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Prepare for an electrifying journey where the Next Generation Power Rangers encounter a mysterious and sinister force. As secrets unfold, their world is turned upside down. Join the adventure as they face unimaginable challenges and embark on a quest that will test their strength and unity.

This is part 1 of the lengthy Triple Minhs and No Victory story to celebrate the recent Power Rangers: Once and Always special episode!

I always wonder how the new Rangers team would form now that the Yellow Ranger power has been given to Minh Kwan.

PS: Behold the beautiful hi-res illustration of the three Minhs from our awesome illustrator!

Special thanks to my loyal and royal friends:




Wolf Knight Leon

Quốc Huy Bùi

欸 熊

Robert Terwillger


Joshua O’Neill

Matt Thomas


Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




The Yellow Ranger enters the scene!



Part 1: Struggling for Freedom: The Desperate Battle to Break Free


The Next Generation Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had taken a break from their superhero duties to enjoy a day at an American football game. Minh, Ava, Max, Hannah, Eden, and Talulah were seated in the stands, wearing their civilian clothes and cheering on their favorite team.

For Minh, it was a personal moment. After she had proven herself to be worthy of the Yellow Sabretooth Tiger Ranger position during the older team’s debacle with Robo Rita, she was joined by other youngsters to continue the Ranger legacy. Uncle Zack and Billy had generously given up their powers to focus on their civilian lives with the mantle of Black and Blue Rangers given to Eden and the geeky Hannah respectively. Hannah looked like her father for most parts.

Max, the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger, was on the edge of his seat, yelling at the top of his lungs as the ball flew through the air. "Come on, catch it!" he shouted, his fists clenched in anticipation.

Minh, the Yellow Sabretooth Tiger Ranger, nudged him with her elbow. "Relax, Max," she said, a smile on her face. "It's just a game."

"I know, I know," Max said, forcing himself to calm down. "I just get really into it."

Hannah, the geeky Blue Triceratops Ranger girl, laughed. "That's what makes you such a great leader," she said. "Your passion."

The game was intense, with both teams putting up a good fight. But as the clock ticked down to the final seconds, the Rangers noticed something strange happening on the field.

One of the players, a burly jock with a menacing grin, seemed to be deliberately trying to hurt the other team's players. He was knocking them down with brutal force, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

"What's going on with that guy?" Ava, the Pink Pterodactyl Ranger, asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Talulah, the female Green Dragon Ranger, couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Did you see that? They just took him!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the group of jocks dragging the struggling athlete away.

"I don't know," Eden, the Black Mastodon Ranger, said, his eyes narrowing. "But I have a bad feeling about this."

"We have to follow them," Max, the Red Ranger, said, determination in his voice.

As the game came to an end, the Rangers watched as the jock made his way to the locker room. They knew that they had to follow him, to find out what was going on. And so, Minh, Ava, Max, Hannah, Eden, and Talulah, the Green Ranger, made their way to the locker room, prepared to uncover the dark secrets that were hidden within.

The Rangers looked around to make sure they could morph, then they transformed before investigating the hidden changing room behind the dilapidated wing of the stadium. The place was weird.

The Rangers cautiously moved deeper into the changing room, wary of any potential threats lurking in the shadows. As they approached the next room, they heard a strange squelching sound coming from inside.

Ava, the Pink Ranger, spoke up. "Guys, we need to be careful in there. Who knows what kind of disgusting things those jocks have left for us to find."

Max, the Red Ranger, nodded in agreement. "We can't take any chances. Let's stay alert and keep our guard up."

As they entered the room, the Rangers were horrified to see a pile of soiled jockstraps and underwear, wriggling and squirming as if alive. Minh, the Yellow Ranger, gasped in disgust. "What the hell is this?"

Eden, the Black Ranger, spoke up. "I don't like the looks of this. We need to get out of here before those things attach themselves to us."

But it was too late. As the Rangers turned to leave, the pile of jockstraps and underwear surged forward, wrapping themselves around the Rangers' bodies and infecting them with their insidious parasites.

The jockstraps and underwear had a life of their own, clinging to the Rangers' bodies like parasites. The fabric felt slick and slimy as if it were coated in some kind of viscous fluid. The Rangers' skin crawled as they felt the fabric tighten around them, constricting their movements and making it difficult to breathe.

The Rangers writhed in agony as the parasitic jockstraps and underwear clung to their bodies like leeches. Minh, the Yellow Ranger, could feel the straps digging into her skin, the slimy substance that coated them sending shivers down her spine. "What is happening to us?" she cried out, her voice strained with pain.

Ava, the Pink Ranger, was equally panicked. "I can't move! It's like it's holding me in place!"

Max, the Red Ranger, tried to fire his blaster, but the agony was too much. He dropped the weapon, clutching at his groin in pain. He tried to pull the strap off his body, but it was like trying to remove a part of his own flesh. "We have to get out of here," he growled, gritting his teeth as the strap tightened around his waist.

