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Jordyn Lee Scott was no stranger to physical fights, but the martial arts girl’s new life as the team leader of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers required her more than be able to kick and punch. Suddenly, she was given the burden of responsibility to guide and guard her four teammates: Brielle the Blue Triceratops Ranger, Zeta the Black Mastodon Ranger, Trai the Yellow Sabertooth Ranger, and Kayden the Purple Pterodactyl Ranger (he refused the offer to wear pink). She thought she could handle it, but she never knew what would happen if she fail.

Now, she knew.

It should have been a typical day in fighting one of Ramses Repulsa’s new monster, but it wasn’t. The Rangers received reports of missing teenagers along with sightings of a “toad creature” all over Angel Grove. The genius Brielle tracked the pattern of sightings and told her friends where to go next to intercept the monster. They arrived in time when the Terror Toad engulfed multiple girl’s American football athletes at once. After a lengthy introduction of the team with colorful explosion in the end, the MMPRangers charged at the creature with their weapons readied.

Jordyn the Red Ranger struck the Terror Toad’s stomach head on, but her weapon failed to do any physical damage. Laughing, the monster instead threw the momentum of the attack back on the heroine. She wasn’t the only one, as Zeta and Brielle were launched at the nearby trees also.

It was time for guys to attack. Trai and Kayden used their Power Daggers and Power Bow to hurt Terror Toad, but their assaults missed as the monster suddenly disappeared. There was an ominous laughter in the air, before ghostly energy hit the Yellow and Purple Rangers. They were flung to the ground with burn marks smoldering on their spandex costume. They were grunting in pain, desperately trying to reach the daggers and bow. But the monster had something else in mind.

Terror Toad’s index claw went from one Rangers to another before settling in pointing toward Kayden. The Purple Ranger didn’t know what happened until it was too late. The monster reach his sharp horn and shot out an energy beam from it. Kayden screamed in pain, squirmed on the grassy ground as evil bolts of power struck his entire body.

Terror Toad’s arms then stretched wide. New lightning reached out from his growing horn to hurt all of the other Rangers. Sparks flew from Jordyn’s Red Ranger suit as she was thrown all around in a freak lightning storm.

The monster’s delight was abruptly interrupted when his body was hit by the Power Lance. This time, Terror Toad tumbled backward, releasing the poor Purple Ranger from the agony. His teammates immediately rushed and protected him.

All except Brielle had their weapons. It was a desperate move and now they should make another one if they wanted to survive this monster. “Guys, any idea?” asked Jordyn as she gasped for air. The burn marks were visible on her suit as her friends’.

“If my calculations are correct, then―” The Power Lance shot out in the air just in time for the Blue Ranger to catch it Thor-like. “Yes!”

“We can form our team cannon! That will finish him for good!” grunted Kayden.

“But if we miss the target, it will leave us vulnerable.”

There was no guidebook, no manual for new monsters. All Jordyn could do was to find general pattern from previous battles and hope that it would work this time. Her team destroyed two monsters using the team cannon, so that would be the most logical option. “Guys, we use the team cannon.”

“Should we use our Dragon Shield powers first just to be sure?” asked Zeta.

Jordyn shook her head. “I want to go back to class before lunchtime. I have missed so many classes.”

“Heh, trying to be straight-A student, right?” said Kayden with slightly-mocking tone.

“Once in a while.” Jordyn stood in front of her friends. “Rangers, Power Blaster up!”

All of the Rangers held their individual weapons high toward the sky. With Jordyn’s Power Sword in the middle, a new powerful arsenal was formed. A cannon/gigantic crossbow which would shoot out five beams of morphing grid energy. The MMPRangers stood hand in hand to support Jordyn as she aimed the blaster toward Terror Toad’s head. “Say bye, Frogface!”

The five beams shot out. A huge explosion occured and an empty ground was blown into a small crater. Jordyn gasped at the realization of her mistake. She didn’t know that the Terror Toad already teleported itself behind the team.

It let out a powerful scream which sent the Rangers tumbling into the muddy ground. Jordyn groaned as she saw the Power Blaster lied next to her. Her hand reached it, but the weapon suddenly flew toward the monster. “WHAT?!”

The Red Ranger saw how the monster’s sticky tongue grabbed her team weapon. He victoriously held the Power Blaster while mocking them, “As I expected from children, reckless and useless. Now, you are POWERLESS!” 

With it, the monster put the weapon into his gaping maw. The razor-sharp teeth gnawed the Power Blaster before Terror Toad swallowed it whole. Its shape was turned into a bulk on his neck as it travelled down to the stomach. There was a muffled boom and the monster’s gut glowed for a moment. Terror Toad laughed hard.

“That tastes so good! I’m sure all of you will give me the same satisfaction once our little game is done. Young meat is always more tender and delicious!”

