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In the opening chapter of Power Rangers Ninja Storm Impursonator dark tale, the Crimson and Navy Thunder Rangers find themselves caught in the devious Impursonator's trap during a routine sparring session. Caught off guard by the sudden ambush, the spandex-clad, toned, heroic Rangers are slowly crushed by the hellish forces at play as the pink rubbery monster wants their very soul for enslavement!

Can the Thunder Ninja Rangers stretch their limits to escape the rubbery terror?

Special thanks to my loyal and royal patron friends:


Tim Blackwell


Ricky Hartono






Marc Lange

大也 成吉

Ken K


Ty smith




Robert Terwillger

Daniel K


Pink and dangerous!

Emotions were mounting in the isolated wooded clearing as Navy and Crimson Thunder Rangers Blake and Hunter faced each other. As the two Rangers got ready for their intense fighting practice, the moonlight peeked through the thick canopy above, lighting them in a mystical light.

Blake and Hunter nodded in unison as they turned on their Thunder Morphers simultaneously, casting a brilliant light show around them. With a unified cry of "Power of Thunder!" they took on their Ranger guises, their voices booming with strength.

The air crackled with energy as Blake and Hunter completed their transformations, their Navy and Crimson Thunder Ranger suits shimmering in the moonlight. With newfound strength and agility, they faced each other with steely sense of purpose, ready to push themselves to their limits in the pursuit of mastery over their combat skills.

With a sudden burst of speed, Blake lunged forward, his fists flying as he unleashed a flurry of punches aimed at Hunter's defenses. Hunter responded in kind, his movements fluid and precise as he deftly dodged Blake's attacks, countering with well-timed strikes of his own.

The forest echoed with the sound of their clashes, the rhythm of their movements creating a tsunami of motion as they danced across the forest floor. Each blow exchanged between the Thunder Rangers was met with equal ferocity, their skills honed through years of training and dedication to their craft.

Despite the intensity of their sparring, a sense of team spirit infused their interactions, their banter laced with friendly rivalry and mutual respect. "Is that the best you've got, Blake?" Hunter teased, ducking under a sweeping kick with practiced ease.

"You wish, Hunter! I'm just getting warmed up," Blake retorted, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he launched into a series of rapid strikes.

Their banter served as a brief respite from the intensity of their training, but soon they were entirely focused once more, their movements becoming more fluid and precise as they sought to outmaneuver and outwit each other in their sparring match.

As the night wore on, the energy between Blake and Hunter only intensified, their steadfastness unwavering as they pushed themselves to their physical limits. With each passing moment, they grew more robust and more skilled, their relentless pursuit of excellence driving them forward in their quest to become the ultimate Thunder Rangers.

In the heart of the secluded forest, amidst the rustling leaves and the echoing sounds of their sparring, Blake and Hunter forged a bond that transcended mere friendship. They were comrades in arms, united in their shared mission to protect the world from evil and uphold the legacy of the Thunder Rangers for generations to come. And as they continued to spar under the watchful gaze of the moon, they knew that together, they were unstoppable.

A primal roar shattered the stillness of the forest, reverberating through the trees as Impursonator emerged from the shadows. Its grotesque form contorted with a primal dominance, a twisted grin stretched across its rubbery pink visage as it loomed over Blake and Hunter, its eyes gleaming with predatory nastiness.

Before Blake and Hunter could react, the air erupted with a loud tempest of explosions and sparks. Pain seared through their bodies as their skintight heroic suits were torn asunder, the sheer force of the attack sending them crashing to the forest floor.

Gasping for breath, Blake and Hunter writhed in agony, their minds reeling from the sudden onslaught. The acrid scent of burning fabric filled the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood as they struggled to make sense of the chaos.

Amidst the chaos, Impursonator's voice cut through the din, a sickening squelch that filled the clearing with dread. "Impursonator," it hissed, its voice dripping with malicious confidence. "Remember the name, for it will be the last thing you hear before I consume your delicious souls and twist your bodies into my pink slaves."

Dread washed over the Thunder Rangers as they exchanged a grim glance inside their helmets. The forest seemed to close in around them, the shadows stretching and contorting with demoniac intent as if echoing Impursonator's twisted grin.

"We won't fall to you, Impursonator," Blake growled, his voice trembling with bravado. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, each beat a display of the peril they faced.

