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We’re back, and we’re going back to basics this time!

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team has limitless possibilities and we’ll tap into that today.

What if their battle against one of Rita’s monsters called Jellyfish Warrior gone very wrong?

Expect slime and juiciness!

Special thanks to my patrons:

AK Studio

Matthew Peterson


Red Nineteen


Daniel K

Mike 020578

Enjoy the story and high-quality artwork!


PS: For the art, I’m using Dan Mora’s awesome redesigned Power Rangers costume concept!


Aiyiyi, an attack at Angel Grove Park!” alerted Alpha-5 in the Command Center.

Through the viewing globe, the five Power Rangers could see the hideous creature that is stalking a nearby fountain rotunda. It was accompanied by some menacing minions. The Superputties changed their arms into boulder-like melee weapons to intimidate and chase the panicking visitors.

“Rangers, Rita’s jellyfish monster must be stopped or his toxic spray can poison the whole Earth. Your suits have been hardened by Alpha’s chemical compound to protect you from its effects, but beware. The dangerous creature may have something else under its sleeve. May the Power protects you.”

“Let’s do this, Rangers!” exclaimed Jason the Red Ranger.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers leaped into battle right away. Their colorful costumes outlined their toned muscles, including Kim and Trini. With each already brandishing their individual weapons, the spandex heroes intercepted Jellyfish Warrior who laughed maniacally at the scared children.

“You’re done, Jellyfish!” declared the Tyrannoranger at the somewhat shocked monster. The Superputties swarmed in, but the Rangers were prepared. “Let’s take ‘em!”


The Superputties were a modified version of Rita’s usual minions. Finster made them more robust and surely harder to kill. But that didn’t stop the Rangers from giving a curb-stomp battle. Clanks of clay echoed as the heroes pummeled the footsoldiers while avoiding the deadly boulder hands. Defeats from the previous battles surely allowed them to understand their enemies’ fighting patterns.

“Fight, Claybrains!” shouted Jellyfish Warrior in frustration as more and more Superputties were taken down. The Rangers’ weapons could cut through or destroy outright the minions until there was nothing left.

This left the jellyfish monster as the last one standing. “Very impressive, but now you’ll have a taste of my toxic spray!”

“Watch out!” barked Trini as she dodged the destructive burst of liquid and gas mixture from Jellyfish’s tentacled arm. The Rangers escape just in time, unlike the poor garden bench that got corroded almost immediately.

“We gotta stop him. Come on, Trini!” said Kimberly the Pink Ranger to her best friend. The two leaped with their weapons and unleashed the assault. It would had been effective if only Jellyfish Warrior didn’t open his membrane umbrella as a shield. Pink’s bow and Yellow’s dagger simply bounced off without any effects.

To return the favor, Jellyfish shot them with a mixture of toxic discharge and poisonous darts. The two female Rangers were stunned where they were. With their depleting strength, they tried to remove each flechette from their suits.

Black and Blue Rangers tried to assist, but the monster already got its spray ready. A directed burst was enough to make sparks exploded from their suits. The two struggled and moaned in pain, completely helpless on the ground with small darts piercing their costumes just like their teammates as Jellyfish Warrior slowly approaching while giving the maniacal laughter.

“HIYAH!” The monster was caught off guard. The Red Ranger’s sword was able to hit it right on the chest just like what it did to the other Rangers. “Stand back, Guys. This clown is mine!”

Jason darted while swinging his sword. It would a decisive attack. But his target was gone in an instant. “Huh?”

“Miss me!” taunted Jellyfish Warrior. The Red Ranger tried to strike again. He missed the second time.

The monster launched a counterblow with its umbrella. The pointy end struck Jason’s costume and implanted the poisonous dart. The Red Ranger screamed in pain and dropped to his knees weakly. The blade of his Power Sword clanked on the ground.

“Jason, are you okay?” He was not alone. His teammates gathered around him. They were exhausted, but not out of the battle yet.

Jellyfish Warrior let out its wild sniggering. “Why don’t you all go for a little spin?” he ridiculed while whirling the membrane umbrella.

The Rangers shrieked in horror as the world around them started to dissipate into a dimensional whirlpool.


Like children in a torrential water slide, they were thrown away into a dark and cold alien world. While still struggling to get their bearings, the heroes could see the strange semitransparent veil in the sky and the thick mist which covered the whole ground.

“Welcome to my humble home, Power Rangers,” greeted Jellyfish Warrior while exposing its umbrella. The membrane was close in, turning it into a spear. The monster charged at the Rangers. “Sorry that I’m a horrible host!”

Kimberly and Trini got it first. The female Rangers were hurled away by the sheer momentum into rolling down the misty ground. The monster savored their suffering instead of continuing the attack.

