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Dive into a chilling tale where the once-mighty Star Beast Rangers with Yen the graceful Green Lion Ranger as the alternate universe version of Minh face their darkest hour. As their downfall looms, the horrors lurking within the changing room grow stronger, threatening to consume the entire multiverse. Witness the rise of their successors, who must confront the same nightmarish forces that shattered their predecessors.

Or would they?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:




Wolf Knight Leon

Quốc Huy Bùi

欸 熊



Robert Terwillger


Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K



Strap yourselves in, fools!


The Star Beast Power Rangers had taken a break from their superhero duties to enjoy a day at an American football game. Yen, Ava, Max, Hannah, Eden, and Talulah were seated in the stands, wearing their civilian clothes and cheering on their favorite team.

Max, the Red Ranger, was on the edge of his seat, yelling at the top of his lungs as the ball flew through the air. "Come on, catch it!" he shouted, his fists clenched in anticipation.

Yen, the Green Lion Ranger in her civilian form, nudged him with her elbow. "Relax, Max," she said, a smile on her face. "It's just a game."

"I know, I know," Max said, forcing himself to calm down. "I just get really into it."

Hannah, the Blue Pegasus Ranger, laughed. "That's what makes you such a great leader," she said. "Your passion."

The game was intense, with both teams putting up a good fight. But as the clock ticked down to the final seconds, the Rangers noticed something strange happening on the field.

One of the players, a burly jock with a menacing grin, seemed to be deliberately trying to hurt the other team's players. He was knocking them down with brutal force, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

"What's going on with that guy?" Ava, the Pink Phoenix Ranger, asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"I don't know," Eden, the Yellow Kirin Ranger, said, his eyes narrowing. "But I have a bad feeling about this."

As the game came to an end, the Rangers watched as the jock made his way to the locker room. They knew that they had to follow him, to find out what was going on.

And so, Yen, Ava, Max, Hannah, Eden, and Talulah, the White Byakko Tiger Ranger, made their way to the locker room, prepared to uncover the dark secrets that were hidden within.

As soon as the Star Beast Power Rangers entered the changing room, the door slammed shut behind them with a resounding thud. The room was eerily silent, except for the sound of the defeated Rangers' robotic voices repeating their degrading status over and over again.

The new Rangers looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of what was happening. Yen and Max tried to assess the situation and figure out a way to escape.

"What the hell is going on?" Talulah asked, her voice filled with fear.

"I don't know, but we need to find a way out of here," Yen said, her voice calm and determined.

Max scanned the room, trying to find any possible exit. "There's no way out. The door is sealed shut. We're trapped in here," he said, his voice resigned.

The defeated Rangers continued to repeat their robotic expressions, their voices blending together in a haunting chorus.

"Living ball," Hannah's voice repeated.

"Practice doll," Eden's voice echoed.

"Cheerleader," another voice intoned. Yen was personally shocked that it came from a Ranger who looked so similar to her.

The Star Beast Rangers felt a wave of horror wash over them as they realized the fate that awaited them. They were trapped in a hellish changing room, surrounded by the defeated Rangers and the parasitic jockstraps and pompoms.

"What do we do now?" Talulah asked, her voice shaking.

"We fight," Yen said, her voice determined. "We can't give up. We have to find a way to break the curse and escape."

Max nodded in agreement. "She's right. We can't let this defeat us. We're Power Rangers, damn it."

The new Rangers tried to come up with a plan, but the defeated Rangers' robotic expressions were too distracting. They continued to repeat their degrading statuses, their voices growing louder and more unsettling with each passing moment.

"I don't want to end up like them," Max said, looking at the living balls and cheerleaders. "We have to resist this."

The horde came for them before Max or Yen could summon their weapons. The parasitic jockstraps and pompoms had already begun their invasion, slowly enveloping the spandex costumes of the new Rangers. Yen groaned with determination in her voice. "We can't let this happen to us."

But it was too late. The jockstraps had already started their invasion, slipping through the helmets of the new Rangers and beginning to take control. The girls felt themselves slipping away, their bodies becoming robotic and lifeless. "No," Talulah whispered. "Not like this."

The jockstraps spread across their bodies, encasing them in tight, humiliating uniforms. Ava felt herself being transformed into a cheerleader, her movements stiff and unnatural. "I don't want this," she cried out, but her voice was increasingly emotionless.

