armor ready to imprison Ian. "Sorry, Ian," Nobuharu's voice came out flat and devoid of any emotion, a stark contrast to his usual lively and warm personality.

"No! Nossan, snap out of it!" KyoryuRed cried out, his heart sinking at the sight of his friend and teammate being manipulated by the Dogilden's influence.

But Nobuharu seemed beyond reach, his mind ensnared by the false memories and cruel illusions planted by Dogold. His actions were now dictated by the depraved puppeteer pulling the strings.

The Dogilden's interior loomed closer to Ian, its gaping hollow seeming to hunger for another victim. Ian struggled and screamed, trying to break free from Nobuharu's grip, but the KyoryuBlue's strength was formidable, and he couldn't overpower him.

"Ian, I'm sorry!" Nobuharu's voice barely sounded like his own as he forced Ian toward the living armor. "I can't... I can't control it!"

"Fight it, Nossan!" KyoryuViolet pleaded, her voice laced with desperation as she reached out to her friend, hoping to break the hold Dogold had over him.

The other Kyoryugers moved to help, but they were locked in their own battles against the relentless Dogilden copies. Each hero fought with every ounce of strength they had left, but they were exhausted, their skintight spandex-like suits torn and stained with sweat and dirt.

"Nossan, you can fight this! Remember who you are!" KyoryuPink called out, her heart breaking at the sight of her teammate struggling with the darkness within.

But the Dogilden's control over KyoryuBlue was too strong. The false memories and illusions had consumed his mind, leaving him under Dogold's sinister influence.

"No more... fighting..." Nobuharu muttered, his voice low and disturbing, the words echoing the false memory of enslaved Sentai heroes dancing for the Deboss Army. "No more heroes..."

As the Dogilden's interior loomed closer to Ian, the living armor's mechanical straps and shackles came to life, their movements almost sentient as they closed around him, restricting his movements and sealing him within the hollow interior.

With a final push, Nobuharu forced Ian into the waiting interior of the Dogilden living armor. The monstrous armor closed around him, engulfing him in darkness.

The Kyoryugers watched in horror as the armor sealed shut, leaving no trace of Ian. His screams were silenced, and the once-proud KyoryuBlack was now imprisoned within the hollow interior of the Dogilden.

The mechanical restraints tightened around Ian, trapping him within the living prison. The KyoryuBlack's struggles intensified, but the Dogilden's grip was unyielding. His skintight spandex-like Kyoryu suit stretched and strained under the pressure of the restraints, his heroic armor now a prison of darkness.

"Get him out of there!" Daigo shouted, but he and the other Kyoryugers were prevented from saving Ian by the relentless assault of their own Dogilden adversaries.

The living armor monsters continued their relentless onslaught, leaving the Kyoryugers no choice but to fight for their own survival. They could only watch in despair as Ian was consumed by the darkness within the Dogilden, his heroic spirit silenced within the prison of living armor.

The quarry was now filled with the sounds of battle cries and desperate pleas, a cacophony of horror and desperation. The Kyoryugers' bodies ached, their spirits shaken, as they fought on, each hero feeling the weight of the battle and the loss of their captured teammate.

The maniacal laughter of the Dogilden echoed through the quarry as it began to absorb Ian's heroic energy, draining the KyoryuBlack's strength with each passing moment. Inside the living armor, Ian squirmed and writhed in agony, moaning in pain as his situation became increasingly inescapable.

The Dogilden's hollow interior seemed to feed off Ian's anguish, its mechanical restraints tightening around him, further ensnaring him within its grasp. The KyoryuBlack's skintight spandex-like Kyoryu suit clung to his strained form, a stark contrast to the twisted and malevolent entity that now held him captive.

"N-no... please..." Ian's voice trembled as he pleaded for mercy, but his words were met with only cruel laughter from the Dogilden.

Outside the living armor, Daigo, Amy, Yayoi, and Souji fought on against their relentless Dogilden adversaries, but their spirits were weakened by the loss of their captured teammates. The draining of Utsusemimaru, Nobuharu, and Ian's powers had taken a toll on the entire Kyoryuger team, making their fight even more one-sided and hopeless.

Amy and Yayoi, too, were hit by the barrage of attacks from the Dogilden, their skintight suits offering little protection against the relentless assault. The living armor targeted their vulnerable areas, striking their abs, thighs, and spandex-clad breasts, causing them to scream in agony.

"Pink! Violet!" KyoryuRed’s heart sank as he witnessed the pain and suffering of his teammates, unable to do anything to help them while locked in his own battle.

