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The labyrinth stretches further! While the Yellow Lion and Green Rhino Liveman have lost their way in the endless maze underneath the cursed school, can Red Falcon and Blue Dolphin find their way out? But some closets have dirty secrets, especially in a place like this!

Special thanks to my royal and loyal patrons:

Wallel Albet

Robert Terwillger


Matt Thomas

Shunsuke Hoshino



Matthew Peterson

Daniel K




The class has started!

The hallway floor creaked at the weight of the Blue Dolphin and Red Falcon Liveman. The sun had gone down some minutes ago and Yusuke cursed about why the team didn’t wait for a brighter moment to enter the abandoned location. Then he remembered the boys and girls whose life force had been sucked by the monster they chased. Things like this couldn’t wait for morning.

“Do you think the others are okay?” asked the anxious Megumi. Unlike Red with his Falcon Saber, she aimed the deadly Dolphin Arrow at any potential threat. But the long corridor was empty with empty classrooms on both sides. While some had their doors intact, some had them broken, or simply missing them. The dirty windows reflected the vibrant red and blue spandex colors of the heroes. It also showed a dark figure watching in the void.

Yusuke felt a movement and immediately looked to the right. But there was nothing there, only rows of old class desks. The outside window reflected some moonlight to illuminate the gloomy room. All that was left were half-wiped scribbles on the blackboard.

“What’s wrong?” asked the equally agitated Blue Dolphin.

“I thought I saw someone here,” replied Yusuke while blinking. He was sure that he saw someone.

But perhaps the darkness played tricks on his mind. Cursing, he went back to the hallway to continue the cautious exploration. The sooner they could beat this demon, the better.

Yusuke touched the side of his helmet while walking. “Jou, Jun’ichi, are you guys okay?”

There was no reply. Only weird static and other unidentified noises. Red Falcon repeated his call.

There was a response now, but not in the way the Livemen wanted. They heard a monstrous scream that pierced through the com radio. Yusuke and Megumi screamed in pain and immediately turned off their system. “What was that?”

“Whatever that was, I don’t like it.” The Red Falcon pondered for a moment. “I think we need to gather the team back.”

“Tetsuya, can you hear me?” No reply. “Tetsuya!”

Megumi shook her helmet for the team leader. They were definitely in trouble. “Something’s blocking my signal.”

Yusuke scanned their position. The hallway extended further before coming to an intersection. The way they came was simpler with a long hallway to the locker room. He made a decision. “Let’s go back-”

They heard the scream again, this time wasn’t on the communication radio. It was coming from one of the supposedly-empty classrooms. “What the hell was that?!” grunted the Blue Dolphin Liveman, desperately trying to keep her voice down.

Red Falcon readied his weapon. “We’re not here for a stealth mission. Let’s beat this thing right away!”

The team leader’s strategy was direct. A quick attack was better than a cautious one. They could ambush the monster before he could mount an attack. Nodded, Megumi followed Yusuke dashing across the hallway. Their quick steps rattled the floor even more.

The two heroes arrived at the intersection. “There!” pointed Red Falcon as he spotted a strange figure peeking out from the second classroom on the right. It quickly ducked back in. “Hey, come back, you!”

Like streaks of colors, the Livemen bolted to the location at a superhuman speed. Without asking questions, they baarged in. Red Falcon slashed his Saber while Blue Dolphin unleashed her energy arrow. There was an explosion and some of the student desks were thrown.

The duo were alarmed. Megumi aimed her weapon against the accumulating dust cloud. It was hard to see so she switched to infrared vision.

Just then, the monster struck. The big claws of one of his hands slapped the Dolphin Arrow of Megumi’s grip before the other slashed the heroine on the chest. Screeching in pain, she was thrown back to destroy the teacher’s desk.

“Blue!” Red Falcon attacked with his saber, but the monster quickly crossed his arms to block it.

“What’s the use of being fast if you’re meek?” With that, the brick wall-themed monster opened his mouth to burst the Liveman with a burning lava.

Red Falcon was hurt and disoriented. His spandex suit protected him from physical harm, but not the sensory overload. Yusuke felt like he was burned alive. He desperately tried to remove the piling amber all over his costume and helmet. In his confusion, he tripped on a desk and fell backward awkwardly.

The crunch made Yusuke’s heart sink. That must be the monster’s heavy foot destroying his weapon. But he still had another way to fight. “Liblaster!”

