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It’s Halloween season, and I can’t get enough of the spooky vibes! Forget about spookiness, I want some pumpkins!

There’s one pumpkin that all Ranger and Sentai fans know and I am honored to have him in my story. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team thought that they will be facing a goofy monster, but things are not as they seem on Halloween. As the unsuspecting Trini asked at the beginning of the episode: “Zordon, what can this monster do?”

As always, special thanks to my patrons:

Patrick Atwell

Matt Thomas

Le MinhNam

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen



Daniel K





Let’s go and stay safe!





“Power Rangers, you have a dangerous mission ahead of you. Behold the viewing globe!” announced the floating ethereal head of Zordon in the Ranger Command Center.

Zack was confused. All he could see was just a normal field with a group of pumpkins. They were massive and trembled, but there was nothing else suspicious about them. “It’s just a bunch of pumpkins.”

“Don’t be mistaken. This is Rita’s latest evil-doing,” explained Zordon as the magic sphere showed some of the pumpkins hovered on their own. “These pumpkins can attach themselves to unsuspecting victims, suffocating them and slowly making them obey whatever the monster orders them to do. You must not let it touch you!”

Kim’s caressed her own neck. She couldn’t imagine herself being gagged by one of those evil things. “Oh, gosh…”

“When the biggest of them ripens, it will turn into Rita’s newest creation: the Pumpkin Master.”

Billy fixed his glasses. A humanoid plant monster with a pumpkin-shaped head appeared while wielding a vine as a whip. “Wait, what happens if many people are trapped by the pumpkins? Would all of them turn into the Pumpkin Master?”

“There will only be one monster, but everyone else who is trapped in the pumpkins will become his slaves.” Zordon saw the Rangers’ reaction. “As you may already understand, we have a perilous situation on our hands. We must not let this pumpkin invasion spread throughout the city. The initial pumpkin infestation at the field must be eliminated or else, all of Angel Grove will be the domain of the Pumpkin Master!”

“As if we haven’t got enough tricks for tonight,” commented Jason. He took point as the youngsters prepared their Power Buckle. “Ready?”







“HYAAH!” The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers jumped into action. They teleported themselves as beams of multicolored energy. They arrived at the nearby park. “You must destroy the Pumpkin Master before he ripens, Rangers,” said Zordon through the heroes’ communicator.

“Got it, Zordon,” replied Trini just before her boot stepped on a green vine. “Huh?”

“We got something here,” said Zack as he also tracked the origins of the increasingly abundant number of vines on the ground. Some of them even wrapped around trees and benches.

The team went deeper to the park, to the area completely devoid of people. The amenities there were closer to the quality of an abandoned place. The paths were covered with fallen leaves, the small fountain failed to work, and the street lamps were flickering.

“Oh, wow!” responded Kimberly as the team found their destination.

“There they are, Guys!” said Jason as he pointed at the whole section of the park that had been infested by pumpkins. “Let’s spread out!”

“On it!” replied the other Rangers in unison. They fan out to check each pumpkin. While the boys are investigating further, Kim stayed behind. The place gave her the creeps. She didn’t want to look cowardly by summoning the Power Bow just yet, though.

A rustling sound distracted the Pink Ranger. “Hey, Guys, I’m gonna go behind the bushes here…,” she said, doubting herself while taking a different path.

The other MMPRangers didn’t even notice her leave. They were too focused, or even mesmerized, by the group of huge pumpkins that were sprawling with their vines on the ground. The Blue Ranger picked one up against Zordon’s clear instruction. So did the Yellow and Black Rangers. “Phew…,” commented Trini with disgust. “What’s that smell?”

“Weird, huh? But they don’t look dangerous,” replied Zack as he examined the pumpkin in his hand. It was massive. If he lay down into a fetal position, the Black Ranger would be able to fit into it.

Billy knocked the pumpkin and listened to the sounds inside. “They seem to be devoid of any internal substances,” analyzed the Blue Ranger.

“Well, there must be something to them or Zordon wouldn’t send us out here,” said the baffled Red Ranger.

Without the heroes realizing, they were stalked from behind. The moment they were blind to their surroundings, the figure struck. Billy yelped as his helmet was jabbed from the rear.

“Billy!” The Black and Yellow Rangers wanted to help, but they too got ambushed. Two putties kicked them hard on the chest and send them backward. A third putty launched vines that instantly wrapped around the two Rangers. “Hey!”

“Guys!” The Red Ranger finally realized his situation that fit the time of Halloween. There were a number of putties that surrounded him. But these weren’t the typical golems. Their heads were replaced by pumpkins. They were Pumpkin Putties. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me!”

“Jason, help meghrhgh!” shouted the kneeling Blue Ranger before the putties forced a pumpkin onto his head. Billy tried as hard as he could to break free, but the fruit’s hold was too strong. His screams were increasingly muffled and incomprehensible.

Trini did a quick-thinking and reached for her blaster. The Yellow Ranger was ready to fire when her wrist was held tight by the Pumpkin Putty. She shrieked as the pain forced her to throw the weapon instead. “No!”