Daigo's heart ached as he saw the devastation around him. He had always been the team captain, the one to lead and inspire his teammates, but now he felt helpless in the face of the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

Inside the Dogilden, Ian's struggles grew weaker, his heroic energy being siphoned away, leaving him drained and helpless. The pain was unbearable, and he could feel his strength slipping away with every passing second.

"No... not like this," he groaned, his voice barely audible within the living armor. "I won't... be defeated."

The horror reached its peak as Dogold appeared behind Daigo, seizing him in an agonizing grip and forcing him to drop his Gaburivolver. The other Kyoryugers, Amy, Yayoi, and Souji, could only watch in terror as the malevolent villain taunted them.

"Look what we have here, a bunch of pathetic dolls denying their fates as part of my collection," Dogold sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he tightened his hold on Daigo's arm.

"No... Let him go!" Amy shouted, her voice trembling with fear and anger. But the Dogilden continued to advance, its dark and evil metallic interior opening before them.

The KyoryuRed fought with every ounce of strength he had left, trying to break free from Dogold's hold, but it was no use. The living armor closed around him, its dark interior swallowing him whole.

Inside the Dogilden, Daigo could feel the suffocating darkness surrounding him. The mechanical restraints and shackles closed around him, restricting his movements and sealing him within the hollow interior. He struggled and screamed, his heroic spirit refusing to be extinguished.

"No... My wild dino spirit will never give up!" he shouted, his voice echoing within the living prison. But the darkness seemed to feed off his determination, draining his strength and willpower with each passing moment.

"You put up quite a fight, KyoryuRed," Dogold taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "But it's all for naught. You and your pathetic team are no match for the might of the Deboss Army."

Daigo gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the restraints that held him in place. "You won't get away with this," he growled, his voice defiant despite the fear in his heart.

"Oh, I already have," Dogold replied, holding up the Greek tragedy mask. "With this, I will unlock the deepest recesses of your mind and show you a reality where you were always destined to be my loyal servant."

Daigo's eyes widened in horror as Dogold approached him with the mask. "No... you can't do this," he stammered, trying to resist the sense of dread that washed over him. He could already feel the malevolent power emanating from the mask, and he knew that he had to resist its influence at all costs.

Daigo's mouth gasped loudly as the cursed mask was placed on his helmeted face. In an instant, he was consumed by a whirlwind of false memories and twisted visions.

In the twisted fantasy created by the cursed mask, the clown Kyoryugers did everything they could to showcase their patheticness and subservience to the Deboss Army. Daigo's mind was bombarded with haunting images of his teammates engaging in degrading acts, stripped of their heroic dignity and reduced to mere playthings for the villains.

In his mind's eye, Daigo saw Souji, once the brave and agile KyoryuGreen, stumbling clumsily while juggling colorful balls, all to the uproarious laughter of the Deboss Army. Each drop of a ball brought mocking jeers and taunts, pushing Souji to tears of humiliation.

Amy, once the brilliant and resourceful KyoryuPink, was now depicted as a bumbling clown trying to perform a magic trick but failing miserably at every turn. The Deboss Army mocked her with sinister glee, highlighting her every blunder and leaving her feeling utterly inadequate.

And Yayoi, the genius KyoryuViolet, was reduced to a pitiful clown act involving oversized props and exaggerated expressions. Her once formidable intelligence was now overshadowed by a mindless playfulness that delighted her captors.

The three Kyoryugers frolicked and danced, desperately trying to earn the approval of the Deboss Army, but the more they tried, the louder the laughter became. Their attempts to entertain only further emphasized their weakness and vulnerability, making them feel like nothing more than toys to be discarded when no longer useful.

Daigo's heart ached as he witnessed his friends' degradation, their spirits crushed under the weight of the false memories. He felt a profound sense of helplessness, unable to reach out to them, trapped behind the cold metal bars of his Dogilden prison.

"No... this can't be real," Daigo stammered, his mind reeling from the onslaught of false memories.

"Oh, but it is," Dogold sneered. "This is your true fate, KyoryuRed. Embrace it, and you will know true power."

Daigo tried to shake off the influence of the mask, but it was as if he was trapped in a nightmarish haze. The false memories felt so real, and a part of him wanted to believe them, to escape from the weight of his responsibilities as a hero.

Tears welled up in Daigo's eyes as he felt his identity slipping away, replaced by the clownish persona the cursed mask had imposed upon him. The pride he once felt as KyoryuRed, the courage that had fueled him in battles against evil, all of it faded into the background.

In the distorted fantasy, Daigo felt a perverse sense of pleasure in his new role as a mindless servant of the Deboss Army. He reveled in the attention and adoration he received from his captors, feeling a twisted sense of belonging among the clowns that surrounded him.