Hannah, the Blue Ranger, could feel the fabric squirming against her skin like thousands of tiny insects crawling over her body. "We have to get out of here! We can't let these things take us over!"

Eden, the Black Ranger, was already feeling weak and dizzy, the fabric sapping his strength. "I can't...I can't hold on," he moaned, feeling like his strength was being sapped away.

The Rangers felt an intense burning sensation as the cursed items attached themselves to their bodies. The straps wrapped around their groins tightly, constricting their movements and causing them to squirm in discomfort. The parasites spread their slimy, gooey substance all over the Rangers' lower bodies, weakening their strength and resolve.

As the jockstraps continued to wrap tightly around their groins, the Rangers could feel their bodily fluids being drained away. "This is unbearable," cried Minh, the Yellow Ranger. "I feel like they're sucking the life out of me!"

Max, the Red Ranger, gritted his teeth in pain. "We have to fight through it," he said through clenched jaws. "We can't let these things take us down."

But the more they struggled, the tighter the jockstraps seemed to cling to their bodies, draining them of their energy and strength. The Rangers knew that if they didn't find a way to break free soon, they would be consumed completely by the parasitic horror that had taken hold of them.

Talulah, the Green Ranger, was the last to succumb, falling to the ground as the fabric wrapped itself around her body, squeezing the life out of her. The Rangers were trapped, helpless as the parasitic jockstraps and underwear consumed them from the inside out.

As the jockstraps continued to tighten their grip on the Rangers' groins, the parasites' influence began to seep into their minds. They started to imagine themselves as part of an evil American football team, serving as living targets for the male Rangers and debilitated cheerleaders for the female Rangers.

"I can't take it anymore!" cried out Max, the Red Ranger. "I don't care about fighting evil anymore. All I want is to be part of this team and serve our new overlords."

The other Rangers looked at him with shock and horror, unable to believe what they were hearing. "Max, what are you talking about?" asked Hannah, the Blue Ranger.

"I'm talking about embracing our new purpose," replied Max, his eyes glazed over. "We are part of something greater now. Something that will make us stronger than ever before."

Ava, the Pink Ranger, felt a strange sensation wash over her as she looked at her fellow Ranger. "I don't know what's happening to us, but I can't deny that part of me wants to be a part of this team. To be accepted and valued for my abilities."

Minh, the Yellow Ranger, shook her head in disbelief. "This isn't us. We are Power Rangers, sworn to protect the innocent and fight for justice. We can't give in to these parasitic creatures and their twisted desires."

But as the parasites continued to feed on their bodily fluids, the Rangers found it harder and harder to resist their influence. They started to see visions of themselves as part of this evil team, and the thought of being accepted and valued in this new world was almost too tempting to resist.

Eden, the Black Ranger, tried to shake himself free from the jockstraps' grip. "We can't give up like this. We have to fight back, no matter how hard it may seem."

Talulah, the Green Ranger, nodded in agreement. "She's right. We can't let these parasites control us. We have to take a stand and fight for what's right."

But even as they tried to resist, the Rangers felt their willpower slipping away. The parasites were too powerful, too insidious, and they knew that it was only a matter of time before they fully succumbed to their influence.

Ava the Pink Ranger in particular felt her mind slipping away as the jockstrap tightened around her waist. "I can't fight it," she whimpered, her voice laced with despair. "I have to be a cheerleader for them. They're our team now."

Max, the Red Ranger, gritted his teeth as he tried to resist the influence of the parasites. "No, Ava. Don't listen to them. We're not on their side. We have to fight this."

But Ava was already moving towards the sidelines, her body moving against her will as she joined the evil cheerleading squad. Max watched in horror as she started cheering for the opposing team, her voice ringing out loud and clear in support of their rivals.

Hannah, the Blue Ranger, felt a surge of anger rising within her. "How dare they do this to us?" she growled. "I won't stand for it."

Eden, the Black Ranger, nodded in agreement. "We have to break free from these parasites. They're turning us against each other."

Talulah, the Green Ranger, joined in. "I won't let them control me. We have to fight back."

"Come on guys, join us," Ava said, her voice flat and devoid of emotion. "It's so much fun being part of the team. You'll love it."

Max, the Red Ranger, looked at Ava with a mix of horror and sadness. He knew that they had failed, that they were now lost to the darkness of the jockstrap parasites. His voice trembling. "We can't give up."

Together, the Rangers rallied their strength and pushed against the influence of the jockstraps. Slowly, they began to regain control of their bodies, fighting back against the corrupting influence of the parasites. Then, the situation became direr.

Hannah's mind was now consumed by the parasitic jockstraps. She no longer had control over her own thoughts or movements. All she could feel was the overwhelming desire to cheer for the evil jocks, to support them in their every move. Her genius-level intellect was abandoned as she succumbed to the influence of the jockstraps. She yelled out the team's chants, her voice hoarse from the constant cheering.