A similar thing happened to the Black Ranger, but he also got the generous amount of punches to the abs by multiple pumpkin-headed minions. Zack vomited his lunch in his helmet.

With their arsenals beyond reach, the two Rangers were defenseless against what came next. The putties brought additional pumpkins and deliberately showed them the opening at the fruits’ bottoms.

The hole was tight, probably not even enough to accommodate their helmets. The interior was filled with features that looked like millions of orange-colored tendrils. Some of the tentacles even reached out in hunger. Trini could even see an indentation that mimicked a human face.

Another blow to her abs ended Trini’s observation. The putties forced the Yellow and Black Rangers to kneel and welcome their prison.

Zack struggled, even knocking his helmet against one of the putties as the last-ditch effort to escape. It worked, but as the bound Black Ranger began to stand up and leave, the other putties forced a pumpkin onto his helmet. “HRAGH!” he screamed as countless miniature tentacles wrapped around his head in an instant.

Without his arms to at least try to free his helmet from the pumpkin, the Black Ranger was done for. As the tendrils formed another layer of cocoon inside, Zack’s voice became unintelligible for everyone.

Trini watched everything in horror. A similar fate would happen to her, but the defiance of the Yellow Ranger was not gonna end there. She also headbutted one of the putties before giving it a cartwheel kick to finish it off. The pumpkin exploded in contact with the ground.

The kicks did well, but not great. Somehow, the pumpkins around her grew arms that grabbed her from beneath the ground. Like zombies, new putties emerged to restrain the Yellow Ranger once more. One minion who brought a pumpkin came closer and closer as Trini’s struggle became more desperate.

The Red Ranger’s breaths were short. He was basically gasping after destroying the first ten putties. More of them were coming, and more beyond that were rising from the ground. Jason needed to find a solution fast to get the team out of this trap.

The team leader’s boot took a step back and accidentally wrecked one of the pumpkins. A strange gas with a putrid smell escaped invading his lungs. Jason coughed. That must be the reason why his movements were increasingly sluggish. “Power Sword!” he shouted to fight the influence of the pumpkin gas.

The formidable sword of the Red Ranger appeared before him, but he failed to reach it. His eye-arm coordination fell short and the weapon clanked on the vine-covered ground. When he tried to reach it again, the tendrils slapped him hard, even sending him back with sparks on the chest. “My sword…”

“Five little mice break the vow. Your sword, Ranger? It’s my toy now,” said the voice that made Jason glance up. The head of the Pumpkin Master looked down at him. His claws reached for the grab.

Kimberly was late. He could see the perilous situation her friends were in. Even Jason was now at the mercy of the monster. “Hey, Freak, let my friends go!”

“Welcome to my field, let’s not be strangers. Come to our trick or treat party, Pink Ranger,” replied the Pumpkin Master.

“I hate rhymes.” The Pink Ranger reached for the sky and shouted. “POWER BOW!”

But Kimberly failed to scan her surrounding. Her extended arm failed to reach the bow. Veins wrapped tight and prevented movement. “Hey!”

The ground tremored and the Pink Ranger fell into a collapsing part of the park. “KIM!” called the paralyzed Red Ranger.

Around him, the other Rangers stopped fighting. What’s left were only their twitching and contorting reflexes. Billy, Zack, and Trini could only tap or brush the pumpkins that dominated their heads. The heroes then jolted where they were. The massive gourds began to glow with a sickening golden pulse as the corruption began.

“Your suit is as formidable as the wearers. Once I have broken your friends’ spirit, my pumpkins can easily take their powers,” explained the Pumpkin Master with a rhythm. “No need to imagine how they are doing. Just open your mouth wide and start swallowing!”

The monster displayed the bottom part of the pumpkin he held.  The opening widened and a serpentine vine shot out to wrap around Jason’s neck. The Red Ranger tried to pull the tendril as hard as he could, but all he got was worse asphyxiation. “No..!”

The vine’s bulbous end slammed itself against the hero’s helmet mouthguard. Hissing noise could be heard as the armor was being melted down by the acidic goop. Jason frantically reached for his blaster. Once he recognized the grip, he took the weapon out.

Alas, the Red Ranger couldn’t press the trigger. The blaster clanked on the ground as the vine got him first. He was gagged as the tendril invaded his mouth and all the way into his throat. The mind-numbing sludge flooded Jason’s body system and paralyzed the hero.

Inside his helmet, the Red Ranger’s shocked eyes opened wide. His struggle came to an abrupt end as the Pumpkin Master’s corruption took over and turned him into a living statue. It was like his teammates. The Blue, Black, and Yellow Ranger now stood motionlessly as another addition to the monster’s garden.

Four Rangers down, one to go. Kimberly wasn’t doing well either. The hole where she fell glowed with an eerie golden brightness. The petrified Jason readied himself to embrace the worst.

And the worst came. The ground exploded as a massive object burst out. Dusk was coming to the park, but the giant pumpkin’s glow illuminated the place as if it was a bright daytime. A tear flowed down the Red Ranger’s eye as he could see a struggling pink silhouette inside the gourd.