Hunter tightened himself steadfastly, echoing his comrade's sentiment: "We'll fight you with every last ounce of strength we have. You'll regret ever crossing our path." His voice wavered slightly, betraying the fear that clawed at his insides, but he refused to let it show in his resolve.

Impursonator's twisted laughter echoed through the clearing, a chilling blizzard of poison that sent shivers down their spines. "Oh, how I relish the taste of your fear," it taunted, its voice dripping with sadistic glee. "But soon, your fear will turn to despair as I claim your souls and make you my slaves."

Blake and Hunter summoned their weapons with a flash of light, their hands trembling with adrenaline and dread. The forest seemed to hold its breath as they prepared to confront Impursonator head-on, the air thick with the promise of imminent danger. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, they stood tall, ready to defend the Earth from its monstrous grasp.

The forest echoed with the sounds of battle as Blake and Hunter, the Navy and Crimson Thunder Rangers, faced off against Impursonator. With their weapons drawn and their hearts filled with willpower, they launched themselves into the fray, their minds focused on one goal: defeating the monstrous creature before them.

Hunter's Crimson Blaster crackled with energy as he unleashed rapid bursts of power, each shot aimed with deadly precision at Impursonator's elastic, rubbery form. But to his frustration, the creature seemed to dodge every attack effortlessly, its grotesque body contorting and twisting with unnatural agility.

"No matter how fast you fire, Ranger, you cannot hope to touch me," Impursonator taunted, its voice filled with malicious glee. "Your work are pointless."

Hunter steeled his heart, his frustration mounting with each missed shot. He resisted giving in to the monstrous abomination in front of him, but no matter how hard he tried, his attacks seemed to have little impact.

Meanwhile, Blake swung his Navy Antler with precision, the electrified grappler crisp with energy as it lashed out at Impursonator. But despite his best efforts, the creature easily evaded his strikes, its elastic form shifting and morphing with fluid grace.

"This is impossible," Blake growled, his voice tinged with disbelief. "How can it dodge every attack?"

Impursonator's mocking laughter filled the air, a sound that sent shivers down the Rangers' spines. "You underestimate the power of my elastic form, Rangers," it sneered. "Your weapons are useless against me."

Desperation clawed at Blake and Hunter's hearts as they continued to battle against the relentless onslaught of Impursonator. With each passing moment, their frustration grew, their attacks proving futile against the creature's elastic defenses.

But even in the face of overwhelming odds, they refused to give up. With renewed willpower, they redoubled their efforts, their movements becoming more acrobatic and fluid as they sought to outmaneuver their elusive foe.

The forest became a battleground, the air thick with energy as Blake and Hunter unleashed a barrage of attacks against Impursonator. Yet no matter how hard they fought, the creature seemed always to be one step ahead, its taunting laughter ringing in their ears.

"We can't keep this up forever," Hunter grunted, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he dodged another of Impursonator's attacks.

"We have to find a way to break through its defenses," Blake replied, his voice strained with effort as he launched himself into another assault.

No matter how fierce the conflict became, Blake and Hunter's willpower remained unshaken. No matter what, they were fixated not to let Impursonator triumph. They didn't give up no matter how hard it got, pushing themselves to their limits with each hit and dodge.

Minutes proceeded into hours, and they realized they couldn't continue fighting forever due to tiredness. In a last-ditch effort to defeat their evasive enemy, they unleashed a concerted assault, their weapons illuminating with bright light.

Impursonator was combated with Navy and Crimson Thunder Rangers members Blake and Hunter. Powerful blows resounded from their weapons as they prepared to crush the hideous enemy in front of them. But their dreams were shattered with every strike, as Impursonator's pliable body appeared to soak up their assaults fearlessly.

Blake's frustration boiled over as he struggled to his feet, his Navy Antler thick with energy. "This is madness! Nothing we do even scratches it!"

Hunter's expression twisted with anger as he fired another burst from his Crimson Blaster, only to watch it rebound back at them with even greater force. "It's like fighting a wall! We can't break through!"

Impursonator's laughter cut through the air like a knife, mocking and cruel. "You Rangers are nothing but dough," it taunted, its voice dripping with contempt. "No matter how hard you try, you will never defeat me."

Blake's spirit tightened with steadfastness as he locked eyes with his comrade. "We can't let it get to us. We have to keep fighting!"

Hunter nodded, his resolve hardening with every passing moment. "We'll find a way to beat it, no matter what."