"Go Jocks, go! We love you!" she screamed, her eyes glazed over with a manic look.

Meanwhile, Minh and Talulah were still fighting the cheerleading influence, but it was becoming harder and harder to resist. They could feel the jockstraps wrapping tighter and tighter around their bodies, the slimy substance seeping into their skin and weakening them. But they knew they had to keep fighting, for their own sake and for their friends.

As they struggled to break free, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. The burly jocks of horror had returned, their sinister grins spreading across their faces as they looked upon the weakened Rangers.

"Welcome to the team, Rangers," one of the jocks said. "We've been waiting for you."

Their eyes degraded the tormented heroes as two of them brought something that looked like football practice target dolls. Only these ones had their interiors opened so that Max and his teammates could see the pulsating fleshy interior. Those were living cocoons.

Max stared in horror at the cocoon before him, his mind reeling with the knowledge that this was to be his new prison. "We won't go in there!" he spat at the jocks, his voice shaking with a mixture of anger and fear.

The burly jocks merely laughed in response, their eyes glinting with malicious glee. "You don't have a choice, Ranger," one of them sneered. "You and your friends are going to make great targets for us. Now get in the cocoon!"

Max tried to resist, but the jockstraps tightened their grip around his waist, pulling him closer to the cocoon. "No!" he shouted, struggling against the straps with all his might. "I won't let you do this to me!"

But it was no use. The jockstraps had already taken hold of him, their influence seeping into his mind and clouding his thoughts. He felt himself growing weaker and weaker by the second, his body succumbing to the parasites' will. As he was pulled closer and closer to the cocoon, Max could hear the voices of his teammates in the background, their own struggles echoing in his ears. But their cries for help soon faded away, drowned out by the overwhelming power of the jockstraps.

As Max was forced into the cocoon, he felt the pulsating walls close in around him. The slimy interior clung to his skin, sucking him deeper and deeper into its grip. He struggled and fought against the walls, but it was like being trapped in quicksand. The more he struggled, the deeper he sank.

The other Rangers could only watch in horror as their friend was slowly suffocated by the cocoon. They could see the life draining from his eyes, his struggles becoming weaker and weaker. "No, Max, fight it!" Talulah screamed, but her words fell on deaf ears. Minh tried to blast the cocoon open with his blaster, but it was no use. The cocoon seemed to be alive, adapting and absorbing their attacks.

As the cocoon drained Max's soul slowly, he felt his mind slipping away. The evil jocks' taunts and jeers echoed in his mind, their twisted fantasies becoming his own. He began to imagine himself as a permanent practice target, his body used and abused by the jocks for all eternity. The thought sent shivers down his spine, but at the same time, it was strangely arousing.

The other Rangers could only watch in horror as the cocoon took hold of their friend, trapping him forever in a twisted, perverted fantasy. They knew that they were next, that the cocoon would come for them soon enough. But for now, they could only mourn the loss of their friend and brace themselves for what was to come.

Eden tried to fight the control of the cocoon, but the longer he stayed inside, the more he could feel his resistance slipping away. He felt himself slipping further into the fantasy of being a helpless, debased practice target for the jocks.

"Max, I can't hold on much longer," Eden said weakly. "It's like my mind is turning against me. I can't...I can't stop thinking about how good it feels to be powerless, to be nothing more than a toy for them to play with."

Talulah, the Green Ranger, shouted from her own cocoon nearby. "Don't give up, Eden! We can fight this! We have to keep fighting!"

But Eden could feel himself losing the battle. The cocoon was draining his strength, his will to resist. It was as if the jocks were sucking the life out of him, leaving him with nothing but a desperate need to serve them, to be their practice target forever.

"I'm sorry, Talulah," Eden said, his voice barely a whisper. "I don't think I can fight it anymore. I'm...I'm sorry."

And with that, he felt himself slipping away into the fantasy, into the cocoon that would be his prison forever. Eden Park's mind was now consumed by the twisted fantasy of being a permanent practice target doll for the evil American Football team. In his delirium, he vividly described how his life would be as he continued to be suffocated by the cocoon.

"I'll be theirs forever," he muttered. "My body will be their plaything, their punching bag. I'll be thrown around and tackled, my bones breaking under the weight of their bodies. They'll use me as a living target, hurling footballs at me until I'm bruised and battered. And when they tire of that, they'll strip me down and use me for their own pleasure."

The other Rangers could only watch in horror as their comrade's mind was consumed by the parasitic jockstrap's influence. They knew that they were all on the brink of being lost to this horrific fate. "We can't let this happen," Talulah said, her voice shaking with fear. "We have to fight back, find a way to break free of these things before it's too late."

