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“She knew it was dangerous to be walking in the woods during open season, especially during the “rut”, but she thought it would be fine for a quick hike in the new fallen snow. As the changes took hold of her body, her nostrils flaring and picking up the scent of the woods, the tutting bucks, all she could think of is how sexy she wanted to be for them, to bring them to her and watch them fight over her, her bleating driving them mad as they sought to claim dominance. Her swelling, changing, body flooded her with emotion and new sensations. Her tail wafted her scent into the woods, her breasts burst from her shirt and bra and proclaimed her virility for all to see, and antlers pressing out of her skull notified all that she was a prize to be caught. Her body was saturated with lust, all rational thought driven from her mind, as she sought only to rut and breed. The thought of a strong buck mounting her brought visions of her husband, just down the trail, flooding her. She heard him groan with his own changes, a throaty bugle escaping his lips as he too gave in to the changes. Her body responded and she voiced her own interest, loudly echoing through the forest. A distant bugle returned, and she knew other bucks would come. Her husband would have to hurry, and prove himself. The thought of their coming contest, and following conquest, brought a fresh wave of overwhelming arousal coursing through her…”

PS - I know female elks don’t have antlers, but without them this TF would just be less fun. I claim creative license!



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