But as the battle raged on, their desperation grew. Impursonator seemed to revel in their struggle, its grotesque form contorting and shifting with unnatural grace as it effortlessly dodged their attacks.

"We can't keep this up forever," Hunter gasped, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he dodged another blow.

"We have to find a weakness," Blake replied, his voice strained with effort as he launched himself into another assault.

As they fought, doubt crept into their minds. Was there any hope of defeating Impursonator on their own? The thought lingered in the back of their minds, a seed of uncertainty that threatened to consume them.

"Should we contact the Wind Ninja Storm Rangers for backup?" Blake pondered aloud, his voice tinged with doubt.

Hunter hesitated, his gaze flickering between his comrade and their relentless foe. "I don't know," he admitted reluctantly. "We've always handled things on our own before. But maybe... maybe this time we need help."

But before they could make a decision, their arrogance reared its head once more. "No," Blake said firmly, his gaze inside his helmet set with willpower. "We can't rely on anyone else to save us. We'll find a way to beat Impursonator ourselves, no matter what it takes."

Hunter nodded, his doubts momentarily pushed aside by his comrade's conviction. "You're right," he agreed, his voice firm with resolve. "We'll finish this, together."

And as they redoubled their efforts, their sense of purpose burned brighter than ever. They may have been facing an unbeatable foe, but they refused to back down. With every strike, every dodge, they pushed themselves to their limits, their minds focused on one goal: defeating Impursonator and protecting the Earth from its monstrous grasp.


Driven by rage and desperation, Blake abandoned his ranged attacks and charged headlong into melee combat with Impursonator, causing the forest to become completely chaotic. His fists and feet became blurs of motion, striking out with a ferocity born of sheer willpower. But with each blow he landed, he could feel the weight of the monster's presence pressing down upon him, its essence seeping into his very being like a parasitic invader.

Sensing Blake's vulnerability, the Impursonator seized the opportunity to strike back. With a sickening squelch, it launched itself at the Navy Thunder Ranger, its rubbery form wrapping around him like a suffocating shroud. Blake struggled against the creature's relentless assault, but it was useless. Impursonator's diabolical influence began to take hold, its insidious essence corrupting his body from within.

Hunter watched in horror as his comrade's skin took on a sickly pinkish hue, his features contorting and twisting into a grotesque mockery of his former self. Blake's agonized screams echoed through the clearing, each cry a chilling monument of the parasitic horror unfolding before him.

"No! Blake, snap out of it!" Hunter shouted, his voice filled with desperation as he launched himself into the fray. But it was too late. Impursonator had already sunk its claws deep into Blake's psyche, twisting his mind and soul with its insidious influence.

The metamorphosis was horrific to observe. As the essence of Impursonator infected Blake like a virus, his body erupted in painful spasms. An eerie light emanated from his eyes, and his formerly honorable face had contorted into a mask of depravity and hopelessness.

Even as Hunter struggled to save his companion from the monster's clutches, he could sense the entanglement of Impursonator's power drawing near. As he grasped the gravity of their predicament, a wave of panic washed over him. Blake was already a victim of the same evil that was engulfing them both.

Hunter mustered an enormous burst of energy and redoubled his attempts to escape. An intense desire to rescue his comrade no matter the cost drove him to use his Crimson Blaster with devastating force, launching a relentless assault on Impursonator.

But Impursonator only laughed, its voice filled with malicious glee. "You cannot save him, Ranger," it taunted, its rubbery form pulsating with sickening delight. "He is mine now, body and soul."

Hunter's heart sank as he watched Blake succumb to the monster's influence, his friend lost to him forever. But even in the face of despair, he refused to give up. With a primal roar of bravado, he launched himself into one final assault, his resolve unyielding in the face of overwhelming darkness.

Blake's body convulsed with an unnatural pinkish hue as Impursonator's corrupting influence seeped into every fiber of his being. His once noble features contorted into a twisted visage of madness as he succumbed to the demoniac power coursing through his veins.

Hunter watched in horror as his comrade's transformation unfolded before his eyes. "Blake, no! Fight it!" he cried out, desperation lacing his voice as he reached out to his friend.

But Blake's response was nothing but a guttural snarl, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly fury as he turned on Hunter with feral intensity. "You... pathetic weakling!" he growled, his voice warped by the corruption consuming him. "You're too rigid, too stiff! You'll never match up to the power of Impursonator!"