"But how?" Minh asked, desperation in his voice. "We've tried everything, and nothing has worked. We're running out of time."

Max's eyes flickered open, and he managed to gasp out a few words. "Don't...give up...on me. We...can't...let them...win."

The female Rangers didn't realize the jocks were ready to humiliate them. The jocks threw parasitic pompoms that attached themselves to Minh, Hannah, and Ava's hands, trapping their fingers inside. The tendrils and slime started to suck their Ranger spirit.

Minh struggled as the parasitic pompoms wrapped tightly around her hands, her fingers trapped inside. She could feel the slime seeping into her skin, corrupting her from within. "No! This can't be happening!" she yelled, trying to resist the pull of the parasitic tendrils. "I won't be some cheerleader for you to abuse! I won't let you take away my Ranger spirit!"

Hannah and Ava, trapped in the same nightmare, didn't say a word. Their eyes glazed over as they became more and more subservient to the jocks' will. They started to chant along with the jock team, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the cheers.

Minh's struggle became weaker as the parasitic pompoms sucked more of her Ranger spirit away. She could feel herself slipping deeper into the fantasy, imagining herself as nothing more than a plaything for the jocks to use as they pleased. "I can't resist...it's too strong..." she murmured, her voice trailing off as she succumbed to the parasitic influence.

The jocks laughed as they watched the female Rangers succumb to their control. "That's it, girls," one of them sneered. "You belong to us now. You'll do whatever we want, whenever we want it. You're our playthings, and there's no escape from this."

As the parasitic pompoms attached themselves to the female Rangers' hands, they could feel a sickening sensation coursing through their bodies. The tendrils and slime clung to their fingers, draining their Ranger spirit and plunging them deeper into the fantasy of being obedient, abused cheerleaders.

Hannah and Ava were already lost in the delusion, their voices rising in unison with the jocks' chants. "Go team, go! Take them down!" they shouted, their voices dripping with sickening enthusiasm.

But Minh struggled against the influence, trying to resist the urge to chant along with them. "I won't do it!" she protested, her voice trembling with emotion. "I won't be a pawn in your sick game!"

But the pompoms continued to pulse and squirm in her hands, the tendrils digging deeper into her flesh. She could feel her willpower slipping away, her mind becoming hazy and confused. Despite her best efforts, she found herself joining in with the other cheerleaders, her voice rising in unison with theirs. As they cheered on the jocks, Minh could feel a sense of shame and disgust building within her. She didn't want to be a part of this twisted fantasy, but the pompoms held her captive, their parasitic influence too strong to resist.

Meanwhile, the muscular boys of the Black and Red Next Generation Rangers were still struggling weakly in the suffocating living practice target doll cocoons. Despite their empowered spandex suits, their powers were constantly sapped by the slime and tendrils. Their body began to follow the cocoon's sickening pulsating rhythm.

Eden was on his last legs of resistance while Max still had some power although it wouldn't be enough. It wouldn't be enough as the cocoon began using its tentacles to invade the Black and Red Rangers' spandex-clad bodies starting with their mouths.

Eden's mouth opened in a silent scream as the tendrils slithered their way past his lips and down his throat. He gagged and choked, feeling as though he was drowning in a sea of slime and filth. His body convulsed as the tendrils probed deeper, invading his very being and taking control of his movements.

Max gritted his teeth as the tendrils forced their way into his own mouth, the slimy substance coating his tongue and suffocating him. He tried to fight back, to resist the invasive presence, but it was too late. His body was no longer his own, but a vessel for the cocoon's sickening desires.

Eden moaned in agony as the tendrils continued to spread throughout his body, their slimy grip tightening with each passing moment. He could feel his mind slipping away, his thoughts becoming muddled and confused. The cocoon was becoming his entire world, and he was powerless to stop it.

Max's eyes rolled back in his head as the tendrils invaded his brain, their sickening influence overwhelming his senses. He groaned in despair as his body was twisted and contorted, the cocoon shaping him into a grotesque parody of his former self. He could feel himself slipping away, his identity fading into nothingness as the cocoon took hold.

The cocoon's voice echoed inside their heads, a sinister whisper that promised them eternal servitude as practice targets for the jock team. The Rangers' minds were filled with images of themselves being tackled, thrown, and used as playthings by the jocks, their bodies twisted and broken in ways they couldn't imagine.

Eden and Max could feel themselves becoming more and more pliable, their bodies contorting to fit the shape of the cocoon. Their wills were crushed, and they knew that they would never be free from this living prison.

Eden, the Black Ranger, could feel the invasive tendrils of the cocoon invading his mouth and spreading throughout his body. His mind was clouded, and all he could think about was the humiliation and degradation he was about to face as a permanent practice target for the jocks.

