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I hit 4K subscribers on DeviantArt!! I’m so appreciative of everyone’s support and kinda stunned by the level of interest in this. I just started that page as a writer, and never had any way to bring images to life based on any of my ideas. AI has changed all that, of course, and I’m just blown away by the level of interest there and here. I’m still just fiddling around with prompts and models and trying to get things to work, so thanks for bearing with me during the process! Thanks for your all your help, suggestions, comments, and just for being here! Without further ado, enjoy!


“Coming in to begin a long shift the officer paused in the locker room, taking a moments rest to steel herself for the day to come. She couldn’t put her finger on why, but she was feeling drained today, lacking energy. The week had taken its toll on her, to be sure, but as she had climbed from her bed this morning she just felt as if her battery was blinking ‘low power.’ She paused a moment, adjusting her uniform and ensuring everything was in place, and took a deep breath to head to morning roll call.”


“As she turned to head into the squad room, her colleagues footsteps already receding down the hallway, she paused again. Something was amiss. She felt…not really dizzy, but…off? There was a tightness in her stomach and…in her chest. Not just a tense muscle, but physical tightness. She put a hand to her chest and found a curve of warm, swelling flesh that surprised her. ‘What the…?’ she mouthed slowly, looking down at straining buttons on her uniform.”


“Before she could wrap her head around what was happening there was an audible ‘Pop!’ followed in quick succession by two others, ‘Pop! Pop!’ As several buttons in her uniform reached their breaking point and snapped, her shirt popping open slightly. In shock, the officer looked down to find deep cleavage staring back at her, and a pair of heaving breasts filling and overwhelming her shirt. She could feel the pressure beginning to build again, the failure of her buttons providing only momentary relief as her swelling breasts quickly filled the space and began threatening the remaining buttons.”


“Feeling the strain of her swelling breasts continue, the girl quickly wrenched up the hem of her shirt, pulling it up to her chest and turning to glance in the mirror. She was stunned by the sight before her. She has always been slenderly built, with small breasts that she was thankful fit easily under her body armor and in her tailored uniform. Now, however, she found herself staring at a pair of full, warm breasts that filled and began to overflow her small bra. Despite the shock of the rapid changes in her body, as the girl caught stared at her reflection in the mirror, she felt other emotions begin to mix in. She looked…*good*, she thought, watching the flesh of her new breasts bulge over the cups of her bra with each breath. She looked feminine, sexy even, she thought. A twinge of arousal pulsed through her, gently, and then disappeared. She felt her body warm slightly, and she slowed her breathing and tried to calm herself”


“The girl sank slowly to her knees, unbuttoning her shirt and opening it to further inspect her body. As she pulled her shirt aside she marveled at the fullness of her breasts, and the sensation of their continuing growth. She felt how firm they were against the taut fabric of her stout bra, filling the cups and causing the straps to bite into her shoulders. As she began to slide the shirt off her shoulders she was aware of tightness across her hips; she could feel her ass swelling along with her hips growing outward to accommodate its increased mass, pulling her waistband tight and beginning to reach the limit of her duty belt. She discarded her shirt and quickly removed her duty belt, casting both aside with detachment as she continued to watch the changes wash over her body.”


“The girl bent forward, clutching absentmindedly at the straps of her bra, marveling at the spill of cleavage reflected back at her. Her breasts looked ripe and soft, and she squirmed as the sensation of arousal jolted through her again. The constriction of the bra, in addition to the bite of her waistband into her growing hips was awakening a sexuality the girl had ignored for awhile, shoving it aside in pursuit of career ambitions and other priorities. Now, gazing at the busty reflection staring back at her, feeling the exquisite sensations that told her it was HER body, she felt a building sensation well-up within her, some new…something different…”


“With a jolt, that new sensation surged forward, and the girl felt a sharp pain as two small points emerged from her scalp, growing quickly into a pair of small, sharp horns that pressed outward from her skull. Reaching upward quickly, alarmed by this new change, the girl felt her bra draw tighter against her chest, aware that her breasts had grown again, surging forward and overwhelming her bra. Their weighty flesh bulged from the cups and tear the garment asunder.