As Yen the Green Ranger fought against the jockstraps, one of them suddenly wrapped around her waist and pulled her in close. She struggled against it, but it was no use. The jockstrap tightened around her until she was compressed into the ball, her Ranger powers unable to break free.

The rest of the team watched in horror as Minh was sucked into the ball. They cried out for her to keep fighting, but it was too late. The jockstraps had claimed another victim.

"Minh, no!" Max shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. "Keep fighting, stay in the battle!"

But it was no use. The jockstraps had already claimed Minh, and there was nothing anyone could do to save her. Max and the rest of the team were left to mourn her loss, and to continue fighting against the relentless onslaught of the jockstraps and the other degrading objects in the room.

As they fought, they too were eventually consumed by the jockstraps and the other objects, becoming trapped in a never-ending cycle of humiliation and degradation. Their once-powerful Ranger abilities were rendered useless as they were reduced to nothing more than objects of play for the jocks and their twisted desires.

The ball that had once been Hannah the original Blue Next Generation Power Ranger bounced around the room, whimpering with every toss and kick. The practice dolls, Max and Eden, were forced to contort their bodies into unnatural positions for the amusement of the unseen evil forces.

The new Rangers tried to fight back, but it was no use. They were trapped in the nightmare, just like the original team before them. Their bodies were no longer their own, but puppets controlled by the jockstraps. The Rangers had no choice but to surrender to the overwhelming power of the jockstraps and their parasitic hold. Their wills were broken, their bodies were now nothing but objects for the jocks' twisted pleasure. They lay there in the changing room, unmoving and lifeless.

The jocks reveled in their victory, tossing the ball with Yen inside it and kicking it around the room. The parasitic jockstraps had fully enveloped the Rangers, transforming them into submissive cheerleaders that the jocks could play with at will. Meanwhile, the male Rangers of Max and Eden had their heroic spandex costumes completely covered by the tight embrace of the humiliating and repulsive parasitic used jockstraps that oozed musky goop that spread throughout their toned bodies.

The stench of sweat and humiliation filled the room, a constant reminder of the Rangers' defeat. They were trapped forever in this eldritch location, unable to escape their new roles as objects of plaything.

The Rangers knew they had been defeated, and their will to fight was completely drained. They had been trapped in this hellish changing room for what felt like an eternity, and the thought of never escaping began to settle in.

"We can't fight anymore. We're done for," Ava said with defeat in her voice. Her arms moved against her will to be a good cheerleader.

Talulah and Eden nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with hopelessness. The smell filled the room.

Max and Yen could only hang their heads in defeat inside their prisons. "We can't succumb," Yen said weakly, struggling to move inside the suffocating football cocoon.

"What's the point? We're already trapped here forever," Talulah who had been transformed into a living practice doll replied bitterly.

Max let out a heavy sigh. "It's not about escaping anymore. It's about not giving up who we are. We're Power Rangers, and we have a duty to protect people. Even if we're trapped here, we can still fight the evil that brought us here."

"But how? We're trapped in this room with no way out," Eden said, frustration lacing her voice.

Ava nodded in agreement, tears streaming down her face. "We're trapped here forever," she said.

Talulah shook her head inside her prison. "I can't believe this is how it ends," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yen, still trapped inside the football ball, let out a muffled cry of despair. Even with her Ranger powers, she knew she couldn't break free.

Eden and the Star Beast Rangers looked on in horror as they realized the fate that awaited them. "We can't just give up," Max said, his voice trembling. "There has to be something we can do."

But Eden shook her head. "We've tried everything," he said. "We're no match for these jockstraps and their evil magic."

The Rangers looked at each other, fear and uncertainty etched on their faces. "We have to try something," Yen said, her voice strained and muffled inside the discarded football. "We can't just surrender like this."

But as they looked around the room, they could see no way out. The walls seemed to be closing in on them, the stench of sweat and jockstraps overwhelming. There were only the jocks who snickered and threw degrading remarks from the shadows to chip away the Rangers’ fighting spirit. They were trapped, and there was no escape.

Hannah buried her face in her pom-poms, sobbing. "I don't want to be a cheer-slut forever," she said, her voice barely audible.

Talulah nodded, tears streaming down her face inside her Ranger helmet. "I can't go on like this," she said. "I just can't."

Max put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her, but he knew there was no comfort to be had. They were all doomed, trapped in this nightmare forever. "We surrender," he said, his voice flat and defeated. "We submit. There's nothing else we can do."