"I can't...I can't resist it anymore. They're our gods now," Eden muttered through clenched teeth, his voice strained with agony. "We're nothing but targets for their amusement, just toys for them to use and abuse. We're at the bottom of the ultimate sports  hierarchy, and we'll never be anything more."

Max on the other hand was still fighting against the invasive tendrils, but he could feel his willpower waning with every passing moment. "No...I refuse to accept this as our fate. We're not just objects for their entertainment. We have power, we have abilities, and we can fight back!"

But even as he spoke, Max could feel the tendrils creeping further into his body, numbing his muscles and clouding his mind. He let out a pained cry as he realized his resistance was futile.

"We...we can't fight them. They're too strong," The spandex-clad Red Tyrannoranger gasped, his words slurring as the tendrils reached his brain. "We'll...we'll never escape this...this nightmare."

The male Rangers' minds were now completely consumed by the fantasy of being the practice targets for the jocks. They couldn't help but think of themselves as worthless, weak, and insignificant compared to the jocks who were the epitome of masculinity and strength.

Max, Eden, and the other male Rangers had fought bravely against the parasitic cocoons, but now they were resigned to their fate. They knew that they would spend the rest of their lives as living dolls, completely at the mercy of the jocks.

As the tentacles invaded their mouths, the male Rangers let out agonized screams. But even as they screeched, they couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure. It was as if their bodies were betraying them, responding to the parasitic invasion in ways that they didn't understand. Max let out a deep, guttural moan as the tentacles wrapped around his body, their slimy texture making his skin crawl. But even as he felt his strength waning, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction. He knew that he was powerless, but that only served to heighten his arousal.

Eden, too, felt himself succumbing to the parasitic invasion. He could feel his intellect slipping away, his thoughts becoming muddled and incoherent. But even as his mind deteriorated, he couldn't help but feel a sense of bliss. The jocks had shown him his place in the world, and he was grateful for it. "I...I can't resist...I don't want to resist," he moaned, his voice filled with a mix of fear and perverse pleasure.

As the male Rangers were consumed by the parasitic cocoons, they became living targets for the jocks. They would spend the rest of their lives as practice dummies, completely at the mercy of the jocks who would use them for their own pleasure and amusement. And deep down, the male Rangers couldn't help but feel a strange sense of contentment. They had found their place in the world, and they were happy to serve the jocks who had dominated them so completely.






Max gritted his teeth as he watched the cocoon strip away his Power Buckle. "No...not my power," he groaned.

Eden shook his head, feeling his own buckle being taken away. "This can't be happening," he muttered, despair overwhelming into his voice.

"We have to fight it somehow," Max whimpered with hollow words.

But Eden knew it was too late. "Our powers were everything," he whispered, feeling his own strength drain away with the loss of his buckle. "Now...we're nothing."

Max could feel himself slipping away as the cocoon continued to drain his life force. "This is it...I'm done for," he thought, his mind becoming clouded by the overwhelming sensations of the cocoon's pulsating grip. He couldn't even remember what it felt like to be free anymore.

Eden's body was now fully controlled by the cocoon, his movements robotic as it pulled him deeper into his twisted fantasy. "Yes...I'm their practice target...I exist to serve them," he muttered, his voice devoid of any hint of his former self.

Eden and Max were completely trapped in their cocoons as living practice target dolls, unable to move or fight back. They could feel the jocks grabbing and tackling them, their powers being sapped away with each hit.

Max and Eden's words became more incoherent as their memories faded away.  "I...I can't...remember..." Max muttered, his voice trembling with fear and confusion.

"What...what's happening to us?" Eden asked, his words slurring together.

As the jocks continued to tackle and abuse the practice dolls, Max and Eden's minds were filled with nothing but the fantasy of being humiliated and abused by the football jocks. They couldn't remember who they were or what their purpose was. All that remained was the desire to serve and entertain the jocks.

"We're...we're just here to serve...to be their playthings..." Max muttered.

"Anything for them...we're nothing without them..." Eden slurred.

The once proud and powerful Black and Red Rangers had been reduced to nothing but mindless dolls, completely under the control of the evil football jocks. As the straps spread across their spandex-clad bodies, the male Rangers' minds became warped beyond recognition in the cocoons. Their sense of identity was gone, replaced by a perverse desire to serve their new masters. They reveled in the stench of the jockstraps, which now represented their only source of pleasure and satisfaction.

As the parasitic jockstraps continued to spread over their bodies, the male Rangers could feel their power coins being copied into the jockstraps. They knew they were trapped in the nightmare for eternity. Max and Eden tried to resist, but they could feel their willpower slipping away, replaced by a deep desire to serve their new masters. They knew they were lost forever.

Max’s puny Red Ranger helmet bobbed in mindlessness. "I'm not sure I even want to remember who I was before. All I want is to worship those jocks and their jockstraps forever."