Jason saw an opportunity and gave a spinning kick at his enemy. He was utterly shocked to see his foot went through Jellyfish’s body. It was as if the monster was a ghost.

Billy and Zack tried to attack too, but they got the same result. Being totally unprepared by the ghostly penetration, the two stumbled to the ground. The three male Rangers got their share of direct hits by Jellyfish’s tentacles.

“You can’t attack me but I can attack you!” exclaimed Jellyfish triumphantly.

The Black and Blue Rangers took a knee as they tried to regain their composure. “He’s not kidding. What’s up with that?!” groaned Zack thwarted.

“He’s time-phased. Maybe a power burst from your Battle Axe can knock all of us out of this dimension!” concluded Billy.

“Right―Oh, no!”


The Black Ranger noticed that something was missing. “My axe!”

“Huh?” The Blue Ranger looked for his Power Lance, but it was also nowhere to be found. “Our weapons!”

Their teammates’ condition was no better than Billy and Zack's. The Red Ranger was on the verge of collapsing. His limp legs were barely able to support his body weight. Kimberly and Trini were writhing in constant pain on the misty ground.

Jason clenched his fists for a boost of strength, but it wouldn’t do him any good to walk. “Guys... We have to keep fighting!”

Jellyfish Warrior let out a condescending laugh as he grabbed on the Blue and Black Ranger’s helmet. “Fighting is my middle name, especially when I have slaves!”

“Jason, help us!” screamed Billy as he tried in futile to free himself from the unbreakable grip.

“Billy!” Jason called. The Red Ranger tripped due to his debility, but he didn’t give up. He crouched his way toward the two Rangers. “Hang... Hang on!”

“No, stay away! ARGH!” shouted Zack as they were immobilized by the grip.

The two Rangers tried to pummel and punch Jellyfish Warrior’s arms to no avail. They were stunned when its fat tentacles easily passed through the helmet like ghosts before forcing their way into their mouth all the way to the throats. Blue and Black were gagged.

“One good thing of being ethereal in my own dimension is that I force you to take anything I want!” The other tentacles spread out to reveal Jellyfish’s arms opening. Before Zack and Billy could react, they were showered by the monster’s toxic spray.

Jason’s heart sunk as he was coerced to witness his friends’ agony. Jellyfish warrior’s corruption easily engulfed the Blue and Black Rangers as if their suits weren’t there. They writhed and thrashed about due to the unbearable pain as the ghostly spray began to coagulate into a foam-like substance that quickly covered their entire body. Billy and Zack were drowning in this soup with a choking sound both on them and in them. “Jazennn... helb....!” gurgled the Blue Ranger as the merciless goop found its way down his digestive system. Some were vomited back to smeared Billy’s helmet interior.

Jellyfish let the two Rangers go with a giggle, knowing that they would have no chance of escape. Billy tried to remove his Triceratops helmet, but the goop was already thickening into sticky gunge inside. He pulled as strong as he could, but the material just wouldn’t let go. “GNRHGH!”

The two didn’t fall. They didn’t collapse into crawling on the misty ground. They stood almost motionless except the struggling arms and heads. It was as if the Rangers were slowly turned into a statue with only occasional twitchings.

The Blue and Black Rangers might as well be statues. Their struggle faded. Their mumblings became sporadic. The two warriors stood weakly as Jellyfish Warrior’s two new trophies. “That’s better!”

“Zack, Billy!” called Kim with not a trace of heroism left. It was desperation. “The mist... It must be corrupting me... I can’t think straight....”

“Perhaps you’re just pathetic, Red Ranger.” Jellyfish flicked its claws. The Black and Blue Rangers’ gurgle now sounded like coming from monsters. Their arms and legs twitched as if trying to break free.

But something else broke free. Their suits peeled off into shreds. The valiant Mighty Morphin diamond symbol on their chest slowly decayed and was replaced by a strange pattern. As their transformation went on, Jason could see the truth.

The Black and Blue Rangers’ bodies were now adorned with an intricate symbol of an upside-down jellyfish. Its head bulged out on their crotches and the tentacles ensnared everywhere, even coiling around the arms and legs. Like alien eyes, a series of blue blobs opened up on their chests mimicking their master.

Their helmet visor exploded and splurt out the excess goop. Jason couldn’t see his friends’ faces. Just endless undulating cocoon.

The final phase was the most painful one. Their shoulders were deformed into jutting red spikes just like their master.

“It’s inside our throats... It’s plugging our anuses....” The monstrous voice could be heard from the former Blue Ranger.

“Pumping... Pumping more... Pumping and dumping more....” added the former Black Ranger.

Jason should had known his chance of saving his friends. The darts that Jellyfish Warrior shot at Zack and Billy now had grown into large black pulsating spikes on their chests. “With each beat, more of your friends’ essence is devoured by me until there is nothing left but a squishy shell of their former selves.”