The jocks' sneering faces loomed over the defeated Star Beast Rangers as they declared their surrender. Yen's haunting words echoed in the room as the others hung their heads in defeat. "I'm sorry," Yen whispered, her voice strained from being trapped inside the football. "I couldn't keep fighting. They broke me."

Ava, tears streaming down her face, spoke up next. "We all gave up, Yen. There's no hope for us now."

Talulah's voice was barely above a whisper. "We're nothing but objects to them. Playthings to be used and thrown away."

Max stood silently, his head bowed in shame. He knew there was nothing left for them. They had been defeated and trapped forever.

As the jocks opened the door to the even smellier bedroom, the Rangers' hearts sank even further. They knew what awaited them on the other side. The heinous muscular hunks sneered at them and ordered Max, Eden, and the female cheerleader Rangers to come with them. The Rangers had no choice but to obey.

As they walked towards the door, the Rangers' minds were filled with dread and despair. They knew that their fates were unknown, but the possibilities were gruesome. One by one, the Rangers disappeared behind the closed door. The last thing heard were their anguished cries as they shouted their declaration of surrender.

The jocks laughed and high-fived each other as they closed the door. The sound of a lock clicking shut was the last thing the Rangers heard before darkness enveloped them.

Their fate was sealed. Trapped forever in the clutches of the jocks, they had lost not only their physical freedom but their souls as well. They were nothing but objects, to be used and discarded at the whim of their captors. The Rangers looked around the small, cramped room they were trapped in, feeling nothing but despair. They were now nothing more than degrading personal servants to the fat jock coach who reveled in their anguish.

Yen, who was now trapped inside the American Football ball outside, couldn't help but cry out in anguish as she could hear muffled screams from the inside. "Why is this happening to us?" she screamed.

Talulah, who was now a living practice doll, spoke up. "We need to keep fighting," she said, her strained voice surprisingly strong. "Even if we can't escape, we can still resist."

But the fat jock coach who appeared from the darkness just laughed at their words. "You're nothing but playthings now," he sneered, his eyes glowing golden with an eerie aura. His ballooning belly was churning with human forms that desperately trying to escape. Their hands and Ranger helmets pushed against the unbreakable skin.  "You'll do whatever I say, whenever I say it."

The Rangers who had been transformed into a football and a living practice doll hung their helmets in defeat. They had been defeated not by some great evil, but by the basest of human desires. They were now nothing more than objects for the jocks to play with, forever trapped in this hell.

Yen and Talulah were presented with the most grotesque transformation of their fellow Rangers. Not even Max the Red Ranger was free from the torment inside the Jock Coach’s stomach. The Star Beast Rangers' souls were slowly and agonizingly sucked into the fat belly of the jock coach. Their bodies were trapped, unable to move or resist, as they were forced to serve their tormentor's every whim.

Ava, once the proud Pink Ranger, was now a shell of her former self. "Please, let us go," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper that was deadened by the obese monster.

But the jock coach only laughed, his belly jiggling with each chuckle. "You're my bitch now," he sneered. "You'll never escape from my personal hell."

Eden, the former Yellow Kirin Ranger, tried to resist, but it was no use. He felt his spirit being pulled deeper into the abyss of bulk. "This isn't fair," he cried. "We didn't deserve this."

Hannah, the former Blue Star Beast Ranger, was equally drowned in blubber. She felt the weight of the Jock Coach’s stomach pressing down on her, suffocating her, as she watched her teammates suffer. "I've reached my limit and can't go on," she whimpered.

Max, the former Red Dragon Ranger, tried to stay strong for his team, but even he was starting to crack. "We have to keep fighting," he said, his voice shaking. "We need to maintain our resolve and keep pushing forward."

But the jock coach only smiled, his eyes glinting with a cruel light. "You'll never win," he said. "You'll never escape my grasp."

The Rangers' spirits, once trapped inside the jock coach's belly, began to bulge out from his body, forming ghostly figures that hovered in the air. The figures were barely visible to each other

Max, the Green Star Beast Ranger trapped in an American football cramped prison, watched in horror as the fellow ghostly figure of her team captain materialized before his own section of the jock coach’s fat belly. "Max, is that you?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"Yes, Yen," Max’s ghostly voice replied from inside the fat. "We're all here. Ava, Eden, and Hannah. We're all trapped in this neverending nightmare."

Yen couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What can we do?" she sobbed.

