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Special thanks to my patrons:


Daniel K


Red Nineteen


Matthew Peterson

AK Studio


As an intro, this story is inspired by Singaporean Kyra Poh, the amazing young indoor skydiving athlete. She already got some world records in hand, so I guess the next step is to be a Ranger!

There are some videos about her on Youtube if you want to check them. There’s also her personal ( @kyrapoh ) and team ( @teamfireflysg ) Instagram account.

Yes, I’m a fan.

I hope you also enjoy the photomanipulation artwork that accompany this writing. I modified the Hyperforce Rangers helmets since they have the most similar theme (mythological creatures) that suit the Darefliers ones with griffin, phoenix, and garuda.

Anyway, let’s get into the story!


“...Must... Fight...Together...!”

The disrupted transmission was confusing. The mademoiselle in the white form-fitting spandex suit kept on tinkering with the quantum entanglement radio, but it was still filled with static. Her narrow eyes fixed on the complex mechanism that only a genius would understand.

“Can you make it work, Jewel?” asked the boy in a similar costume next to her. The question made her grunted.

“Can you just be patient, Jay? I brought you here, didn’t I?” grumbled Jewel as she crouched for a better angle. Her physique was more noticeable then. “Don’t you dare checking on me.”

“Huh, I’m not checking on anyone,” replied Jay while brushing his bright-red spiky hair with the five fingers. The clean eagle-themed armored helmet was held by one hand, but he eventually put it away next to Jewel’s griffin-themed one on the table. He bent down too. “This will be done faster if you just let me help you.”

Jewel groused, but then, “Fine, just don’t slow me down.”

“Are you underestimating my brainpower, Jewel? I’m as a prodigy in my world as you are in yours. I graduated from Nanyang at 14!”

Jewel shrugged. “I’m at 13, so I’m not impressed.”

“Yeah, in December. By the time you got the diploma and entered the Ranger Academy, you were the same age as me. So touche!” Jay shook his head. “We are not here for academic competition, Jewel. We are here to figure out whether there’s a multiversal threat or not. This is an official Power Rangers business. Let me help you as a fellow Dareflier.”

Jewel huffed. “The Ranger Command is in the dark about this, Jay. My team doesn’t even know that you exist. This is my pet project.”

“That’s where you are wrong, Jewel.” Jay winked. “In my world, we know that you exist. My transfer here is just a case of a technical mishap. So don’t you worry about that.”

The girl took the deepest breath. She combed the neon green-highlighted hair. “Okay, okay then. Can you modify the CG plasma modulator to stabilize our transmitter?”


“Can you check the positron connection data for any discrepancies?”


“Can you―”

Jay stopped her. He put his hand on the girl’s shoulder. “You handle the transmitter, I’ll do the rest. How about that?”

Jewel looked at her parallel universe twin for a while before giving a faint smile. “Okay.”

“There you go! We’ll have this in no time!”

And they had in no time indeed. The two Darefliers were in a large circular chamber. There was a ring of specialized particle accelerator that encircled the room, connected by an array of cables and wires to the multiversal transmitter tower at the center. On one side, there were a collection of advanced computers with holographic projectors to monitor the experiment’s progress. All decorated with the SPD Ranger Command logo. “Here goes nothing!”

The fabric of the universe was torn apart, first as a speck of darkness that slowly grew into glimmering flickers before ending in an explosion of colorful radiation. The power was out. The normal white light of neons was replaced by the blood-red tinge of the emergency system. “Darn it, let me get the power back!” shouted Jay.

“Jay!” cut Jewel, stopping the male hero at his track. He saw it too, a figure slouching next to the transmitter. It was a human form. It was someone they knew.

“Is he....”

Jewel moved closer. Her hand reached the writhing boy in a white form-fitting costume. His helmet reflected the awestruck girl’s face. “Are you....”

The figure grabbed Jewel’s wrist and forced her down. Suddenly, Jewel was locked in his choking. “Who are you?! Are you with them?! Tell Trakeena that she could go to hell!”

Jay rushed in. He raised his hands while holding the helmet. He deliberately showed the side logo to the stranger. “Hey, hey! We’re Rangers! Power Rangers! I’m Jay from the Power Rangers: Dareflier team. That’s Jewel from... The same team. I figure that you’re also a Dareflier?”

