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Another one? Let’s go!

I want to be as productive as possible for this October, and what better way to continue our adventure with something exotic?
I’m talking about ninjas!

The Ninja Storm Ranger team has been a while in this story, fighting Lothor’s monster and whatnot. But the arrogance of Blake and Hunter of the Thunder Ranger team could spell doom for all heroes.
And they did!

Special thanks to my patrons:

Matt Thomas

Le MinhNam

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen



Daniel K





Let’s go and stay safe!





“They’re helpless! Hahaha!” laughed Shimazu as the Ninja Storm Rangers writhed in pain due to Inflatron’s balloon attack just now. Shane, Dustin, Tori, even Hunter couldn’t fight the corrosive effects of the inflatables. An overwhelming burning sensation was felt all over their suits. “I think we can just-”

“Hey!” shouted a stern voice from behind. Another Ranger stepped into the spotlight. It was Blake the Navy Ranger. “I hate to burst your bubble, but you forgot about me!”

“About time, dude!” exclaimed the relieved Red Ranger.

“HYAAH!” the Navy Ranger unleashed bolts of lightning that struck the two devilish monsters that made them scream in fear.

The other Rangers gathered around Blake. They were battered, but still got the strength to finish this off. The Red Ranger was in the lead. “Alright, Guys. Let’s put ‘em together. Thunderstorm Cannon!”

The energy weapon wasn’t the typical team cannon. It was actually the combined power of not just an entire team of Rangers, but two teams of them. The Wind Ranger’s Storm Striker and the Thunder Rangers’ Thunder Blaster were linked together. The energy released by this armament would be unstoppable.

Unless of course, something unpredictable happened. All Rangers took a battle pose with the cannon. All Rangers except Blake.

“Uuh, Blake. Are you with us here?” asked the confused Shane. The Navy Ranger was the only hero that still had not joined the team formation yet.

Blake just glanced at his teammates. His arms folded in front of the chest. “Hang on.”

“Blake!” called out Tori to persuade him.

But it fell into deft ears. Blake’s ego got the best of him. “I know what I’m doing.”

The Navy Ranger observed the two monsters were anticipating a finishing attack anytime now. His helmet visor reflected the colorful balloons that adorned Inflatron and the Japanese kabuki mask that was Shimazu’s face. Blake then reached from behind his back.

A dangerous item was summoned. The Thunder Blade was a dual-sided naginata pole weapon. Its sharp edge threatened the monster as Blake swung it skillfully. The hero didn’t forget to point its lethal blade at his enemies.

“Hey, what’s that?!” shouted the scared Shimazu. He just left Inflatron as a sacrifice to the Navy Ranger’s attack.

“Hey, wait!”

The balloon monster couldn’t escape. Blake had jumped in and launched a devastating attack. Sparks violently burst out from Inflatron’s chest and stomach as the points of impact. The creature howled and yelped.

Some of the attacks hit Inflatron’s balloons and just bounced off. The Navy Ranger didn’t care and just gave his enemy another barrage of lightning-enhanced assaults. One last strike successfully sent the monster rolling backward.

“I… I’ll be back!” Inflatron got back up and simply ran away before turning into flickers of light as he teleported out of the battlefield.

The Navy Ranger gripped his weapon tighter. He gave the monster a chase. “Hey, wait up!” cried out Tori the Blue Ranger, but her crush wouldn’t listen. He summoned his Tsunami Cycle motorbike and used the vehicle to dash out.

Dustin shook his head. “What’s up with him?”

Shane put his hand on the Yellow Ranger’s shoulder. “The best thing we can do now is to get back to the base and learn about this monster. Perhaps we can intercept his next attack and hopefully, Blake would also be there.”

“Got it. Let’s go!”

The Rangers put on their ninja hand signs to teleport themselves out.


“A little setback, but this city will soon fall to my balloon parade!” giggled Inflatron as his teleportation send him to the nearby beach.