"There's nothing we can do," Max’s ghostly figure replied in mumbling defeat. "We're trapped here forever, and our bodies are now enslaved to the jocks. We can only watch as they continue to degrade us and use us for their sick pleasures."

The other ghostly figures materialized around Max, each of them expressing their own anguish and despair. They were all trapped in this never-ending nightmare, unable to escape. "We should have never come here," Eden’s stomach ghost said. "We were foolish to think that we could fight against these jocks. They were too powerful for us."

"We should have never put on those spandex costumes," Ava's ghostly figure added. "We thought we were invincible, but we were wrong. Now we're paying the price."

Yen felt a surge of anger and frustration rise inside her. The Green Lion Ranger couldn't accept the fact that they were all trapped here forever. "There has to be a way out," she said. "We must stay in the battle."

But the other ghostly figures only shook their heads. "It's too late for us," Hannah’s ghostly figure said. "But maybe you can save yourself, Yen. Maybe you can find a way out of this nightmare and warn others about the dangers of these jocks and their parasitic ways."

Inside her own prison, Yen cried. They came together as friends to fight for what was right. They became Star Beast Rangers with hopes of bringing peace and justice to the world. But merciless fate had other plans for them with these monstrous jocks and their coach.

Even Yen’s weeping wasn’t safe from the torment. The shrill sound of the coach's whistle echoed throughout the room, signaling the destruction of any remaining hope for the Star Beast Rangers. The ghosts of their former selves could only watch in anguished silence as the coach reveled in his power over them.

He laughed cruelly, his fat belly bouncing with a twisted sense of glee. "That's right, my little pets," he sneered. "You're all mine now. Forever."

The Rangers' spirits trembled as they felt themselves being pulled deeper into the coach's belly, their individual essences melding together into a writhing mass of despair.

"Please, no..." whispered Max’s ghost, tears streaming down his transparent face. "We can't be trapped here forever."

But the coach only grinned wider, relishing in their misery. "Oh, but you can," he taunted. "You will be a part of my flab for all eternity, serving me and my every whim."

The Ranger spirits could feel their very beings being suffocated by the coach's massive girth, their memories and personalities fading away into nothingness. Ava let out a final cry of anguish. "We were supposed to be heroes," she said, her voice barely audible. "How did this happen to us?"

As the Rangers were sucked inside the coach's fat belly and groin, they felt a sense of utter humiliation and degradation. The sticky, smelly folds of flesh clung to them, trapping them in an inescapable prison of fat. Hannah screamed out, "No, please! Let us go! We don't deserve this!"

Talulah tried to fight back to save her teammates, but her living doll prison was too strong. "This can't be happening. This can't be real."

Yen was silent, unable to comprehend what was happening to them. She felt as though her very existence was being consumed by the fat belly.

As the Rangers were pulled deeper into the coach's belly, the stench became unbearable. Max tried to hold his spectral breath, but it was no use. "This is disgusting. How could anyone do this to another human being?"

Eden tried to reach out to fellow Rangers, but his hand was consumed by the fat. "I don't want to die like this. I don't want to be trapped forever."

The coach laughed as he devoured the Rangers, relishing in their suffering. "You are mine now. You will serve me for all eternity."

The Rangers could feel their consciousness slipping away, consumed by the endless expanse of fat. Their voices became fainter and fainter until they were nothing but echoes in the coach's belly. Their thoughts were muddled, and they couldn't remember who they were or how they had ended up in this situation. They felt as though they had been swallowed by a monster, and were being digested alive.

The only sounds were the gurgling of the coach's stomach and the moans of the Rangers as they were pulled further and further into his body. They were trapped, powerless, and utterly humiliated. As they were consumed by the coach's body, their memories and identities were erased. They became nothing more than a part of his grotesque, bloated mass. Their individuality and sense of self were gone, swallowed up by the coach's insatiable hunger.

The Rangers' minds were a jumbled mess of confusion and pain. They could barely remember their own names, let alone anything else.

"Where are we?" Hannah muttered weakly, her voice barely audible.

"I don't know," Eden replied, his voice trembling. "I can't think straight."

"I feel sick," Max added, his voice almost incomprehensible muttering.

The Rangers were trapped inside the coach's belly and groin, unable to move or escape. The stench was overwhelming, and they could feel the slimy sweat dripping down the coach's skin. As Ava was pulled into the coach's fat belly and groin, she screamed in terror and anguish. "No, please, let me go! I don't want to be here!" But her pleas fell on deaf ears as she was swallowed whole.