The individual saw that. He also saw the SPD logo on Jay’s spandex. His grip loosened, enabling Jewel to escape. “How... But how?”

Jewel was still coughing. “I called you in using this transmitter. I teleported you from the parallel universe to mine. I have received your transmission for a while now. I thought that by sending you here, I can understand the threat more.”

“You sent me here?” asked the stranger dazzled. He slowly reached the side of his helmet. The visor opened, revealing a young man with similar facial features to his twins. The only differences were his black fringe haircut and square glasses. “You have made a big mistake....”

Jewel gave the gesture to hold everyone’s emotions. “Let’s back it up a bit. My name’s Jewel from the Dareflier team, SPD Gold Phoenix Ranger. That’s Jay, SPD Red Griffin Ranger. He’s also a Dareflier. What’s your name?”

“I’m Justice. I’m also from the Dareflier team. SPD Garuda Ranger.” Justice swallowed and corrected himself. “I was....”

“Was? What do you mean ‘was’?” asked Jay as he offered the new twin to get back up.

“Simply put, we were destroyed.”

“Your team?”

Justice shook his head. “No, my world. Anyone of you knows who Trakeena is?”

“I’ve learned her in Ranger history. She was the archnemesis of the Lost Galaxy, then the Lightspeed Rescue team.”

Justice snorted. “That’s what we thought. It turned out that she survived her battles with both teams and laid asleep for all those years. Her minions and human followers weren’t so dormant. They fused technology with her undying corpse to create the ultimate abomination. By the time we realized how dangerous the threat was, we were overwhelmed. The Ranger Command got destroyed in just a few hours. The surviving Rangers were made slaves in this robot apocalypse. Some... were remade.”

Jewel didn’t understand. “Remade?”

“My team got it. They told me to escape before Trakeena’s monster got into our hideout. The demon lady was there herself. She was the one who injected nanites into my friends. Naya, Noah, Kaleigh... I... I could hear their screams as the corrupting liquid started to change them. It corrupted their body, their power, their soul. I could see the agony in Cherlyn’s eyes even after her transformation into a robotic servant was complete. She was trapped inside her own body for eternity.” Justice closed his eyes. “Trakeena made a gallery. A sick joke for our defeat. It was filled with the petrified Rangers who were still aware of their surrounding. For a short period every day, she would release them from their personal prison only to be taken by her minions into dark places. Gigantic screens established in every city broadcasted what violence they would do to the helpless Rangers in the clearest detail.”

Jewel rubbed the side of her dangling arm in sorrow. “I’m sorry....”

Justice’s head dropped in defeat. “That’s why I said that you’re making a big mistake!”

“You sent us the message. That must mean something!” said Jewel as she struggled.

“Message?” Justice heard the transmission again from Jay’s computer. “No, no, no! That’s wrong!”

“What’s wrong?”

Justice instead squinted at the girl and held both of her shoulders. “This is wrong!”

“Hey, get your hands off her!” protested Jay as he held the twin’s advance. “Three heads are better than one. Whatever Trakeena mess you have in your world, we can solve it by working together! We’re SPD, don’t you remember?”

“If she’s on to you, there’s nothing much you can do. That’s why I sent the message as a warning.”

Jewel was in disbelieve. “Warning? But―”

Justice played his version of the message. It was the complete one. “Trakeena has taken over. You must avoid this world at all costs. We will try fighting until there’s no one of us is left as we know her true goal. She’s going to take all of the Morphin Grid energy from all of the parallel Earths through the enslaved Rangers. She’ll lure you into building an alliance, a Ranger team-up, then she’ll take all of your power. You must not fight her together!”

Jewel realized her mistake. “Oh, no....”

The crackling sound behind them seemed to drown all hope. The multiversal transmitter was activated on its own. “That’s not possible...,” mumbled Jewel.

“She found us! The two of you must escape and tell your Ranger Command about her threat. Hurry!”

“What about―” Jewel’s sentence was cut when a mechanical tendril launched out from the tear in spacetime to wrap around Justice’s neck. The helmeted Ranger tried to break free, but it was choking him harder. “Justice!”

“Ghgh... GO!” That was Justice’s last word before he was pulled into the void.