“Think again, Freakshow!”

Out of nowhere, a twin blast of lasers struck the monster and knocked him over. His quick reflex enabled Inflatron to land on his feet, albeit with fumes all over his body. “Come on, Ranger. Show me what you got!”

“No problem!” The Navy Thunder Ranger leaped out his bike while brandishing his Thunder Blade naginata. His initial attack missed and Blake narrowly missed the dangerous tentacles of Inflatron. No matter, he would attack again. The Ranger struck a pose, keeping the tip of his weapon firmly toward the enemy.

Blake dashed and struck the monster again. Each attack was done with ferocity out of his ego. This monster will go down by his hands. The Ranger wouldn’t even need his team as long as he had the Thunder Blade!

But every attack seemed useless. Sparks flew, but no apparent damage was done to Inflatron. The monster didn’t even try to dodge Blake’s aggression. The Navy Ranger took a step back and pumped his muscle to bring out the finishing attack. “This will pop your balloon!”

“Stop, it tickles!” Unfortunately, Inflatron could easily hold his move. The monster only used one of his tentacle-equipped arms to take control of the naginata. “Nice weapon! Too bad you’re too stupid to use it!”

Blade shrieked as the other arm whipped his chest hard. The Ranger got hurled to roll on the black volcanic sand. His smoldering suit felt like burning. “Why… Why isn’t this working?” grumbled the frustrated Navy Ranger.

Perhaps Blake would find the answer if he could remember his old training with the Sensei. But Inflatron wouldn’t give him enough time. The monster sent his tentacles to wrap around the Ranger’s neck and flung him back. In an instant, he was choked by the demonic grip. “Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, you act like you’re the best one in the team but you’re nothing more than hot air!”

Inflatron revealed a balloon from behind his back. He put it close to Blake’s helmet and static electricity-like energy transfer happened. The only difference was it was extremely excruciating for the Ranger. Even after the monster let him go, the Navy Ranger writhe about on the sand. He felt the sting of a million insects was invading his body. His muscles ached beyond physical tolerance. His head felt as if going to explode soon.

Blake’s trembling hand reached for the small button on the helmet’s side. The visor glass and mouthguard opened to reveal the Ranger’s Asian face. He was crying, he was heaving. He was definitely in pain.

That was the moment Inflatron had been waiting for. Mercilessly, he launched his tentacle that went perfectly into Blake’s mouth. The Ranger was now tormented and gagged at the same time.

Blake could’ve gone for his Morpher. A single button push could broadcast his emergency signal to his Ranger teammates. But his mind was being tarnished by Inflatron’s zapping. His Ranger training was replaced by chaotic panic.

The bulk of Inflatron’s special concoction traveled down the hose-like tentacle and into Blake’s throat. The Ranger struggled, but there was little he could do to prevent the torment. No matter how hard he pounded on the rubbery tube, it wouldn’t balk. The monster continuously gave a mocking amusement at his feeble attempt to escape. “You gotta put effort when you blow balloons, Ranger! Especially those that are made for a festivity like you!”

Even as the thick sludge began seeping out Blake’s nose, Inflatron kept on pumping and pumping while laughing at the terrible fate that awaited the Navy Thunder Ranger. Slowly but surely, the hero was losing his humanity.

“Blake! Blake, where are you?!” called the rest of the Ninja Storm Ranger team as they scouted the black sand beach. Hunter was there too as he worried about his adopted brother. They fan out to cover more ground, but the coast was literally clear of any signs of the Navy Thunder Ranger.

“This is not good. Are you sure his signal brought us here?” asked Tori as he stepped on a massive rock. The crashing waves were of no concern for her.

“Yeah, Cam tracked Blake’s Ranger signal. It was faint due to him using his cycle, but he definitely went this way,” replied Dustin the Yellow Ranger.

“Any luck?” asked Shane the Red Ranger. His teammates shook their heads. “Let’s go west. There’s still some caves we haven’t explored yet.”