“This... can’t be....” Trini acknowledged her defeat, but there’s still hope. “Zordon... Zordon will know what happens to us. He’ll send help.”

“A little yellow slut like you wouldn’t get it. You see, time works differently in my dimension which means that I will have a lot of time before your space wizard notices something wrong. How about some kinky entertainment?”

Jellyfish Warrior zapped the three remaining Power Rangers. Jason, Kimberly, and Trini shrieked in agony. It was the most horrible sensation. The Red Ranger knew most of it was pain, but a growing part of it was another tingle. It was a guilty pleasure in the vilest form. He gasped and moaned in turn, becoming confused on how to react.

It was the monster’s attack. It should be excruciating. But Kimberly slowly licked her own lips once Jellyfish was done with the blitz. Trini deplored in enchantment. Her heroic self was being torn apart.

“Kim... Trini... Don’t give up... We can still fight....” The Red Ranger said that, but even he had taken a dim view of their situation. The jellyfish monster slowly approached the three, seemingly in a sickening playful manner. The two former Rangers were now its minions at the sides. Billy and Zack moved like typical footsoldiers.

“There’s no escape, Jason....” said Kimberly in defeat. Beneath her helmet, her face was rose red. The last attack had a profound effect on her. The stinging excitement stayed to creep in. She couldn’t help to start touched her own groin. “We are done....”

“No... That can’t be....” denied Jason. He shooked his head excessively, trying to convince more than his teammates about their possible victory. He was convincing himself.

His conviction was decimated as a lump grew between his legs. In a dire situation like this, at the peril of a monster attack, Jason was having an erection. “No... I’m not enjoying this....”

The Red Ranger moaned as the carnal sensation burnt in his brain. He could feel his meat’s each throbbing like the only focus of his new life.

“Don’t worry, Ranger. You won’t enjoy this at all. You will realize that your desires are not yours anymore, but there is nothing you can do about it.”

The three Power Rangers were immobilized. The burn paralyzed their muscles to essentially a stiffness. They didn’t have a chance to run when Jellyfish Warrior came. “So this is all there is about the Power Rangers? Just some bigmouthed, idiotic young clowns. You’re on your lucky day because the demand for a show is endless in my dimension. But first, it’s time to wrap this up.”

The alien sky shifted before large shapes appeared above the Rangers’ heads. They were translucent jellyfishes complete with the expansive umbrella-like cap and the short tentacles. There were three of them and each descended on the powerless Rangers.

Kim and Trini screamed as the jellyfish enveloped them. The creature’s body deflated into close-fitting bags that constricted the Rangers’ costume. They even followed each texture of the helmets and fingers of the gloved hands in an airtight sealing. The Pink and Yellow Rangers tried to free themselves, but the jellyfishes had them in unbreakable elastic prisons. The tentacles wrapped around their arms and legs, each carrying countless toxic darts that bent the victims to their master.

Jason lost himself in the cocoon. Whatever the creature forced him to do, no matter how twisted they were, he followed. His brain was now dominated by how squeezing the jellyfish was. His jock stood upright permanently with the Ranger costume layer accomodating its thick shape. “It’s... It’s so tight! TIGHT!”

“While these pathetic souls are wrapped nicely inside,”―Jellyfish Warrior pointed at the doomed Blue and Black Rangers before going to the Red, Pink, and Yellow ones―“These are nicely packed outside.”

Kim’s and Trini’s busts grew in size with their chest raisins peaked. Even the Yellow Ranger now carried a pair of watermelons. They with Jason began pleasuring themselves and each other. Their legs opened wide into squats. Their hands groped their own rear and the others. Their stretchy jellyfish cells responded by heightening their senses. Without their helmets’ protection, the former heroes had eyes visibly rolled back and tongues greedily sticking out to taste the diabolical slime.

Jellyfish Warrior stood in between its new slaves. “So tell me, Rangers. Do you remember who you are?”

The Red Ranger was doing the doggy style. “I... Jason Lee Scott, they are... Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan. We... freshman, Angel Grove Uni.”

“Oh, so young. So sad to see you choose this path of life.”

Trini responded in her insanity. Her tongue licked the interior of her helmet. Her words were increasingly scrambled as her IQ lowered. “Do-gooding failed... Be Ranger failed... We now pump and dump....”

“Pump...!” shrieked Kim in brainless excitement. She then wept and cried in an instant. “Pump!”

“You... use us do world domination... yes?” asked Jason stuttering. His tone was almost begging.

The Jellyfish Warrior laughed maniacally as the five Rangers fell to its tentacles. It then answered. “Your powers are too miserable for my taste. You should be grateful that I give all of you chattel a place here, hahaha!”

Jason the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger sob and blubbered at his master’s reply. His team was useless. He was useless. If only Zordon gave them better powers back then.



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