The jocks reveled in their subjugation of the male Rangers. They still wanted to play with the rest of the captured team. One of them approached Talulah the Green Dragon Ranger with an elongated American football ball. The tomboyish girl’s mind was racing as the jock approached her with the elongated football ball. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest and her palms getting sweaty inside her gloves.

"What's the matter, Green Ranger? Don't like football?" the jock sneered.

The battle-hardened Talulah narrowed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing. "It's not that," she said. "I just don't trust you guys."

The jock chuckled. "Well, you don't really have a choice, do you?" he said, tossing the ball to her.

Talulah caught the ball and felt a shiver run down her spine as she touched the slimy, stinky fabric. She tried to throw it back, but the ball seemed to stick to her hands, wrapping itself around her fingers.

As her fingers closed around the ball's rough surface, she realized her mistake. The ball was alive, pulsating with a sickly green light that made her stomach churn. She tried to let go, but the ball seemed to cling to her hand, tendrils of slime and goo wrapping themselves around her fingers and pulling her in.

"Hey, what the--" Talulah cried out as she felt the tendrils start to crawl up her arms. She tried to shake them off, but it was no use. The slime was already starting to seep through her suit.

The jock grinned as he watched Talulah struggle. "Looks like we've got ourselves another cocoon," he said to his friends. "Let's have some fun with her."

Talulah’s heart sank as she realized what was happening. The Green Ranger was going to be trapped in this ball, just like Max and Eden were trapped in their cocoons. And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Please, let me go," she pleaded with the jocks. "I don't want to be a part of this."

But the jocks just laughed and started to chant, "Cocoon her! Cocoon her!"

Talulah tried to resist, but the tendrils were too strong. They started to wrap around her body, tightening and squeezing until she could barely breathe. She could feel her energy draining away, sucked out by the parasitic slime.

Talulah felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she was sucked into the small space inside the ball. The fabric was rough and scratchy against her skin, and the air inside was thick with the stench of sweat and dirt. She tried to breathe through her mouth, but the smell was so overpowering that she felt like she was suffocating.

"Looks like you're stuck in there for good now." the jock taunted, laughing as he watched her struggle.

Talulah’s heart sank as she realized he was right. The ball was like a cocoon, trapping her inside and draining her of her Green Dragon Ranger powers. She could feel her energy fading with every passing moment, and she knew that soon she would be nothing but a shell of her former self.

"Please...let me go..." Talulah pleaded, but her words were lost in the stifling air inside the ball.

The jock just laughed and walked away, leaving her to her fate. Talulah felt a surge of anger and despair welling up inside her. She had always been a fighter, a warrior for justice, but now she was helpless, trapped inside this nightmare world.

As the minutes turned into hours, Talulah felt herself losing more and more of her identity. Her memories of her life as a Ranger began to fade, replaced by visions of herself as a cheerleader, a slave to the jock's every whim. She felt herself beginning to accept her new reality, to embrace the degradation and humiliation that was her fate.

"No...this isn't who I am..." Talulah whispered to herself, but her voice was weak and unconvincing.

The stench of the ball was all-encompassing now, filling her senses with its noxious odor. She could feel it seeping into her skin, changing her on a fundamental level. She was becoming something else, something dark and twisted and evil.

And yet, even as she felt herself slipping away, Talulah refused to give up completely. She clung to her memories of her life as a Ranger, to the ideals of justice and freedom that had always driven her. She knew that she couldn't let the jocks win, couldn't let them turn her into something she wasn't.

With a final burst of strength, Talulah summoned all the power she had left and pushed against the walls of the ball. The Green Ranger heroine grunted with effort as she strained against the fabric, but it felt like pushing against a brick wall. "Come on, come on!" she growled, her face twisted in determination.

The jocks chuckled and jeered at her from the sidelines, enjoying the spectacle of her struggling against the football. "Give it up, Green Ranger," one of them taunted. "You're not going anywhere."

Talulah gritted her teeth and redoubled her efforts, pouring all her Ranger strength into trying to break free. But the fabric only seemed to grow tighter, squeezing the air out of her lungs and constricting her movements.

"I can't...breathe..." she gasped, her eyes widening in panic. She felt like a bug caught in a spider's web, helpless and trapped.

The jocks laughed even harder, their voices echoing in the enclosed space of the football. "Looks like she's finally starting to get it!" one of them crowed.

Talulah thrashed and struggled, but it was no use. The fabric continued to tighten around her, stench filling her nostrils and making her head spin. She felt like she was suffocating, drowning in a sea of sweat and filth. "Please...help me..." she gasped, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own sharp breaths.

Talulah knew she had to endure the pain for her team's sake. "I won't give up, guys," she muttered under her breath.

But the jocks had other plans for her. They tossed her around like a toy, their fingers digging into her spandex-clad skin as they did so. Talulah’s body was twisted and contorted, her bones aching and her muscles straining against the tight fabric of the football. As she tumbled through the air, she could hear the jocks' cruel laughter echoing around her. "This is what you get for being a Power Ranger, little girl," one of them sneered.