Jordyn stood with her friends with determination. She made fists with both of her hands, but deep down she knew that they were in trouble. What good were the MMPRangers against the monster if they have lost their weapons?

“The game isn’t over, Freakmouth!” Jordyn reached to the side of her belt. She immediately shot out her Blade Blaster toward the monster’s horn. The body part didn’t snap, but at least it gave Terror Toad a sensation of pain. The monster shrieked and was forced to take a few steps back. “Guys, aim at his horn!”

“Got it, Red!” said Trai in excitement. He and the other Rangers let out a barrage of energy against the monster’s head.

“Enough! I’ll have an eternity to digest you later!” The monster disappeared again.

“Where is he?” asked Brielle worried.

“Keep your eyes peeled, Rangers. He could be anywhere,” ordered Jordyn. She kept her aiming of the blaster to all of the places she turned her head too.

Not with Kayden. The Purple Ranger had problems in aiming his weapon. He could feel his vision blurring and his hands trembling. “Guys, something’s wrong... with me....”

He didn’t know that Terror Toad already had his eyes on him. He deliberately stepped on a broken branch so that Kayden turned his back in time before the monster’s eyes shot beams of evil energy at the poor Ranger.

“K― Purple!” shouted Brielle, almost forgetting the rule of using codenames in battle. She witness how a sickening golden glow engulfed his friend. The Purple Ranger’s body was spasming with torment.

“Help― HELP ME!” screamed Kayden as he tried to fight the sensation of his head about to explode. His fingers refused to let go of the blade blaster but it didn’t matter anymore. It instead became a tool of doom for the Rangers.

“Little Purple Puppet is trying to kill his friends!” Terror Toad announced before Kayden’s arms moved against his will. The Purple Ranger blasted Yellow and Black Rangers right on their helmet visors. Trai and Zeta were launched at Brielle, hitting her with such a force that made her dropped her blaster.

“NO!” Before the Blue Ranger could reach her weapon, Kayden’s blaster destroyed it.

“Well done, my lunch,” said Terror Toad as he teleported behind the Purple Ranger. He even hugged his neck and groped his crotch, but there was nothing Kayden could do but trembling.

“What have you done to him?!”

“A little treatment, that’s all. You think Ramses Repulsa designed me just to have a brawl with you? He gave me some perks to get the upper hand.” Terror Toad’s tongue licked the side of the Pterodactyl Ranger’s helmet. “You see, my energy zaps did more that just give misery. It gave him something more intimate.”

Kayden moaned at those words. “Guys, I can feel it... Something inside my suit....”

“What?! Hold on, Purple!” Zeta tried to get back into battle, but the bruises and pain were just too much for her. She was barely able to kneel.

“Your purple friend here has been infected by my saliva. You can say that the devilish drool has a life of its own. Once it touches its prey, it will multiply and solidify into a latex-like substance. When I mean multiply, I mean REALLY multiply.”

“Guys, it’s all over my body!”

“NO!” Jordyn’s attempt to get back up failed. “What is happening to us? Why are we so weak?”

“Poor, poor Rangers, never knew what happened until it’s too late. This is what you get when you abandon your own friend.”

“What?” Trai didn’t know what that meant.

Terror Toad’s belly bulked out. An imprint of a helmet appeared on its skin. A Ranger helmet, owned by the Green Ranger.


Terror Toad laughed. “The idiot Green Ranger really thought that she was entering an abandoned amusement park when actually entering my stomach. How she gasped for air when the entire world collapsed around was beyond entertaining.” The helmet shiver on his stomach. “Now, she feeds me her entire power. The best thing of being demon created by the Great Space Wizard Ramses Repulsa is that I don’t need to kill my food to eat it. Little Tammie now lives as my eternal food source, aware of her surroundings and the failure of herself. You see, the more desperate my food is, the more strength I get from it.”

“You will pay for that!” Jordyn forced herself up despite the injuries and soreness. Her muscles felt like burning, but she didn’t pay attention to them. She only paid attention in avenging her friend. “Dragon Shield!”

A burts of energy let out by the Red Ranger. Everyone, including the monster, flinched an protected themselves from the bright stream of light which solidified into a new golden-colored triangle armor with protected the Red Ranger. Her right hand was holding a new weapon.

“No way!”

“Awesome!” exclaimed her friends. “That’s the Sword of Power!”

“Guys, I want you to teleport out of here,” said Jordyn coldly.

“What, no way that we’re going to leave you, Red!” objected Brielle.

“All of you are in no shape to fight this battle. Only I can do it. You go back to HQ, patch yourselves up, and warn Zordon about Terror Toad. If I can’t beat him, at least I can hold him back until you guys come up with a better solution.” Jordyn saw Trai wanted to give more comments. “No buts, this is an order. I want to do something right for the team, and this is it.”

Trai nodded. “We’ll be back ASAP.”