The laser firearm manifested in his grip which he used blindly. The monster screamed as two of the directed energy barrages struck his red block body. “Damn you!”

“There you are!” exclaimed Yusuke as he tracked the demon’s voice. With more precision, he fired. There was an explosion then everything was back to silence.

Red Falcon pounded the last of the hardening lava block off his helmet visor to free himself. Blinking with his wet eyes, he quickly scanned the environment for any danger. There was none. It looked like the monster had exploded into burning embers with only his feet remaining. Yusuke remembered something. “Megumi!”

Blue Dolphin was still writhing in pain from the previous monster attack in the corner with her back against the wall just below the blackboard. “Urgh…”

“Hey, hang in there,” said Yusuke softly as he helped Megumi adjust her position. The girl was definitely in pain. The slashing mark was clear across her perfect abs, even cutting a slightly bloody cut. “Damn, he got you good.”

That made Blue Dolphin chuckle. “You think so?” Something behind Red distracted her. “Hey, what’s that?”

The classroom wall was partially destroyed due to the prior battle. The Liblaster energy impact ruined the plaster coating and the bricks behind it. Underneath, Yusuke saw that there was something shiny. “I’ll check it.”

“Be careful,” said the troubled Blue Dolphin Liveman.

Red Falcon replied with a nod before leaving her side. His first assumption was whatever that was, it must be where the monster kept the children’s life force. But his finding was more puzzling than that.

Yusuke understood the 101 of Sentai combat. He switched the Liblaster into the saber mode for close-quarter combat. His boots made crunching noises as they cautiously stepped on broken glass pieces on the dirty floor.

Yusuke frowned. He was closer to the object than before, yet he still couldn’t identify it. It was big, that’s for sure. Red Falcon peeked into the broken wall to see it better. “What the hell?”

Before he could reply, a strange energy hit the team captain. He grunted and took a few steps back due to the exposure. He shook his helmet.

“What is it?”

Yusuke didn’t reply. He simply aimed his Liblaster at the remaining wall and demolished it. Another thick plume of smoke and dust filled the class. The concerned Megumi finally got a glimpse of it.

It was the stuff of nightmares. A surreal thing that made the two Liveman rub their helmet visors in disbelief. It was a giant silvery sneaker shoe. “Huh?”

“It’s a shoe!” replied the bewildered Red Falcon. He needed to look up to see the full form of the massive footwear.

Blue Dolphin wanted to accompany Red, but her condition was not so good. All she could do was observe Red Falcon as he leaped up the shoe’s leashes. Everything about it seemed wrong. Everything was shiny and glossy.

Liveman Red was alarmed by a strange movement along the top edge. Before he could analyze his potential enemy, the shoe’s tongue darted toward him. The Sentai hero screamed and tumbled back to the classroom floor as he was slapped hard.

“Red!” called out Blue Dolphin. She watched in horror as the main hole of the shoe grew with a moving mass. Then, she understood what it was. It was the sock!

Even at that distance, the sock’s stench made her gasp. Blue Dolphin’s hands clenched and her muscles stiffened at the disgusting odor. It was as if the sock had been used by a hundred sweaty athletes.

The sock formed a worm-like protrusion that slithered out of the shoe. Before it, was the struggling Red Falcon. At that distance, even his helmet filtration system wasn’t good enough to clear out all of the musky smell.

Yusuke tried so hard to reach his Liblaster, but the stench invasion hampered his movements. Inside his helmet, he desperately opened his mouth for extra fresh air. His eyes went watery and his vision blurred. It was the worst.

Yet, his body couldn’t lie despite all of that villainous assault. Red Falcon was sweating hard inside his spandex costume. He felt his body heating up as if watching something he shouldn’t watch. He gulped at the strangest and most violating sensation. He felt libidinous.

As he dragged himself across the floor, he accidentally rubbed his grown crotch at the tiles. Just a simple touch was enough to send an overwhelming fervor to the back of his heroic mind. The superhero whined hard as he could feel the blood rushing between his legs.

The Red Falcon Liveman was pushed into a frenzy. He felt his spandex suit was confining his muscles. He rubbed his own body while kneeling, touching every part of his robust form from the thighs to the neck. Yusuke had lost his way. “Smelly Falcon,” mumbled the team captain with a stutter.

“Yusuke, don’t listen to it! Stay with me!” pleaded Megumi as she saw the sock worm approaching her team captain. It was useless as Red Falcon’s mind couldn’t process any inputs anymore.