Hunter staggered back, shock and disbelief etched across his features as he confronted the terrifying reality of Blake's corruption. "This can't be happening," he muttered, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

But there was no time for doubt or hesitation as Blake lunged forward with savage ferocity, his blows raining down upon Hunter with relentless force. Each strike carried the full weight of Impursonator's corrupting influence, driving Hunter to the brink of exhaustion as he fought to defend himself against his former comrade.

"Blake, snap out of it!" Hunter pleaded, desperation tingeing his words as he struggled to reason with his friend. "You're stronger than this! Fight it!"

But his words fell on deaf ears as Blake's rampage continued unabated, his mind consumed by the insidious corruption twisting his thoughts and emotions. Hunter's hope dwindled with each passing moment, his heart heavy with the realization that he may have already lost his friend to the darkness.

As the battle raged on, the once inseparable duo found themselves locked in a brutal struggle for survival. Hunter was aware that the battle was far from over because Blake's mind was completely insane and Impursonator's corrupting influence was guiding every move he made. And as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, he could only pray that somehow, someway, he would find a way to save his friend from the abyss.

The forest screamed with the echoes of Blake's maniacal laughter as he relentlessly battered his own helmet visor with the Navy Antler. Each strike accompanied a roar of twisted amusement, driving Hunter deeper into shock and disbelief.

"What are you doing, Blake?!" Hunter's voice cracked with swirling horror and desperation, his words laced with a tinge of disbelief.

But Blake seemed oblivious to his brother's pleas, his laughter growing louder and more unhinged with every blow. He shattered the visor with a final, ferocious strike, revealing his pink-tinged face beneath.

Hunter's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the grotesque transformation of his once-heroic brother. "No... this can't be real," he murmured, his voice trembling with fear.

As Blake's serpentine tongue slithered forth, Hunter's heart sank further. The corruption had consumed Blake entirely, leaving behind only a twisted shadow of his former self.

Before Hunter could react, Blake lunged at him with frightening speed, his Antler grappler weapon a blur of motion. With skill honed through countless battles, Hunter deflected the onslaught, each blow ringing out like a bell of impending doom.

But amidst the chaos, a strange sensation stirred within Hunter. The sight of Blake's pink face stirred conflicting emotions within him, a tumultuous mix of arousal and disgust that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

"Snap out of it, Blake!" Hunter's voice cracked with urgency, the weight of the situation bearing down upon him like a ton of bricks. But his words seemed to fall upon deaf ears as Blake's assault grew increasingly frantic, each blow driving Hunter further into a state of panic.

As Blake's onslaught continued, Hunter's mind raced with a torrent of conflicting emotions. His heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding before him.

"Can this night be any worse?" Hunter muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the din of battle. He felt a knot of anxiety tightening in the pit of his stomach, his hands trembling as he struggled to maintain his grip on his blaster weapon.

Hunter experienced a sudden wave of arousal that sent shockwaves coursing through his body as Blake's pink-tinged face grew closer. His mind reeled with disbelief, his concentration shattered like glass as the conflicting emotions threatened to overwhelm him entirely.

"No... not now," Hunter thought, his voice a desperate whisper in the chaos of battle. He fought to regain control of his senses, to push aside the feelings of arousal and focus on the task at hand.

Unfortunately, Hunter could not free himself from the corruption no matter how hard he tried. Maintaining calm in the face of great temptation caused his motions to slow down and his thoughts to become muddled with uncertainty.

As Blake's attacks intensified, Hunter realized he needed to find a method to escape the clutches of corruption immediately. He focused with resolute grit, ignoring the anxieties and uncertainties that threatened to swallow him whole.

Still, a whirlwind of contradictory feelings engulfed Hunter. He found it increasingly challenging to focus on his aim with the Crimson Blaster, and each shot went wide because of the powerful combination of excitement and disorientation that was overwhelming his mind.

"Damn it," Hunter cursed under his breath, his voice strained with frustration as he struggled to maintain control. Beads of sweat formed on his brow, trickling down his face as he fought to keep his composure amidst the chaos.

But Blake's pink-tinged face danced before Hunter's eyes, a mocking display of his own vulnerability. The sight sent a shiver of arousal coursing through him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as his heart pounded in his chest.

"No... focus, Hunter, focus," he muttered to himself, his voice trembling with uncertainty. However, despite his best efforts, he was unable to escape the corruption's grip because of a whirlwind of conflicting desires consuming his mind.