The Blue Wind Ranger shivered. “Ugh, caves. Monster’s favorite resort.”

“Yeah, bottlenecks and dark corners. My kind of spot,” replied Dustin cynically.

“Hey, guys!” called out Hunter as the furthest Ranger. The others arrived to see something that didn’t belong at the beach.

From the distance, the object was blue. The closer the Rangers got, the more they realized that was not some ordinary out-of-place object. It was a lifesize doll of the Navy Thunder Ranger. “Is that… Is that what I think it is?”

Hunter jumped closer to examine. The doll definitely got the features of his lost brother. The spandex blue suit, the golden gauntlets and shoulder armors, the beetle symbol on the chest. The thing even got the Thunder Staff weapon on its back.

The Crimson Thunder Ranger looked closer and closer. The rubbery surface of the doll reflected his helmet. Hunter chose to open the visor and mouthguard. His eyes glimmered for a moment, especially when he saw the doll’s round-shaped mouth filled with a flabby tunnel. It was a doll made for a particular purpose.

Hunter looked down between the doll’s legs. It mimicked the perfect male member complete with naked sacks and an arching love muscle. Hunter gulped. His breaths shortened, but he managed to keep his composure. “It’s not him,” he blurted. He turned around to his Ranger teammates. “It’s a diversion from Inflatron. Just another trick to distract our search.”

“Back to square one, then,” said the disappointed Shane.

“Not quite. We still have the caves to check,” said Tori who pat his shoulder. “Let’s do some Ranger business.”

“You go ahead,” asserted the Crimson Ranger. “I’ll wait here just in case Blake comes back.”

“Are you sure? You’re pretty exposed out here, Hunter,” reasoned Dustin.

The Ranger shook his head. “You also need a scout out here, right? No monsters would be able to go through the cave’s opening with me around!” Hunter put his fist on the chest to make it compelling.

Shane put a thought on it but agreed. He nodded and rushed with the other Wind Rangers to the nearby beach cave entrance made by ocean abrasion. “Let’s go. Keep your eyes peeled, Guys!” said the Red Ranger as he readied his Ninja Sword.

“Got it!”

The three Rangers turned into streaks of light that disappeared into the cave. Hunter was alone now on the dark sand beach. He immediately went to work.

The Crimson Ranger kneeled before the Navy Thunder Ranger blow up doll. He gulped for the last time at the perfect member. Sweat poured down his anxious face. He needed to act now. “This is not Blake, but it’s good enough.”

Hunter started to dig in. He swallowed the rubber member’s tip then the shaft. He playfully bumped the end against his inner cheek and caressed the vein-decorated rubber with his tongue. He gasped at how realistic it was.

Both of the Crimson Thunder Ranger's hands held the doll’s waist. He started stroking the rubbery goodness with his mouth and throat. He giggled when the gagging disrupted his breathing. It was perfect.

His own groin grew. The Ninja Storm spandex suit made a big tent as Hunter couldn’t contain his libido. He wasn’t like this before. Today was different. From the moment his eyes reflected the rubbery surface of the Blake doll, he knew that he wanted to do the most spectacular blow job.

And he did it. The latex love muscle tensed out and unleashed its payload. The Crimson Ranger gagged regurgitated excess milky goop that flooded his mouth and throat. The release was so violent that half of his face was covered by the same gunk.

Unexpectedly, the Blake blow up doll moved on its own. His hands forced the Crimson Ranger to continue his act even as the release was done. There will be more. Hunter was being suffocated, but somehow he obeyed. His mind was slowly being corrupted by lust.

The strokes were repeated, as was the climax. Hunter’s face was now completely covered by the hot liquid rubber. Soon, his identity was lost beneath the coagulating goop. Then even the helmet features were no longer visible as the Crimson Ranger’s head became one big ball of rubber.