Once inside, the Pink Phoenix Ranger’s voice became robotic and monotone, joining the chorus of the other trapped Rangers. "Must serve coach’s crotch. Must obey the crotch. Must lick the crotch. Must worship the crotch…," she repeated endlessly. Her former gallant self was gone, replaced by mindless energy trapped inside the coach's belly forever.

The other Star Beast Rangers' minds fared no better, and they couldn't remember anything anymore. They whimpered in agony and defeat as they felt their identities slipping away. Hannah’s voice echoed through the thick, blubbery flesh that surrounded them. "I...I can't remember who I am. What have we become?"

Max’s voice was barely audible. "I never thought it would end like this. Trapped inside this...this monster."

Eden's voice was almost a whisper. "I'm sorry, everyone. I...I failed you all."

Max's voice was hoarse. "I should have seen this coming. We were too arrogant, too sure of ourselves."

But it was too late. The jock coach's stench had permeated every inch of their being, and they were trapped inside his blubbery flesh forever. Their identities were lost, and they were reduced to nothing more than mindless minions.

And they weren’t alone. Jock Coach’s serpentine tongue ensnared the motionless Talulah as the White Byakko Tiger Ranger living practice doll and pulled her in. The whimpering female spandex hero blurted out jumbled screams of panic as she was consumed helmet-first into the gaping saliva-filled maw.

Minh was the last to go. It didn’t matter for her. She was the Green Star Beast Ranger, but her courage had long gone by now. The martial arts prodigy shrieked in agony and dejection as her football prison followed Talulah into the permanent nightmare.

The Jock Coach belched loudly as he completed the vore of the six Star Beast Rangers. He petted his bloated stomach where the ghostly helmets of the trapped valiant souls were invariably contained. He then regurtitated all of them back to the damp changing room.

But these weren’t Max, Yen, and their friends anymore. The spandex-clad figures who were covered in foul-smelling saliva gunk showed no emotions. Their shoulders slumped and their stances were miserable. It was as if there was nothing inside them.

That’s because there weren’t. The soulless bodies of the former Star Beast Rangers stood in obedience to their master. The Jock Coach had a good understanding of what he needed to do with them. Efficiency and brutality were the keywords of today.

While their souls were consumed, the Star Beast Rangers’ bodies were violated by jock coach’s parasitic jockstraps. Their bellies slowly became a ballooning mass as the alien organism inside grew. Soon, the jock coach could move to his next step of multiversal domination.






The alternate universe Star Beast Power Rangers, led by a new version of Yen/Minh, had been investigating strange happenings at the stadium for weeks. They had heard rumors of parasitic jockstraps and strange rituals taking place in the locker room. They finally decided to sneak into the changing room to see if they could uncover the truth.

As they crept through the dimly lit corridors, the smell of sweat and stale air assaulted their senses. They could hear the sound of heavy breathing and the occasional groan coming from behind the locker room door.

Slowly, they pushed the door open and peered inside. What they saw made them wish they had never come. The room was filled with the previous Star Beast Power Rangers, all of them swollen with grotesque bulges protruding from their bellies. The parasites had taken over, and the Rangers were now nothing but hosts for the abominations growing inside of them. “Are those… Jockstraps?” muttered Max in disbelief.

The new Rangers could hear the sound of gurgling and squishing coming from within the swollen bellies of the previous Rangers. The parasites were close to maturity, and the new Rangers knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to stop them.

One of the new Rangers, Ava, tried to prevent the gruesome birth, but her helmet was suddenly strangled by one of the fresh jockstraps that burst out of the older Ranger, Hannah. She screamed in terror as the slimy tentacles invaded her suit, wrapping around her body and pulling her closer to the growing parasite.

As Ava struggled against the organism’s grip, she felt her helmet being twisted and pulled off her head, exposing her face to the slimy tendrils. The smell of sweat and decay filled her nostrils as the tentacles slithered across her cheeks and into her mouth, suffocating her screams. "Help me! Please, someone, help me!" she pleaded, her voice muffled by the invading jockstrap parasite.

But the other Rangers were too busy fighting off the growing horde of parasites. Hannah and Eden tried to use their weapons to cut through the slimy tentacles, but the jockstraps seemed to be regenerating faster than they could destroy them. Max and Talulah tried to pull Ava away from the jockstrap, but it was no use. The tentacles had wrapped themselves around her body, and she was being pulled closer and closer to the parasite's bloated center.