In an attempt to force himself to ignore the interruptions and concentrate, Hunter tightened himself around the Crimson Blaster. However, as a torrent of energy and disorientation washed over him, his motions became more and more unpredictable, and his goal began to sway.

Blake launched a sudden and ruthless assault, his Navy Antler weapon swirling through the air with lethal accuracy. The blaster clattered as it slipped from Hunter's fingers, a victim of his brother's onslaught, who had a stronger grasp.

Watching his sole weapon fall to the ground, Hunter felt a wave of terror and shock rush over him. His eyes widened in shock at the sudden change of circumstances. Being completely helpless and alone in the face of his corrupted brother made him feel exposed and vulnerable like never before.

"What's the matter, little brother?" Blake's voice dripped with mockery, his pink-tinged face contorted into a grotesque grin. "Can't handle a little stiff competition?"

The pun hit Hunter like a punch to the gut, his face flushing with embarrassment as he struggled to find his bearings. But try as he might, he found himself at a loss, his mind a swirling vortex of confusion and desire.


Amidst the chaos of battle, Blake's transformation into a corrupted agent of Impursonator brought forth a dark and twisted glee. He grabbed the Crimson Blaster while laughing sinisterly, the energy of his movements pulsing with every step.

"Hunter," Blake's voice rang out, dripping with poison as he turned the Crimson Blaster towards his own brother. "Let's see how you handle a taste of your own medicine!"

As Hunter's heart sank at the realization of his brother's degradation, the words hit him like a physical blow. Blake shot Hunter's delicate heroic suit with a flurry of energy blasts, each one landing with a terrible blow.

Horrifying explosions engulfed Hunter, sending him tumbling through the air with a force that rattled his bones. The world spun violently as he imagined himself soaring high over the forest canopy, and then he hit the ground with a horrible thud.

Hunter felt a searing pain all over as he tried to collect himself, his eyes darting about in an attempt to ignore the excruciating pain. Blake pounced on him before he could even try to stand up, his deformed body nimble and quick as lightning.

Blake launched Hunter flying with a vicious kick, sending his battered body tumbling over the woodland floor before crashing to a sudden stop. As his now-cracked and charred helmet slid aimlessly on the floor, Hunter's true identity was exposed to all.

As Hunter struggled to regain his bearings, Blake loomed over him like a specter of death. "You were always weak, Hunter," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Now you'll know what it's like to suffer at the hands of your own pink flesh and blood."

“Blake, stop it!” Hunter pleaded, his voice strained with desperation. “This isn't you! You’re a Ranger! Fight it!”

But Blake's grin only widened, his eyes gleaming with deranged delight. “Oh, but it is me, Hunter,” he retorted, his voice laced with madness. “Can't you see? Impursonator's gift is pure bliss!”

With a look of despair written all over his face, Hunter strained toward his communicator in the dark woodland. As a relic of the unrelenting attack he had suffered, the splintered pieces of his once-proud suit dangled from his bruised body. He hesitated, his mind racing with questions about whether or not he should summon the Wind Ninja Storm Rangers for help.

A sudden, horrifying feeling seized his wrists before he could make a decision. Upon realizing he was not alone anymore, his heart raced. He was held in a vice-like grasp by a pink, rubbery leg. As Hunter cocked his head, he beheld Impursonator towering over him, its hideous visage twisted into a sinister smile. His blood froze.

"Haha! Gotcha, Ranger! Feel the stretchy grip of my victory!" Impursonator's voice was filled with mocking glee as his elastic limbs caught Hunter, leaving him helpless against the impending doom.

"No... no, please!" Hunter's voice cracked with fear, but his pleas became unheard as Impursonator's laughter echoed through the darkness. With a brutal force, the monster slammed Hunter's back against its rubbery, elastic body, eliciting a guttural cry of pain from the Crimson Thunder Ranger.

The impact sent shockwaves of agony coursing through Hunter's body as he felt the insidious corruption of Impursonator's essence seeping into his very being. His mind screamed in protest, but the relentless onslaught left him gasping for breath, his vision swimming with terror.

"Humiliated, aren't you, Crimson Ranger? Each slam is a monument of your impending doom!" Impursonator's voice dripped with sadistic pleasure as he continued to slam Hunter against his own corrupted form, reveling in the Ranger's suffering.

