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A little BE sequence as a follow-up to the clumsy barista who had to find a way to replace the artisanal milk she accidentally dropped. I also included some unused alternate images that are nevertheless fun on their own. Enjoy!


“Not bothering to understand the source of the artisanal ingredients at her local coffee shop, the girl found it was the most delicious coffee she had ever tasted. It was…different…to be sure, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on the flavor…”


“Suddenly, she felt a tightness in her chest, and the cool air of the coffee shop brush against her midriff. Her normally loose-fitting shirt felt a little snug across her breasts, and the hem rode higher than she was normally comfortable with. She paused, massaging the soreness in her breast absentmindedly while she finished her coffee.”


“She felt another sudden surge of tightness and pressure in her breasts, and this time she was sure. Something was going on. Her shirt rode up higher, and the fabric was becoming taut against her swelling breasts. She braces herself on the counter, still unable to get thoughts of the incredible flavor of that coffee out of her mind…”


“The feeling of tightness and pressure in her breasts became overwhelming, overwhelming any other thoughts or sensations as their warm flesh swelled steadily outward. She could feel the fabric of her shirt sliding, jittering across the tight fabric of her sports bra underneath, the tightness causing friction between them that slipped and groaned ahead of the unrelenting, slow growth of her breasts beneath. Unable to resist, she yanked her shirt over her breasts to see with her own eyes what her body knew was happening. The warm swell of quivering flesh that met her eyes was like a dream come true, and she could hardly believe the sensations that coursed through her body, thousands of nerve endings coming alive at once as her breasts continued their slow assault on her bra.”


“Relishing the feeling and sensation of her growing breasts, the girl slid her hands up to the back of her neck, thrusting her chest forward and feeling the fabric slid along her skin, the sound of popping stitches reaching her ears above the pulsing and pounding of rushing blood that throbbed inside of her.”


“The sensations overpowering her, the girl felt her knees wobble, and she slowly sank to the floor, her gigantic breasts quivering as she came to rest on her ass, breathing heavily. Beneath her, giant mounds of flesh and cavernous cleavage threatened to tear her clothing from her body and the girl felt her head swimming with the intensity of the change.”


“Another surge of growth, even stronger this time, pulled the girl forward into her knees, her chest thrusting proudly into the room, jutting off her chest, supported by the valiant fabric of her bra, still clinging mightily to the heaving flesh. She felt the button on her jeans pop, and the sensation reminded her of other parts of her body, flush with warmth and a throbbing, pulsing need that she had not even noticed amid the swelling growth of her enormous breasts.”


“The girl discarded her bra, peeling the fabric over her huge breasts with great effort, and feeling for the first time the dense weight of her breasts as they settled onto her chest, their movement comforting, arousing, and incredibly satisfying. A growing heat settled inside her, moving southward inside her body. She felt her stomach tighten, not unpleasantly, and her hand followed the heat down…”


“As the heat settled inside her, a renewed pressure surged in her breasts, pushing outward, throbbing, and she felt her breasts swell even further. She arched her back, the weight of her enormous breasts again consuming her thoughts, as the pressure continued to build. She felt milk begin to flow from her nipples, the flow easing the unrelenting pressure slightly, and the liquid traced hat lines down the graceful curvature of her huge breasts, dripping onto the floor beneath it as the girl cried out in overwhelming pleasure, unable to believe what was happening to her.”


“The flow of milk slowed, becoming a slow dribble, as the pressure and growth began to abate. For the first time the girl felt the fog of pleasure, arousal, amazement, and pressure clear from her mind and she took in her surrounding, her heavy breathing causing her massive chest to heave as she steadied herself and looked around the room. She cupped one gigantic breast in her hand, feeling it’s firm yet yielding flesh, and gently testing its weight as the sensation of her own touch send tendrils of delicious pleasure coursing through her body. She quivered…”


“She felt the growth stop, and her head cleared further. She settled onto the floor, still too weak and wobbly to stand, the milk running in gentle rivulets off her glistening mounds and dripping on her jeans and the wooden floor below. She caught her breath, the lingering pleasure bringing a grin to her face, and turned back to the counter. ‘I think I’ll have another cup!’ she said, “Make it a venti - with a double shot!”




*applauds I will have to pick your brain to find out how you kept the faces the same. Bravo!


Thanks! I’m actually not sure I kept the faces as close as I’d like. There are actually two different models here, as I didn’t get quite what I was looking for all from the one model. I think it was just choosing such a generic description, and only modifying small pieces of the prompt through the sequence.


Nice work on this series!