“I know you will.” Jordyn to a step closer toward Terror Toad and his new slave. “It’s just you and me, Monster.”

“I think not.”


Jordyn to a step closer toward Terror Toad and his new slave. “It’s just you and me, Monster.”

“I think not.”

“Zordon, teleport us out―AARGH!” Jordyn heard screams from her teammates.

“GUYS!” called Jordyn. She turned her helmet just in time before the three Rangers teleported. Trai, Zeta, and Brielle screamed as their bodies were turned into colorful balls of light that shot out to the sky. To Jordyn’s horror, the energy forms of her teammates plunged back down right into the gaping maw of the Terror Toad. “NO!”

The Red Ranger couldn’t believed her eyes. Her whole team suddenly devoured by the demonic monster in front of her. Their muffled cries could be heard from the fat body of the Terror Toad. The creature pounded his stomach in victory. “A full-course meal! HAHA!”

“My friends...” Jordyn lost her words as three more helmet imprints bulged out from the Terror Toad’s belly. Not just that as she also could see her dying friends tried to push their hands on the thick skin to escape.

The Red Ranger grabbed her Power Sword with the tightest grip. She went into battle mode, posing to attack before lunging toward the monster. She swung her mighty weapon against the single horn on top of the Terror Toad’s head. An explosion of blinding lights erupted in the park.

When the energy shockwave subsided, Jordyn still stood there. Her Power Sword made contact with the horn. The power should be enough to the destroy it.

But the horn was intact. The Power Sword failed to cut or make any damage to it. The arching spike was protected by a glow of colorful lights: green, pink, yellow, black, and blue. All colors of her teammates. “You should grow up, Ranger. No toy weapon can beat me once I have all of your friends!”

The glow intensified before the horn shot out a powerful lightning which hit Jordyn’s Power Sword. Shrieking, the Red Ranger fell backward and dropped the weapon. She couldn’t reach it back. Not because it was too far away, but because the Power Sword suddenly became ashes. “Power Sword!”

“Let me show real power, Ranger!” The Terror Toad swung his glowing hand at the fallen heroine. On his palm was a glowing emblem of evil: that of Ramses Repulsa. The Red Ranger didn’t have time to escape, especially when the monster grabbed her neck to put her in place.

Jordyn shrieked in ultimate pain. Scorching smoke spew out from the center part of her Dragon Shield as she was branded by the enemy’s symbol. Her pure golden lightning was now engulfed by the spiky arch and the twisting veins of the space wizard. She wrestled the hold and the agony until her body went limp. The Terror Toad dropped her like garbage on the smoking grass of the park.

The pain didn’t go away. All Jordyn could do was writhing in torment, moaning and sobbing like a dying animal. The cries of her captured teammates intensified as they were forced to watch the fall of the leading warrior. On the forehead of their helmet, Ramses Repulsa’s symbol glowed with sickening pulse as the proof of his dominance over all things good. Their begging voices slowly turned into that of choking as the stomach did something horrendous to the trapped Rangers. Zeta called Jordyn’s name until she couldn’t no longer belch out any audible words.

It was clear that their torture was not over. Outlines of thick tentacles made their way from the bottom of Terror Toad’s stomach toward the Rangers. Their fight was pointless as their helmet mouthguards were penetrated by the fat tendrils.

Even as she sqirmed on the ground, Jordyn’s voice was filled with conviction. “Even if... You destroy me and my team... Others will stand up against you. Because good will always triumph... AGH! ...against evil!”

“Destroy you? If you think that I came here to decimate you, I am flattered. My Lord Ramses Repulsa has other plans for you little warriors. He thinks that the strategy of destroying his enemies was too wasteful. Why destroy if you can use them? Today is the beginning of your new life as the weak servants of Ramses Repulsa, Red Ranger. You will forever toil at his whim. And the best thing about this deal? My lord agreed to give me some of your friends to be my personal pets. Personally, I like how the Pink Ranger twisted his body before, but pink also looks good on black.”

The Terror Toad shot out his disgusting slimy tongue at the broken Red Ranger. Jordyn grabbed it but failed to put any resistance. The saliva slowly seeped in all parts of her suit. A sensation of cold started to spread throughout her body as the latex slave suit solidified inside. The girl never felt so sensitive in her life. She moaned, trying in desperation to hide her corrupted sense of arousal. “This can’t happen....”

As Ramses Repulsa’s symbol came into place on Dragon Shield heart, Jordyn felt that her destiny as the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger as to serve her master. There would be no pleasure in it, as her service was the acknowledgement of how pathetic her heroic life was. “Lord Repulsa has devoured by Tyrannosaurus power. Lord Repulsa has devoured my team. Lord Repulsa has devoured my soul....”

Jordyn’s eyes glazed as tears flowed slowly on her cheeks. She licked the interior of her helmet as she gasped for non-existent freedom. The Red Ranger’s saliva poured out more than humanly possible.



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