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“You know…I’m starting to think that wasn’t even my grandmother back there at all…”



底 井

https://www.deviantart.com/tetsumi21/art/First-Time-971053125 I hope you can post your previous works as well. I like this work very much, but I can't find related works here.


I love how basically pic 6 and pic 12 are the same, but in different styles! They are both incredible though. I think pic 10 is my fav.


Thanks! Those older works that I posted were all there were. There’s nothing else to post here beyond what’s available on DA. But if I do a new version of it someday it’ll definitely be on here!


I actually used image2image to do that. They are indeed the same image. The cartoonish one came first, and then I ran it through a different character model to get the more 2.5d result in pic 12. Just playing around with other options and learning, lol.