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“Always terrified of sharks, she had been afraid to even try to learn to surf. Once she got out on the water, however, her fears abated and she enjoyed herself. When a shark actually showed up, however, all her fears came flooding back in a panicky rush. The initial bump knocked her from her board, the panic flooding through her body like ice. She swam frantically for the nearby shore, managing to avoid an attack, but the feeling of its tail brushing her leg sent a shudder through her body. That shudder continued, growing, into a hot lump in the pit of her stomach ash she felt her body begin to change. Her breasts swelled larger, pulling her bikini top taught, then stretching the fabric to its limit as her breasts continued to grow and surge forward. She felt her skin change texture, becoming smooth and hard, yet yielding, across her body. The biggest shock came when her face began to press forward, sharp teeth filling her mouth, as a powerful tail pressed its way out from her tailbone. Her body lengthened and stretched, and she felt her fear abating, the feeling slowly being replaced by a strong connection to the ocean, and a deep surge of arousal, her body responding to its new form with energy, power, and overwhelming lust. She felt her cheeks blush as she gave in to the feelings, thrusting her bulging chest forward and preparing to leap into her new realm…”



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