The two Dareflier didn’t have time to waste. They didn’t have time to properly wear their Ranger helmet. Jewel and Jay jumped and flew out the breached chamber using their Firefly power. Their costume glowed with a graviton glow. Behind them, more of the robotic tentacles reached out from the artificial wormhole.

As more and more of the mechanical monster’s body was revealed, Jewel could also see the fate of his twin. Inside the creature’s mouth was Justice who struggled, but he couldn’t even lift his feet. She could see the graviton glow tried to break the Ranger, but he was as if trapped in a hunk of solid concrete. “Help! Help me! Jewel, Jay!”

“Justice!” But there was nothing she could do to help. The cement-like substance crawled up the doomed hero’s body, petrifying him in place. Slowly but surely, Justice became a living statue.

Trakeena appeared, shocking the two Darefliers who still fighting for their lives. It was clear that the lady was no longer had any traces of humanity. Her face was now a mask reminiscent of that of a Greek statue. She cupped the frozen hero’s helmet and opened his visor, the only part still not turned into concrete. Jewel could see inside and was so stunned that she covered her mouth.

Inside, Justice’s screaming face was immortalized. Trakeena ravenously placed her claws on the face and she immediately seemed to have the most satisfying orgasm. She moaned and writhed about with the other hand groping on the statue’s toned physique. “This genius intellect of yours... Ahh! It’s so delicious!”

“Get your hands off him!”

“Or what? You’re going to come here?”

“Dear, Dear, Darefliers. I’ll make this quick for you. Come down now and I’ll promise the best spot in my statue gallery. You’ll get to spend the rest of your pathetic lives with dear comrades while your powers will be assimilated to expand my beautiful army.” Trakeena gave off a burst of evil laughter before leaving Justice. The frozen hero was slowly encased in a solid concreted sphere before got swallowed by the disgusting monster's throat.

The horrible view distracted the Rangers long enough that two clawed tentacles were able to grab them. Jewel and Jay tried to escape, but the tendrils coiled themselves from the chest to the thighs. The two Darefliers were pinned mid-air.

A hole appeared between the claws and it sucked the Darefliers in. Jewel and Jay struggled, but it didn’t make any difference. Butt-first, the two heroes were swallowed into the elastic tentacle with a slurping sound. Their forms bulged out with every detail like Jewel’s mature bosom and Jay’s tanned bicep muscles. These were the signs of strong heroes, protectors of mankind. Yet, they were now nothing more than helpless victims of the robotic monster.

Jewel and Jay were spat out into a gloomy spherical chamber with a row of blank monitors around. Before the two could roll due to momentum, magnets on the floor forced them down on two legs. Jay tried to free himself, but not a single movement was made. “I’m stuck!”

“Like flies in a sticky tape,” whispered Trakeena in a flirty tone as she approached the powerless heroes.

“You can do whatever to us, Lady. We’re not gonna give you anything but hot air! HAH!” said Jay defiantly.

Trakeena waved like removing Jay’s bad breathe. She then clicked her fingers and new figures entered the chamber. Hissing gas and flames shot out from the corner like an announcement.

Jewel’s and Jay’s eyes widened. These were Trakeena’s minions, slaves, servants. But there was something oddly familiar about them. Then, Jewel remembered Justice’s story. “These... These are Justice’s team.”

“The Dareflier team from my world. Noah, Naya, Kaleigh, Cherlyn, best and the brightest of the younger heroes. Defiant little vermins, but no vermin could survive my domination. In the end, they are just meat puppets for my campaign.” Trakeena mockingly gestured everyone to listen to the silent standing figures. The word OBEY was carved on each of their helmet visors. “If you listen closely, you can hear their souls begging for release from this eternal prison.”

“You need your slaves to do the dirty work, Trakeena? Sounds low even for you,” said Jewel tried to sound defiant too.

“I’ll play high and low for you, dear.” Trakeena tracked her index claw along Jewel’s and Jay’s spine. It jolted them into chest out, head-up position. The girl tried to move, but her entire body was petrified. Her ballooning breasts and Jay’s involuntary hard-on were for Trakeena to see. “If you’re interested, I’ll tell you what will happen. My slaves here brought the special concoction of House Trakeena. The recipe made personally by yours truly. Instead of covering you up with the ooey-gooey goodness like your friend Justice, I will make these lovely puppets to force-feed you with it. Over and over and over again until your spirit is finally broken and you can join my collection. Sounds glamorous, right?” Trakeena clapped her hands. “Bitches, you can start now!”