With each passing moment, she felt more and more like an object, a mere thing to be used and discarded at the whim of her captors. The stench of their sweat and the acrid odor of the football's interior fabric filled her nostrils, overwhelming her senses and leaving her gasping for air. As Talulah’s strength ebbed away, she knew that her only hope lay in the other Rangers. She called out to them, her voice muffled by the fabric that surrounded her.

"Guys, please... help me!" the Green Ranger heroine cried.

But there was no response, only the taunting laughter of the jocks and the sickening thud of her body as it collided with the ground. Talulah knew that she was alone, that there was no one left to save her. The jocks just laughed harder, and one of them kicked the ball across the field. Talulah tumbled around inside the ball, feeling like she was going to be sick. She could hear the jocks cheering as they passed the ball back and forth, each one taking a turn to kick it as hard as they could.

As the Green Ranger lay trapped within the confines of the American football, her mind raced with thoughts of her previous life. She remembered her days as a Ranger, fighting evil and saving lives. But now, all of that seemed so distant and unattainable. She was no longer a hero, but an object to be kicked around by the jocks.

As the hours passed, Talulah’s mind began to unravel. She could no longer distinguish herself from the jade-colored spandex suit that clung to her body like a second skin. She could feel the jocks' eyes on her at all times, lusting after her body and eager to use her as a toy. At first, she fought against their advances, trying to hold onto her sense of self and dignity as a Power Ranger. But eventually, the constant barrage of abuse and degradation wore her down. She began to accept her role as an object of their amusement, surrendering herself to their twisted desires.

The green spandex suit became a part of her, defining her existence as a plaything for the jocks. They would toss her around like a ball, laughing as she bounced off the walls and landed in a heap on the ground. Sometimes they would leave her lying there for hours, forgotten and alone until they decided to come back and play with her again.

As time went on, Talulah’s mind began to fade away. Her memories of her life before the Rangers became hazy and indistinct, as though they belonged to someone else entirely. All that mattered now was the jocks' attention, their touch, their smell. She craved it like a drug, addicted to the rush of pleasure and pain that came with their abuse.

Eventually, she lost all sense of herself as a person. She was just a thing, a toy, a ball to be tossed around and used by the jocks as they pleased. And as her mind slipped away, she realized with a sickening horror that this was exactly what they had wanted all along. They had taken her power, her identity, her very sense of self, and turned her into nothing more than a tool for their twisted amusement. Talulah, in her ball form, whimpered as the jocks tossed her around and kicked her. "I am just a ball now," she thought to herself. "I have no control over my own body. I am nothing but an object for them to use as they please."

Meanwhile, the other female Rangers were being tormented by the parasitic jockstraps. The rubbery straps had spread across their spandex costumes and slowly transform their identities into twisted versions of cheerleader girls.

Minh the Yellow Ranger looked down at her new uniform, feeling disgusted and violated. "I can't believe this is happening," she whispered.

Ava gritted her teeth. Her consciousness had slipped in and out of the evil influence "We have to find a way out of here. We can't just give up like Hannah."

"But how?" the dazed Hannah asked. "We don't even know where we are, let alone how to escape."

Minh shook her head. "We'll figure it out. We have to keep trying."

As they spoke, the jockstraps continued to spread over their bodies, tightening around their waists and thighs. The fabric felt suffocating, like a second skin. Minh tried to push it away, but it was no use. They couldn't remember why they were fighting or who they were fighting for. All they knew was the humiliation and degradation that came with the tight uniforms.

"We're never getting out of here," Minh whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the jockstraps.

Ava nodded. "I think... I think I'm starting to forget why we were even here in the first place."

As Minh, Ava, and Hannah were losing the battle against the parasitic jockstraps and pompoms, they could hear Max and Eden shouting from afar.

"Embrace your new reality as dolls," Max yelled.

"There's no point fighting it," Eden added. "You'll only end up like us, trapped in eternal servitude."

Minh tried to resist, "No! We won't give up like you. We'll find a way to break free and save ourselves."

But Ava interjected, "What's the point? We've already lost so much of ourselves. I can hardly remember what it was like before."

Hannah chipped in, "And the more we resist, the stronger they become. We're only making it worse for ourselves."

The girls fell silent, realizing the futility of their situation. The parasitic straps and pompoms were slowly overtaking them, turning them into mindless dolls to be played with at the jocks' whim.

"We can still try," Minh said, mustering up some hope. "We can still try to hold on to who we are, for as long as we can."

But as the straps tightened around their bodies and the stench of the jockstraps and pompoms filled their noses, the girls felt their resolve slipping away. They began to succumb to the nightmare, slowly forgetting who they were and what they once stood for.