The Liveman groaned and panted audibly while holding his own helmet as if his head was about to explore. He was doomed. The massive sock worm lifted its opening above him before plunging in. Red Falcon was consumed head-first into the diabolical monster.

When the creature lifted itself back, the hero’s kicking legs were protruding from the mouth. His whimpers and screams were muted and his struggles ended as nothing but insignificant bumps in the fabric neck.

Megumi’s eyes were watery. She could hear him calling her name for help. She roared to give herself an extra boost. Blue Dolphin forced herself to get back up.


The weapon was in her hand. She aimed for the sock monster. It would be an easy shot.

Just then, the bricks behind her exploded. Blue Dolphin was sent tumbling forward. She shrieked in pain due to her previous injuries.

Megumi’s mouth went agape. As if one uncanny encounter with a sock demon wasn’t enough, another worm crawled out of the hole.  This one was also glossy but had a different texture that Blue Dolphin regrettably recognized. It reminded her of the dark old days before she joined Academia Island.

In her gasp, she voiced it. “Condom…”

The giant condom monster opened its rubbery mouth and vomited a vile goop that overwhelmed Blue Dolphin. The smell was beyond her ability as a superhero to endure. It was everything she hated and everything she dreamed of. She arched as her privates felt too warm for her debilitated mind. She tried all she could to stay sane, but evil was too tantalizing.

The female Liveman tried to crawl her way out of the situation, but the sludge kept on making her slip. Every touch of the fluid on her spandex aroused her more and more and Megumi had her entire body smeared with it. Inside, her face was red. Her breaths were sharp and short as she was merely delaying her ruination.

When it was clear that the heroine was losing it, the condom worm struck. It slurped Liveman Blue’s legs all the way to the knees. Megumi shrilled hard as the corrupting sensation flooded her mind. The exposure to the sock’s stench had weakened her mind and the touch of this cursed latex had pushed her over the edge.

Blue Dolphin writhed in agony and ecstasy on the dirty tiles as more and more of her spandex-clad beautiful body was sucked into the condom. First were the thighs, then the waist. She pounded the mouth with all of her strength, but there wasn’t much left anyway. Besides, she might secretly like this fate.

Megumi arched higher as the hellish inner tongue groped her groin. Her screams were louder than Red Falcon before. Inside the rubber, her legs helplessly tried to open up to relieve some carnal pressure off her privates. It was a pathetic attempt, to say the least.

A figure appeared behind her. It was the monster who leaned in to whisper in the doomed female warrior’s ears. “Teen pregnancy remains a prevalent problem in Japan. The government’s decision to distribute condoms was regarded as a stupid one as it created an impression that while pregnancy is not allowed, underage sex was encouraged…”

“Condom!” howled the influenced Blue Dolphin. Inside her helmet, her eyes went white and her mouth foamy. Her tongue went all over the place to smear her own face with saliva. She was slowly losing herself. “I’m only worthy of a condom!”

Behind her, Red Falcon shouted for the last time, the sock’s fabric pressed down on every detail of the hero’s perfect body to form a suffocating cocoon before pulling him into the foul-smelling shoe. Even as he disappeared, his muffled voice continued as the ultimate testament to his downfall.

A similar fate followed Blue Dolphin. Her arms were now tightly-squeezed on her sides. She was in a latex vacuumed wrap that traced and filled every nook and cranny of her alluring feminine form. She could struggle no more. Only her helmet wriggled in a last-ditch attempt to escape the inevitable demise. Then, that was devoured too.

The monster let Megumi struggle inside her cocoon for a while. He laughed at the girl’s fading and pitiable spirit to resist. Deep inside, she knew she was damned.

The stifling and choking condom pulled her into the wall. Behind her, the bricks and plaster reformed themselves. It was the same with the giant smelly shoe that imprisoned Red Falcon forever. Their screams were deadened by the cursed school’s wall from thereon.

The smirking monster approached the arcade machine that suddenly appeared in the middle of the classroom. Its monitor gleamed with an eerie green glow to show five characters. Two of them were transformed into a latex ball and cube. The other two were transformed into a figure trapped in a giant sock and a female one in a slimy condom. With that, the demon laughed with satisfaction.

“One more to complete the damnation, Liveman!” groaned the monster as he pointed his claw at the live feed of a confused Black Bison hero approaching the school library.



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