The fantasies became a never-ending loop, repeating themselves over and over, each time driving Daigo further into delirium. The sense of time and space blurred, and he lost all sense of self. There was only the all-consuming sensation of being a puppet, a plaything for the malevolent forces that had taken over his mind.

As the fantasies intensified, Daigo's resistance crumbled completely. His words of defiance turned into mindless babbling, his will to fight evaporating into nothingness. He was lost, a mere shell of his former self, ensnared in the nightmarish web the cursed mask had woven around him.

The twisted visions showed no mercy, relentlessly tormenting Daigo's psyche. He felt his mind unraveling, losing all sense of who he once was. The Kyoryuger he had been was gone, replaced by a hollow, delirious puppet dancing to the sinister tune of the Deboss Army.






In the real world, Daigo's body slumped inside the Dogilden living armor, his eyes vacant and devoid of the spark that once defined him as KyoryuRed. He was now a prisoner of his own mind, lost in the labyrinth of false memories and illusions.

In a moment of agonizing clarity, Daigo's shattered mind managed to summon fragments of his former self. Inside the Dogilden prison, he let out a twisted version of his once-proud KyoryuRed heroic roll call, but now it served as a declaration of his complete submission to the new horrifying reality. "I am KyoryuRed, the clown servant of Deboss Army! Gaburincho: Dogold's loyal puppet! Gabutyra Coward: Forever a slave to darkness!"

As Daigo's distorted call echoed through the Dogilden armor, it was met with laughter from the other Dogilden living armors and Dogold himself. They savored in the KyoryuRed's surrender, savoring the utter defeat of the once-mighty team captain.

The remaining Kyoryugers' hearts sank further as they witnessed the twisted spectacle unfolding before them. The Dogilden living armors taunted them, opening their heads to reveal the defeated faces of their comrades, Ian and Daigo, trapped inside their broken helmets with the tattoo of the Greek masks grafted on their facial skin as the ultimate humiliation. The groans of anguish from their friends echoed in the quarry, their attempts to escape futile.

"N-no... Ian, Daigo, we won't leave you!" Amy as the battered and bruised KyoryuPink stammered, her voice choked with sorrow and determination.

Yayoi cried as she saw her friends' faces trapped within the living armor. "This can't be happening... We have to find a way to save them!" she said, her words trembling.

But the Dogilden seemed to take pleasure in their suffering, and the faces of Ian and Daigo looked defeated and broken, their heroic spirits struggling against the darkness that now held them captive.

Nobuharu, too, was lost to the darkness, muttering worship for Dogold instead of fighting alongside his friends as KyoryuBlue. His voice stuttered with a mix of despair and submission, a stark contrast to the once brave and determined hero he had been.

"Dogold... master...," he mumbled, his eyes empty and devoid of the fiery spirit that once defined him.

Souji felt a wave of helplessness wash over him. The Kyoryugers had always relied on their unity and determination to overcome any challenge, but now they were facing an enemy they couldn't seem to defeat.

The Dogilden's laughter echoed in the quarry, taunting the remaining Kyoryugers as they struggled to hold their ground. The mechanical restraints and shackles of the living armors tightened around them, restricting their movements and draining their heroic energy.

The once bright and vibrant colors of their skintight Kyoryu suits now seemed dull and faded, mirroring the fading hope in their hearts. They had come so far on their journey as Kyoryugers, facing countless threats and triumphing against the odds. But this was unlike anything they had encountered before.

The quarry was now a haunting battlefield, filled with the sounds of pain and defeat. The Kyoryugers were weary and broken, their spirits battered and their bodies drained.

Dogold's taunts cut deep into the hearts of Yayoi, Amy, and Souji. The malevolent villain's words were like a relentless assault on their spirits, leaving them feeling defeated and helpless.

"You are nothing but meat for my grinder," the armored demon Dogold jeered. "You have always been under my dominance, you just haven't realized it yet."

The quarry became a nightmarish scene of torment as the Ian, Daigo, and Nobuharu Dogilden living armors followed Dogold's orders, relentlessly hitting and tormenting Amy, Yayoi, and Souji. Each blow felt like a dagger to their hearts, as they watched their former teammates become mindless pawns of darkness.

"No... please stop!" Yayoi cried, tears streaming down her face as she begged for mercy. "Ian, Daigo, Nossan, it's us! Remember who you are!"

But the Dogilden living armors showed no sign of recognition or remorse. They were under Dogold's control, their minds twisted and enslaved by his malevolent power. Their attacks were mechanical and ruthless, devoid of any emotion or empathy. Their goal is unified: to enslave all these Kyoryu freaks in eternal metallic prisons.



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