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“In her hurry to get ready, she lost a little control on herself and began slipping into an entirely different wardrobe than intended. Soon enough the growing heat in her body began to take precedence and she was in more of a hurry to get her husband to join her from the other room, than to get where they were going.”

*These are just experimental images. This is my first attempt at using img2img to turn a photo into an AI TF pic and see what came out. I know there are some issues with some of the hands and a few other things. I’d welcome any comments, or suggestions from anyone who knows more about this stuff and can guide me.

My lovely wife modeled for the first two images :)




Gorgeous! The second pic is amazing! Great job! (Lucky guy!!!)


Thanks! And I certainly got lucky ;) AI had quite a bit to do with this pic, lol, but there’s a good base there for sure!


I like the fur pattern on her skin. Image 5 is 👌🏻