"Out, out!" Yen yelled over the chaos, grabbing the other Rangers and pulling them towards the exit. But as they made their way towards the door, they were suddenly surrounded by even more jockstraps, their slimy tendrils reaching out to grab them.

"We're trapped!" Talulah cried out in despair, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of screams and slimy squelches.

As the jockstraps closed in around them, the Rangers could feel their suits being invaded by the slimy tentacles. They tried to fight back, but it was no use. The parasites had taken over, and they were growing stronger with each passing moment.

The new Rangers scrambled to their feet, trying to escape the writhing mass of tentacles that threatened to engulf them. But they soon realized that the attaching jockstraps were weighing them down with every step. "We have to get out of here!" The new Hannah screamed, her voice trembling with fear as she cut the parasite that previously trapped Ava..

"I don't know if we can," Ava gasped, struggling to break free from the rest of the tentacles that were still tightening around her.

"Stay strong!" Yen shouted, her eyes fixed on the exit. "We can make it if we stick together."

Yen cut the changing room door open with the energy attack from her sword. She led her teammates out. Eden and Max exchanged worried glances while dashing toward the distant light of freedom at the end of the long dark stadium hallway. They could see the terror in their fellow Rangers' eyes and they knew that the situation was dire.

The parasites weren’t going to let them escape so easily. Suddenly, a loud buzzing noise filled the air, drowning out their screams. The tentacles seemed to be responding to the sound, writhing and twisting even more violently. "What the hell is that?" Talulah as the White Byakko Tiger Ranger shouted, trying to cover her ears.

"It's the parasites!" Max yelled, his eyes widening in horror. "They're communicating with each other!"

As the buzzing grew louder, the Rangers realized that they had to act fast. They banded together, using their combined strength to break free from the attaching parasitic straps that were holding them back.

"Come on!" Eden shouted, gesturing towards the exit. "We're almost there!"

They ran as fast as they could, their hearts pounding with fear. The tentacles were still hot on their heels, but they refused to surrender. They burst through the door, stumbling out into the sunlight.

“Team cannon, now!” commanded Yen as the team captain. Despite their fatigue, the Star Beast Rangers summoned their signature arsenal. Their strained voices were united, “Super Squadron Bazooka!”

“Eat this and die!” shouted the Green Lion Ranger as she pressed the trigger button, unleashing a powerful fireball of destruction that went through the hallway length toward the jittering mass of parasitic jockstraps with their flailing tendrils. A huge explosion burst out of the dark corridor and into the open air. The supporting structure itself cracked and slowly collapsed on its own weight and exposing the Rangers to a thick dust cloud.

The fresh air was finally a welcome relief, and the exhausted Rangers took a moment to catch their breath. But they knew that they couldn't rest for long. They had to find a way to stop the jockstrap parasites from spreading and taking over the world.

"We have to find the source of the infestation," Ava said, her eyes scanning the horizon. "There has to be a way to stop this."

"But where do we start?" Talulah asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"We start by sticking together," Yen replied, placing a hand on Talulah's shoulder. "We'll figure this out together."

The Rangers tried to catch their breath as they thought they had finally escaped the grasp of the parasitic jockstraps. However, their moment of relief was short-lived as they heard a sudden snap of elastic straps being flung towards them from another darkened hallway.

Talulah's eyes widened in terror as a strap wrapped tightly around her ankle, causing her to trip and fall to the ground. "Help! Somebody help me!" the spandex-clad heroine screamed as she tried to wiggle free from the tightening grip of the strap.

Ava, Eden, and Yen rushed to her aid, trying to pry the strap off of her ankle. But as they did so, more and more straps shot out from the darkness, ensnaring them and dragging them toward the source of the attack. “There’s more of them!” shouted the frustrated Ava.

Max struggled against the straps as they wrapped around his powerful arms, his muscles straining as he tried to break free. "What the hell is going on?!" he shouted in frustration.

"It's the jockstraps," Eden gasped, trying to catch her breath as she was dragged closer to the hallway. "They're alive!"

The Rangers' screams echoed through the empty stadium as they were pulled closer and closer to the source of the attack. They could see the jockstraps now, writhing and pulsing with a sickly green glow as they clung to the walls and ceiling.

Suddenly, the jockstraps launched themselves at the Rangers, their slimy tentacles wrapping around their skintight costumes and pulling them into the darkness. Ava and Talulah were the first to be consumed, their screams cut short as they were absorbed into the mass of writhing flesh.

