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Some additional images from yesterday’s post I thought might be enjoyed!



sam smith

I love this. The Elisa gargoyle tf doesn’t get enough love in my opinion. I’d love to see more pics with her arms and legs more like how they are in the show with big spikes coming off the joins. Still looks great for a gargoyle tf.


Man, I’m with you, it’s an under-represented TF considering the source material. I’ve been wanting to do one forever and this is the closest I’ve gotten so far. In terms of the spiky joints, I’m with you. The only LORA I could find to do this was actually one for Demona, so when I upped the strength of the LORA enough to get those spiked joints, it also brought in Demona’s clothing, hairstyle, and that crown/headband thing she wears. Hopefully someday I’ll come across a generic gargoyle Lora out there and be able to do this right. Also, I want to get the skin tone right for Elisa. Anyway, thanks man, glad you enjoyed it! There will probably be more eventually!


These are awesome. I love 11 and 22 especially! Great work.


Thanks!! 11 was definitely one of my favs. That pose was too good to pass up. Glad you enjoy them!