The girl found herself trembling internally; she knew she should be freaking out, knew that this was not normal, knew that the horns…the horns…they were something different. A…a test? An…invitation? The girl wanted to scream, to reject all that was happening to her, to call for help and to BE helped. But…she just simply did not. She sat, stunned, quivering, and unable…un-…*willing*…to reject the transformation. Transfixed, she stared at her reflection, those heaving breasts, that taut body, those swelling hips…”


“Her failure to reject the changes resulted in another push, another change, another…test. Pressure mounting on her backside, then an eruption of flesh as a pair of wings burst forth, stretching behind her. The girl forced her eyes shut, refusing to look at the reflection, feeling the sickening sensation of the wings…HER wings…gently moving and flexing behind her. She felt them stretch, open and close, and flap lazily in the air behind her, their muscles flexing and sensing new sensations and shudders down her spine.”


“Seemingly unimpressed by the girl’s passive resistance, the changes continued, as if renewing their efforts. The girls breasts swelled forward once more, even as her hips pressed outward, stretching her pants impossibly tight. The girl reached to her breasts, intending to clutch them and restrain their growth, but…resting her palms on their warm flesh instead, feeling them pulse and grow, their weight pulling her forward. She knew how they must look, could feel the sensation of her breasts running together, jostling for control of the rapidly diminishing space in her bra, their slick skin sliding together in her cleavage. She felt the delicious bite of the straps against her shoulders, the aching fabric the send shivers through her body with each popping stitch.”


“Relenting again to the changes, passively continuing down the pathway, the girl yanked the cups of her bra aside, freeing her swelling breasts, allowing their weight to fall forward, pulling her skin taut and sending waves of delicious sensation through her as their firm weight settled, jiggling deliciously as they did so. The feelings were overwhelming the girl now and she found herself beginning to relent, no longer passively resisting and waiting for the transformation to end. Despite herself, she felt her knees slide open, wider, her pants protesting with creaking and popping stitches. She rolled her hips forward, groaning with arousal and pleasure as the crotch of her pants drew tight, pulling roughly against her pussy and causing her clit to throb powerfully. She gasped, an un-bidden moan escaping her lips as she questioned how much more she could take.”


“For a moment, the sensations, the growth, the transformation relented. The girl paused, breathing heavily, and drew her knees back together. She leaned forward, catching her breath and taking stock. She knew she should scream for help, use this pause to cry out, to reject all of this and scream. But…the girl struggled internally, futilely, a token resistance to the…*glorious* sensations she was feeling. Behind her, her wings gently flexed and moved as her balance shifted. She felt their movements; they felt strong. Her swollen breasts hung ripe and heavy from her chest, warmth radiating from their taut flesh. An imagined image of herself flashed through her mind, a veritable goddess on her knees in the locker room; she imagined her body as it must appear now and found that she absolutely *relished* the thought. Arousal surged through her body. She felt her body warm, felt her pussy throb with anticipation, felt everything tighten, and ease, rhythmically, a pulsing ratchet of ever increasing arousal that ached within her. Slowly, eyes gently closed, the girl released the straps of her bra, letting it fall discarded to the floor. With effort she unbuttoned her pants, hooking her thumbs under the waistband and leaning forward to push it down, down, sliding down off her firm ass, feeling her enormous breasts wobble delicious from her chest as she did so. She rose to her feet…”


“Standing trembling with fear, anticipation, and aching lust, the girl opened her eyes. She took in the being before her, the thick horns arcing back from her temple, the enormous breasts standing proudly out from her chest, and the leathery wings waiting behind her. Her eyes swept downward over the musculature of her stomach to her hips, those broad, sweeping hips stretching those panties, tight, so tightly across her…her…

Her eyes moved downward to her pussy, drinking in the sight of the fluids running freely down her legs from those plump lips, barely concealed within that thin, soaking wet triangle of fabric. The sight broke her. She felt all resistance drain away within her. All she wanted was more, more sensation, more growth, more sopping wet, juicy, delicious, aching, forbidden sex, tits, pussy, -FUCK!! She screamed, quivering and throbbing with pressure and arousal as EVERYthing surged within her.”