In the middle of all the mayhem, Blake, who had recently succumbed to insanity, watched with twisted joy. A tsunami of his brother's anguished cries and his laughing resonated through the night. "No one can save you now, Hunter!" Blake's voice was laced with nastiness, his eyes gleaming with madness. "Witness the rubbery goodness of Impursonator's embrace, brother. You shall become one with the stretchy madness!"

As the sinister corruption of Impursonator's essence took hold, Hunter's hands, which had been stable before, shook violently. As they twisted and turned through his body, pink threads of lunacy encircled his spirit and held on tenaciously. His features were contorted into a hideous spoof of his previous self as the alteration became increasingly noticeable with the passing of time.

Hunter let out a moan of agony as the rosy tint streaked over his visor, leaving a trace of his degradation. A terrifying whirlwind of feelings swept across his consciousness. His entire existence had been relentlessly invaded, and he felt violated.

"Ah, the sweet embrace of latex corruption!" Impursonator's voice rang out through the darkness, filled with sadistic glee. "Feel the stretchy goodness coursing through your veins, Crimson Thunder Ranger! You're becoming one with the rubbery fabric of the universe!"

As Hunter became more aware of his doom, his heart fell at the sound of his tormentor's mocking laughter. He fought vainly against the pink tendrils' stifling grasp. Once corruption had taken root, there was no turning back.

Blake, his once-loyal brother, looked on with twisted delight, his laughter echoing through the night like a chilling clamor of madness. "Yes, feel the latex embrace, brother!" Blake's voice was filled with sadistic pleasure as he savored Hunter's torment. "Soon, you'll be stretching and bouncing like the rest of us!"

As the corruption finally swallowed Hunter whole, his world went haywire. The woodland resounded with his cries, a brutal proof of the horrors he was about to encounter. A hideous parody of his previous self, his tongue drooped and became pink like the tangled tendrils that had caught him.

As time went on, Hunter's sanity was progressively eroded by the constant assault of Impursonator's evil. As the blackness engulfed him, his thoughts broke like glass and pieces of his old self flew to other places.

At that point of complete hopelessness, Hunter realized he had lost his way. Captured by the spongy grip of insanity, captured by the sinister schemes of his formerly-cherished sibling. The last sound he heard before passing out was his tormentors' resonant laughing, a heartless monument of the dangers that had been lurking in the darkness.

"Yes, yes!" Hunter's voice echoed through the darkness, tinged with a deranged excitement. "Stretch me, Impursonator! Embrace me with your rubbery madness! I am yours now, body and soul!"


Impursonator's twisted form loomed over the defeated Navy and Crimson Thunder Rangers. With a malicious grin, the monstrous entity opened his gaping zipper-like mouth wide, revealing rows of jagged teeth glistening in the dingyness. With a fierce hunger, he lunged forward, his stretchy pink tongue snaking out like a serpent, wrapping around the Rangers' faces. “I’m always hungry for horny morons!”

Amidst the chaos, Hunter and Blake's voices rose in a mad crescendo of excitement. "Yes! Yes!" they cried in unison, their words tinged with deranged obsession. "Embrace us, Impursonator! We belong to you now!"

Their jubilant cries melded with the terrified screams as Impursonator's tongue tightened its grip, pulling them inexorably closer to his gaping maw. The soul orbs, glowing with ethereal light, seemed to pulse with a desperate plea for freedom. "No!" Hunter and Blake shrieked, their voices raw with anguish. "Not like this! Please, let us go!"

But their pleas fell on deaf ears as Impursonator's laughter filled the air, drowning out their cries with a chilling hurricane. With a final flick of his tongue, he snatched the soul orbs from the air, savoring the taste of their essence with a sinister delight.

"Yes, you belong to me now, forever and always!" he boasted, his voice tinged with sadistic pleasure. "Behold the power of Impursonator! The souls of the Thunder Rangers are my sluts now, forever trapped within my bulge!"

A horrible squelch was heard as two new buttons appeared on the rubbery pink body of the Impursonator. One button was scarlet, while the other was navy. As a concrete demonstration of the monster's triumph over his foes, they throbbed with energy that seemed to come from another realm.

The monster grabbed the soul orbs from the air with a horrible squish and proceeded to consume them with a hungry glee. As the corruption of Impursonator's essence engulfed their laughing husks, Hunter and Blake's eyes glazed over with a crazy shine. Their identities appeared to have been lost to the unrelenting grasp of darkness.



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