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“Unlike Pinocchio, not all visitors to Pleasure Island were upset about the changes. Some rather enjoyed them…some even more than others…”

*Some of these images are less donkey-like than I wanted, and some have some odd AI artifacts I was unable to delete/fix, but I’ve included them here anyway in case someone enjoys them outside of the basic story I set up. Maybe there were other types of TFs on Pleasure Island?




I’m just blown away from your recent uploads. You must be using great prompts for these. Can’t get anything I do to turn out. Not that good! Especially the ripped clothes. Always a nice touch.


Thanks so much! I’ve been using Tensor Art for a lot of my recent stuff. Free, up to 100 images a day, and with a ton of different models and loras to work with. Using loras has unlocked a ton of things that I wasn’t able to do with the services I was using previously.