“As renewed changes and sensation washed over the girl, she pressed her eyes closed again. She was no longer avoiding a choice, no longer avoiding the sight of her growing body; she had made her choice, had chosen a path, chosen these changes, this BODY. She closed her eyes and welcomed the sensations that washed over her. Her body continued to grow and transform, leaving behind her gentle notions of a perfect bustline and womanly hips. Her body now surpassed those childish notions, swerving dramatically into the realm of vulgarity, obscenity. She was becoming something else, she knew, something more…something…bad. She felt it in her bones, but as the lust, the aching emptiness within her, surged all around her, she yearned for it. Welcomed it. She felt the corruption envelop her, growing over her in an embrace she knew she needed.”


“Her transformation continued, building at an accelerated pace, moving to a crescendo for which she longed. Her horns grew and warped, proclaiming for all the demonic taint that was continuing to envelop her body. Her brow furrowed with pain and pleasure, sensations impossible to separate in her mind. Her hands went to her breasts gripping them in an effort to hold onto herself, to ground herself in some sort of reality. The overwhelming force of corrupted change washed away any sense of self within the woman, her last, pitiful act of resistance, clutching her own swollen, corrupted, obscene and lewd breasts, simply lost among the flood of sensations of her change. The crescendo reached its peak, the unstoppable force pausing, teetering in weightlessness for a moment, before crashing downward in accelerating, manic power, the full weight of it pressing on the woman’s feeble soul.”


“Release. Sweet, aching, insufferably painful, beautiful, orgasmic release. The woman knelt and came, her body shuddering and quivering with and overwhelming release that flushed her resistance, her identity, her soul from her body. She felt her pussy clench, throbbing with an impossible intensity as her mind melted and her body relented. She felt every aching moment as corruption flowed over, and into, her body, replacing everything that she was with everything she was to become. Her horns twisted and reshaped themselves, her breasts and hips swelled and throbbed with vulgar need. As she came she could feel her environment changing. She felt how each throbbing gush from her pussy changed her surroundings, covering, *infecting* everything around her with its corrupted influence.”


“As for monumental orgasm faded, she stood, relishing the final moments and aftershocks of pleasure that coursed and raced through her body. Power coursed through her, washing deliciously over her body, and she felt the very beginning of an aching emptiness within her, an unfulfilled yearning that she instinctively knew could never be fully satisfied. It was a delicious ache, however, and the woman grinned despite herself, feeling her head begin to clear, and beginning to plan her first meals.”


“With an exhalation that spoke of an ancient, weary evil, the demon queen paused and licked her lips, relishing the moment. She heard the voices of the former police officer’s squadmates. Their voices carried their desires with them, as all humans did, and she smiled to herself. The woman’s former squadmates all had wanted her, all enjoyed working near her, but had all maintained a sense of professionalism. How thin the veneer of human society and morality was, she thought. She could feel their desire even from here, and the thought moistened her pussy again. The aching emptiness welled inside her, and she began to move toward them. The had all wanted to fuck their squadmate. They would all achieve their goals, in a manner. She would give them the fuck of their dreams, their wildest dreams; a chance to be with pure sexuality incarnate. She would give them everything they wanted, and in return the would give her all that they were. She would feed, and she would grow stronger. With a grin, the Demon Queen moved toward the hallway…”




Wow, you really improved over the previous version. I love the new demon queen's final form. It was really cool to see you put the images into one single story, and use only one art style. That made the progression of her change easy to follow and bring the whole sequence together. The story is great too, and takes it to another level. Great work! It would be awesome to see a sequel someday. :)


Thanks so much, man! All the things you mentioned ruined were things I was specifically trying for. Keeping the art consistent, progression that remained follow-able, etc. Glad the story worked out, too! How would you envision a sequel going? Just following up on the story? Corrupting others and following their transformations?


Great transformation, love seeing the progression along with the story. More of this please!


Thanks!! And you got it; I like doing the sequences when I have the time to commit to them!


Dude you've outdone yourself. thanks for great stuff.


No, thank you for the compliments! I’m so glad this one was enjoyed, and I always look forward to the next one!