The pumpkin split into five pieces. In the middle, the Pink Ranger’s form had merged with the central stem and prevented any attempts to escape. Her muscular arms, her toned shoulders, her toned abs, were trapped inside a part of the pumpkin. “Welcome back, Pink Princess. As you can see, your team is in distress.”

“If you think we will follow your orders, you are dead wrong! We are Rangers and we will never back down!” shouted Kimberly angrily in defiance.

“Such a foul mouth, such a bad attitude. You will learn your place to live in servitude!”

“Ki… Kim!” the gagged Red Ranger tried to call his teammate. Bulks of Pumpkin Master’s special muck visibly traveled down the fat vine that clogged his throat. His eyes rolled up as his mental defenses and Ranger training memories began to break down under the weight.

The large pumpkin that had teased the hero’s mind before simply slurped it whole. The opening hole tightened around Jason’s neck, effectively suffocating him. His panicking hands tried in vain to remove his eternal prison.

“Jason, hang on! I’ll save you!” Pink Ranger shivered to see how her other teammates stood like trees with vines wrapped around them. “I’ll… I’ll save all of you…”

Kim sobbed, then cried. She couldn’t handle the stress. The team had been defeated. “Zordon… Zordon would help us…”

Her pleas were nothing to the Pumpkin Master. He knew that the Pink Ranger’s mind already succumbed to his special mist. No human brain could withstand the corrupting gas. He laughed as the female Ranger’s mouthguard opened to show her reaching tongue. Her visor turned semitransparent to exhibit her rolling-back eyes. Finally, the helmet itself dissipated as her powers faded. “Now that your fight is done, I can continue with my goal. I will devour your mentor, thanks to your conquered souls! But first, some holiday spirit!”

From beneath the leafy undergrowth of the giant pumpkin, more vines shot out toward the four captured Rangers. All of them ended with a big suction cup that attached to the heroes’ crotch. Inside their prisons, Jason and his fallen friends shrieked in an intense and inhuman pleasure while the Pumpkin Master’s laugh echoed.

The cups didn’t actually suck though. They pumped. Demonic pumpkin juice saturated the Rangers from within. Their muscles tensed and throbbed as their blood vessels were inundated by Pumpkin Master’s goodness. Their bodies began to bulge out into brawny heroes. Squeaky noises could be heard as the spandex suits were barely able to contain their corrupted curves.

The monster himself approached the broken Pink Ranger who was forced to witness everything.

“Not just the outside, but also the inside. Your Rangers friends will become my servants wrapped in tight!”

Kim’s visor lit up with displays from her friends’ helmet interiors. She couldn’t see their faces, only vaguely human heads inside airtight cocoons. It was as if the Rangers were trapped in latex inside their own suits. They all screamed, but the massive vine refused to give up their mouths. Billy clearly vomited the excess goop.

The vista put Kimberly in arousal. She moaned in pleasure although her diminishing common sense knew it was a horrible scene. “This… This is not…”

Then, another detail really broke her. The Yellow Ranger was changing. Her busty chest deflated, her waist strengthened. Trini was being slowly and painfully transformed into a male. “It suits the lack of skirt, don’t you agree? Worry not, my dear, you will be as sturdy as he!”

Another vine stabbed Kimberly right between her legs. She could feel the warmth of the liquid pouring in. She let out a long squeal as the foulness took over. She could feel her bones twisting, her muscles contorting, her organs. The process was long a grueling.

The Pink Ranger felt like she was dying. There was no hope in the world. No hope for release for the Rangers. A silhouette blocked her view of the haunting Halloween moon. It was someone she knew, but not like she remembered it.

It was Trini, but the hero was no longer a fit and lanky girl. The Yellow Ranger had been turned into a beefy male with bulging muscles, including the one between his legs that is still cup by the sucking vines. The Pink Ranger could hear his lustful breaths that were mixed with the choking noises inside the big pumpkin.

Kim was as libidinous as his counterpart. Gone were her melons, gone were the features of the female gymnastics champion. What was left was a young muscular man who was ready to play. When their rigid meats met, all memories of being female Rangers were erased from their brains.

Unlike the other Rangers, the Pumpkin Master removed the gourd from Trini. The Yellow Ranger immediately threw away his Sabretooth Tiger helmet, same as Kim with his Pterodactyl one. Kim was stupefied by the handsome guy with arching eyebrows and short hair. The Yellow Ranger entered the giant pumpkin to be united with his eternal love. “We are nothing more than fertilizers for the pumpkin,” the beefy Asian youngster proclaimed.

“We will nourish the garden,” replied the jock Pink Ranger in the same robotic fashion. The two ground each other while holding the central stem. The outer surface of the giant pumpkin reformed itself back up, trapping the two Rangers for forever freakiness. “From she to he, you are the best of both worlds. Your man milk will this dominion, my two lecherous heralds!”

The giant pumpkin at the center of the field acted as a speaker so that the lewd sounds of Kim and Trini inside could be audible. A new set of vines grew and began to spray out the two masculinized Rangers’ seeds. Even the newly-entitled Pumpkin Rangers who mindlessly got dirty with a horde of their putty counterparts were not spared from the smear.



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