Hunter managed to snap out of the corruption and tried to pull the material away, but it was too late. The substance instead spread all over his Ranger suit. He tried to push the communicator button, but the item itself was already covered by a latex-like spread. The hero was finally released by the doll.

The Crimson Ranger rolled on the sand as he desperately tried to break free. His screams were muffled under the thickening layer. For a moment, there was a glimpse of hope as Hunter was able to summon his Thunder Staff. Alas, the weapon itself was already covered the same stretchy and numbing materials as its owner.

As his voice was becoming inaudible for the outside world, everything around Hunter seemed to muted out. All that left was the continuous squeaking noises of his rubbery prison. For a time, they were just annoying noises. After a while, they brought down the Crimson Ranger’s mental defenses. It became his most favorite sound in the world. It was pain and pleasure melded into one with him trapped within it.

“Well, this is fun! I got two horny balloons today! Literally!” exclaimed the excited Inflatron as he saw how Hunter was transformed into a second sex doll, complete with a ring-like mouth. Different from his adopted brother, some grumbling sounds of the hero could still be heard.

“Let’s get you into parade mood, Crimson Ranger!” Inflatron revealed another balloon, similar to the one that robbed Blake’s mind. He rubbed it against Hunter’s rubbery face. Static electricity sparked out as what remains of the Crimson Ranger was drained from him.

The muffled noises stopped. Hunter the Crimson Ranger had been completely transformed into a blow up doll. It even had the same arching member as his brother.

“Stop right there!” Inflatron turned just in time before his face was hit by the Red Ranger’s Ninja Sword. Like before, it didn’t much but he was forced to take a step back.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Blowout Ninja Rangers,” mocked the balloon monster. “Are you here to join your friends?”

“Friends? Oh no!” Tori realized the horrible fate of the Thunder Rangers. The doll that they found before was really Blake! “Hunter!”

“Don’t worry, my parade needs more balloons!”

“Huh? ARGH!” The black sand beneath the three Wind Rangers exploded and revealed a pool of sludge. The substance immediately formed balloon-like bubbles that grew to envelop the heroes’ legs and thighs.

“What the heck is this?!” cried out Dustin who tried to pull the creeping rubber from his waist. It instead made his fingers stuck together. “I can’t…”

“I knew that you have potentials, Ranger. Just not in the hero business.”

“Shane, help!” panicked Tori as both of her arms seemed to merge with the side of her curvy body as they were swallowed by the elongated balloon prison. They were like swallowed by giant condoms.

“Where you’re going, to be what you’re becoming, you don’t need to see, hear, or speak!” Inflatron whipped his tentacle in the air. “Only to obey!”

The latex did more than trap the Rangers in it. When it deflated, the cocoon assimilated their costumes and helmets into something more suitable for their new purpose. Inflatron laughed as Red, Yellow, and Blue Rangers were turned into rubber prisoners as the coating began to constrict them like a vacbed.

It didn’t take long before any traces of their former identity were lost. Their helmets turned into simple ovoid heads. The chest symbols were no longer visible anymore. The boots, belts, everything became one continuous costume of latex. Not even their helmet visor remained, thus the Rangers were left blind, deaf, and mute.

But Inflatron still got another surprise. He took out three long balloons and blew them. The magical inflatable snaked out toward each trapped Ranger’s forehead. The rubber of the balloons connected with the rubber of the prison. There were muffled shrieks as Shane and his friends were drained of their identities, memories, and Ranger spirits. The long balloons retracted back, leaving the depleted victims behind and transferring the unimaginable power to Inflatron.

The monster stood over the defeated heroes. The three slaves stood obediently and displayed their enticing physical assets. For Tory, her watermelon-like hooters, perfect abs, and firm thighs. For Dustin and Shane, their erect raisins, bulging pecs, and biceps, and of course, the fully-matured meat. Each of them groped and touched themselves as entertainment to their new master. With balloons containing the Ninja Storm Rangers’ minds decorating his body, the inflatable demon could savor this victory!



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