The trapped Jay tried to talk some sense into his fellow Rangers. “No, wait, stop!”

“Guys, don’t do this! Snap out of it!” Jewel grunted and took a fighting stance. “Don’t make me do this!”

The slaves surrounded them. Naya and Kaleigh held the arms behind their backs, while Noah opened the helmet visors. The terrified Jewel and Jay were then forced to open their mouth wide. They didn’t waste time shoving the sickening green goop into the heroes’ throat.

Jewel gagged and fought all she could, but the enslaved Rangers kept on scooping the goo into her mouth. Her eyes widened as her body system began to feel the hideous effects. Her muscles felt ached and stiff. Her head throbbed with pain.

“Oh, don’t be so sad. It’s like coming home since I have build my glorious lair on top of my world’s Ranger Command headquarters.”

Jay kept on calling the Rangers’ names until he couldn’t. He mumbled, then gurgled. His words turned meaningless. His fight was made pointless. When there was no hope left, Noah removed his helmet in front of Jay before kissing him.

“J... Jay!” murmured Jewel with her depleting strength. She suddenly got kissed by the corrupted Naya. The girl’s tongue met with hers and the remaining goop flowed between the doomed heroes. The torment was amplified by Kaleigh’s groping all over Jewel’s athletic body. Every robust brawn of her abs, calves, and rump was touched.

Behind the two Rangers, Trakeena stood in delight. Her tongue slithered out to taste the air. It was already thick with Jewel’s and Jay’s drained mental power. She was being aroused by the heroes’ power demise. “Phoenix and griffin powers... It’s so intoxicating... Anhhh!~”

Jewel could feel her running through every part of her body, violating her most intimately without even touching. The goop had spread throughout her system. Her digestive tract from the esophagus, down to the stomach all the way to the intestines had been exhaustively coated. She could feel the uncontrollable leak from her anus before the blob bulged out into a perceptible plug. Jewel tried to fight the hormonal storm as she was being slowly transformed into one of Trakeena’s collection pieces from the inside. It was pain mixed with maniacal pleasure and she was slowly losing her grip on which one she should fight.

Jay was next to her. His eyes were almost blank by the dominating ecstasy. Noah was still on him, sharing the gooey drool from his smile. Jay’s gaping mouth couldn’t protest the dripping. “Space... Space Patrol....”

“Delta...,” mumbled Jewel as the word being the last vestige of sanity. She must remember who she was. That was the only hope they had.

“Persistent...,” whispered the enticed Trakeena. Her claws brushed Jewel’s and Jay's hair, each with fiery red and neon green highlight. “Just as I wanted for my chattel. I was right not to put you in the gallery. You are too precious. I want to enjoy you every time I wake up from my cocoon. But first, I need to ask: what are you?”

“Space Patrol Delta...,” stammered Jay as his eyes glanced with cold at Trakeena. It was defiance.

Trakeena snorted and looked at Jewel. “Space Patrol Delta....”

The same answer.

A wicked smile blossomed in the femme fatale’s porcelain lips. “Excellent.”

“Spa... Spa....” Jay’s glance changed. He knew what was happening. His eyes looked left and right in horror. His words continued like in a loop. “Space Patrol Delta....”

“Space Patrol Delta... Space Patrol... Delta....” Jewel realized it too. It was too late. All she could say now was their team’s name as the final insult. The two young Space Police officers’ arms moved against their will. The helmets were removed, exposing their identity to their new mistress. Jewel and Jay struck a heroic pose while holding the head protector.

But their heroic days were over.

Trakeena’s evil laughter echoed in the transformation chamber. The slaves brought out the petrified Rangers to follow their mistress. The monitors kept on broadcasting the corruption process of Noah, Naya, Kaleigh, and Cherlyn in a loop. How they fought with each other, how they begged each other for freedom, and how they eventually violated each other in amorous drunk was shown over and over again. Their screams, squeals, and moans continued on.



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