Eden and Yen struggled against the tightening grip of the tentacles, their bodies slick with sweat and slime. "We have to get out of here!" Eden shouted, her voice tinged with fear.

As the Rangers hurryingly brandished their weapons, they were suddenly hit with an overwhelming stench that made them gag.

"What the hell is that smell?" Eden coughed, trying to cover her helmet with her gloved hand.

"It's coming from the jockstraps!" Talulah yelled, slicing through one of the tentacles with her sword.

As they fought, they could feel the slimy jockstraps wrapping around their legs, trying to trip them up. Yen fired off a few rounds from her blaster, but the jockstraps seemed to be immune to their attacks.

"They're too strong!" Max grunted as he swung his axe at a particularly stubborn jockstrap.

"We need to find a way to stop them!" Ava shouted as she tried to shake off a jockstrap that had wrapped around her arm.

But it was too late. The jockstraps had ensnared them all, and they were slowly being dragged towards the shadowy hallway. "We have to fight back!" Hannah cried, struggling against the jockstrap that had wrapped around her waist.

But it was no use. The jockstraps were too powerful, and they soon found themselves being pulled into the darkness. As they were dragged deeper and deeper into the hallway, the stench grew stronger and stronger, until it was almost unbearable.

"Where are they taking us?" Eden gasped, as he tried to catch his breath.

"I don't know," Yen replied, her voice shaking with fear.

But they soon found out. The jockstraps led them to a large chamber, where they were met by the jock coach.

"Well, well, well," the coach sneered, as he looked at the ensnared Rangers. "Looks like we've got ourselves some new recruits."

The Rangers tried to fight back, but the jockstraps had wrapped around them too tightly. They could only watch in horror as the coach approached them, a sinister smile on his face.

"We're going to have so much fun together," he chuckled, as he reached out to touch one of the jockstraps. His action broadcast grueling mental imagery of enslavement to the captured Rangers’ minds. The Rangers screamed in terror, but it was too late. The jockstraps had taken over, and they were now at the mercy of the jock coach and his twisted, perverted fantasies.

Ava gasped for air as the slimy tendrils choked her, constricting her neck like a serpent. She tried to summon her power weapon, but her hands wouldn't obey her commands. Instead, her mind was flooded with the same twisted fantasy that had ensnared her fellow Rangers.

She saw herself as a servant to the jocks, groveling at their feet and carrying them on her back. Her body felt heavy and sluggish, as though she was already succumbing to the weight of her parasitic burden. The jocks laughed and jeered at her, taunting her for her weakness and inferiority. Ava struggled to break free from the tendrils, but they only tightened their grip. She felt her consciousness slipping away as the fantasy took hold, overpowering her will to resist. "No...I won't...let...you..." she gasped, her voice growing weaker with each passing moment.

But it was no use. The tendrils had taken control of her body, and she was powerless to stop them. As she fell to the ground, her mind still trapped in the endless cycle of degradation and servitude, she could hear the jocks laughing triumphantly in the distance.

The other Rangers watched in horror as Ava succumbed to the same fate as their predecessors. They knew that they were next, that the tendrils would soon ensnare them too. But they couldn't give up hope, not yet. They had to find a way to break free from the grip of the jockstraps, to escape this nightmare and save their friend. "We have to...fight back," Hannah, the Blue Pegasus Ranger, gasped, her own breath growing labored as she struggled against the tendrils. "We can't...let them win..."

The others nodded, their eyes filled with determination. They summoned their power weapons once more, determined to break free from the slimy tentacles and defeat the jocks once and for all. But as they swung their weapons, they were hit by an overwhelming stench that made them reel in disgust.

"What...the hell..." Eden, the Yellow Ranger, gagged, her stomach churning. "This...smell..."

"It's...too strong," Talulah, the White Ranger, coughed, her eyes watering. "We can't...fight like this..."

The jocks laughed at their discomfort, using the distraction to tighten their grip on the Rangers. They seemed to be growing stronger, their slimy tentacles pulsing with sickening energy. The Rangers felt their strength draining away, their bodies growing heavy and sluggish.

"We...must stand up," Max, the Red Dragon Ranger, grunted, his muscles straining against the tendrils. "We have to...find a way..."

But his words were cut off as the jockstraps tightened around his neck, cutting off his air supply. He struggled to breathe, his vision growing dark around the edges. As he fell to the ground, he knew that it was only a matter of time before he too would be trapped in the same endless nightmare as his friends.