The jocks laughed and cheered, relishing in their conquest of the once-mighty Power Rangers. The parasitic straps and pompoms had succeeded in their mission to turn the Rangers into mere playthings, forever trapped in a world of humiliation and servitude.

Ava, Hannah, and Minh tried to scream as the parasitic jockstraps slipped through their Ranger helmets, but their voices were muffled. They felt a cold embrace as the straps wrapped tightly around their bodies, spreading their stenchy essence through the spandex suits.

The girls fought with all their might, but it was no use. The jockstraps had them in their grasp, and they were slowly succumbing to their power. Talulah felt a strange sensation in her groin as the jockstrap spread its parasitic straps over her, claiming her as its own.

"This can't be happening," Minh cried out, trying to hold onto her identity as the Yellow Ranger. But the jockstrap had already claimed her, and she was slowly losing herself to its power.

"I...I am a cheerleader," Hannah whispered in defeat as she felt the jockstrap wrapping tightly around her chest, making her spandex costume feel even tighter and more restrictive.

As they struggled, they could hear the male Rangers in the distance, their voices muffled but still audible.

"We're just practice dolls now," Max called out.

"And we love it," Eden added.

The girls realized then that they too were trapped in the changing room forever, their Ranger identities stripped away, and their bodies now serving as playthings for the jocks.

Ava let out a sob, her mind foggy as the jockstrap straps continued to tighten around her. "I'm just a cheerleader now," she said, her voice hollow.

"I'm a living ball," Talulah the Green Ranger chimed in, her words barely audible from within the football fabric.

Hannah could feel herself slipping away, her thoughts becoming more and more fragmented. "I'm... I'm just an object now," she mumbled, her body feeling heavy and sluggish.

Minh tried to hold onto her Ranger identity, to fight back against the parasitic straps, but it was too late. She too succumbed to the jockstraps' embrace. "I'm just a... just a..." she trailed off, her words slurred.

As the jockstraps completed their invasion of Ava, Talulah, and Minh's spandex costumes, the once defiant and heroic Rangers began to speak in a robotic and monotone voice, their expressions blank and lifeless.

"I am nothing but a plaything," Ava declared, her voice devoid of any emotion.

"I exist only to serve the jocks," Talulah added, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I am trapped in this smelly changing room forever," Minh said, her tone robotic and unfeeling.

Their minds had been completely overtaken by the parasitic jockstraps, leaving behind nothing but hollow shells of their former selves. They stood motionless in the changing room, trapped in their degrading costumes and serving the jocks' every whim.

Max and Eden, once proud and powerful Rangers, were now nothing more than lifeless practice dolls. Their memories and personalities had been erased by the jocks' insatiable lust for power, leaving them nothing but empty vessels for the jockstraps to control.

The changing room was filled with the stench of sweat, testosterone, and degradation. The jocks reveled in their power over the once-mighty Rangers, using them for their own pleasure and amusement.

The parasitic jockstraps had succeeded in their goal of enslaving the Power Rangers, reducing them to nothing more than objects of their twisted desires. The Rangers had fought valiantly, but in the end, they were no match for the power of the jockstraps.

As the days turned to months and the months turned to years in the eldritch changing room dimension, the Rangers' robotic expressions never changed. They were trapped forever in the smelly changing room, serving the jocks and their parasitic jockstraps without question or hesitation.

Unknown to the enslaved Power Rangers but felt by all spandex-clad heroes throughout the grueling conversion, there was a sinister figure that towered behind the jocks. His presence was that of stench and the sour musky odor of sweat. He snorted then growled to laugh at the morphing heroes’ downfall.

This was just the beginning of his grand plan and Minh and her teammates would join him all the way.






The door creaked open, revealing a dark and musty changing room. The new team of Rangers stepped inside, led by an alternate version of Minh and Max. They were investigating strange readings in the area and had stumbled upon the eerie location by chance.

As the new Star Beasts Rangers team entered the changing room, they were immediately hit with the putrid stench of sweat. They cautiously moved forward, their footsteps echoing through the empty space. Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper.

"Help us," the voice begged.

The team looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice. It sounded like it was coming from one of the lockers. They moved towards it, their weapons were drawn and ready for anything.

As they opened the locker, they were met with a shocking sight. Inside, they found the trapped and degraded previous team of Rangers. The jockstraps and cheerleading uniforms had fully consumed their bodies, leaving them as robotic and lifeless objects. The defeated Rangers repeated their robotic expressions, their voices blending together in a haunting chorus.

"Living ball," Talulah the Black Ranger’s voice repeated.

"Practice doll," Eden's voice echoed.

"Cheerleader," Minh’s voice intoned.

"What do we do now?" the alternate Talulah asked, her voice shaking. The Black Ranger took an alarmed fighting stance.

"We fight," Yen, the alternate reality Minh as the Green Lion Star Beasts Ranger said, her voice determined.



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