As Yen watched in disbelief, she could feel her heart racing in her chest. She had to do something to snap her teammates out of their trance-like state. "Max, Ava, what are you doing?" she yelled, hoping to get their attention.

But they didn't seem to hear her. They continued to kneel before the jock coach, inhaling deeply and moaning in ecstasy. "Snap out of it!" Eden shouted, nudging her shoulder with his own. "Don't you remember who we are? We're the Power Rangers!"

Ava turned her head slowly, her eyes that glazed over visible through the open helmet visor. "The Power Rangers? What's that?"

Eden felt a chill run down his spine. These parasites were not only taking control of his friends' bodies but also erasing their memories and personalities. The Yellow Ranger had to find a way to stop this before it was too late.

Meanwhile, the jock coach had a smug look on his face as he watched the Rangers bow before him. "That's right, my little puppets," he sneered. "You will obey me and serve me forever."

Hannah gritted her teeth in anger. She wouldn't let this happen. She had to find a way to break the spell that had taken hold of her teammates. "Please," she begged, grabbing Max's arm. "Don't do this. We can fight this together."

But Max just shrugged her off and turned back to the jock coach. "Sorry, babe. I'm in love with this stench."

Yen felt tears welling up in her eyes. She was losing her friends and her team. But she refused to concede. She would find a way to break this spell and save them all, no matter what it took.

Max and Ava slowly approached the jock coach, their minds hazy with the overwhelming scent emanating from his groin. They were powerless to resist, the jockstraps attached to their bodies seemed to be pulling them closer and closer to the source of the intoxicating aroma.

As they drew nearer, their eyes glazed over, their faces slack with pleasure. The coach grinned, enjoying the sight of his new minions submitting to his will. Yen watched in horror as her fellow Rangers succumbed to the coach's power. She knew she had to do something, but she didn't know what. She had never felt so helpless before.

"Come closer," the coach commanded, his voice deep and hypnotic. "Smell the stench of your new master."

Max and Ava obeyed, throwing their helmets so that their noses were inches away from the source of the smell. They breathed deeply, their bodies trembling with pleasure. Then, they licked the jock coach’s groin with pleasure. "Join them," the coach said, turning his gaze to Yen. "Don't fight it. It's useless."

But Yen refused to give in. She summoned all her willpower and broke free from the grip of the jockstrap on her body. She stumbled backward, gasping for air. The Green Ranger felt her world crumble as the coach's voice echoed in her mind. "You belong to me, Rangers," he said. "You will serve me and the jocks forever."

She tried to shake off the coach's influence, but it was no use. The stench had seeped deep into her psyche, and she could feel herself slipping under its control. Max and Ava stood beside her, both with vacant expressions on their faces. They were lost to the coach's influence, and Yen knew it was only a matter of time before she joined them.

"We must resist," Eden said, his voice filled with the last legs of determination.

The coach's smile faltered, and he advanced on Yen, his eyes blazing with fury.

"You dare to resist me?" the monstrous obese figure snarled.

But before he could reach her, Yen raised her hand and fired a blast of energy at him. The coach screamed as the blast hit him, and he crumpled to the ground. The jockstraps attached to the Rangers began to shrivel and die, their power drained by the defeat of their master. The Rangers were free at last.

Yen helped Max and Ava to their feet, and together they fled the stadium, vowing never to let themselves fall under the power of the jockstraps again.






Minh tossed and turned in her sleep, her mind plagued by the horrors she had witnessed earlier in the day. She dreamt that she was back in the changing room, surrounded by the slimy jockstraps and the stench of the coach.

As she looked down at her spandex costume, she saw that it was covered in slimy tendrils, wrapping around her arms and legs, pulling her closer to the writhing mass of jockstraps. She tried to summon her power weapon, but it was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head, mocking her.

"You thought you could escape me, didn't you? But I am always here, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. You and your pathetic little team are nothing to me."

Minh tried to fight back, to push the voice out of her mind, but it only grew stronger. She felt herself sinking deeper and deeper into the nightmare, unable to break free.

"Your mind is weak, Green Ranger. You are no match for me. You will serve me, just like all the others before you."

Minh screamed in terror, but her voice was drowned out by the coach's taunts and the sound of the jockstraps slithering toward her.

She woke up in a cold sweat, her heart racing. She knew that the nightmare was just a glimpse of what was to come and that she and her team were in grave danger.



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