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Hello everyone. I've finally accomplished a lifetime goal of publishing my work, and in a form I'm proud of. Getting it out there has been preying on my anxieties in many ways, but I've pushed through and handled it. I could never have done this without all of your support. It's genuinely made an enormous difference. You guys can continue to support the story through the links below.




The audiobook is handled by James Patrick Cronin, and he's done some solid work with Lit-RPG already.

Many of you aren't in the financial position to pay for the story at the moment. That's completely fine. Reviews and Ratings on Amazon will help immensely. You don't need to buy the book to rate or review it. So please, do that and support the story. It's worth mentioning that ratings below 5 stars are essentially downvotes because of how the rating system on Amazon is set up. That lack of nuance is baked into the system, and I want you to all be aware.

Downloading the story on kindle unlimited helps too, if you have the app.

That amps up my algorithm game.

For real, you guys have made the story what it is. I still can't believe it's happening. I tried to publish on my own in 2018, and I ended up with a book I wasn't proud of. There were so many flaws in the early sections of the New World. You guys gave me so much time to refine my craft and improve, and it's allowed me to present what I've done without having to feel rushed or ashamed of what I've done. Thank you all for everything.


Chance Rose

Congratulations man, I'm happy for you! Can't wait to reread it all over again


James Patrick Cronin is brilliant! Just amazing. What a great choice


1 the Rick and morty reference made me chuckle, 2 when althea upgrades her constitution for the first time, daniel made a reference to the premature detonation of the stasis pods that is no longer Canon. It's not a direct reference but I don't think Daniel blocked an explosion for althea other than that one, could be wrong


I’m stoked to have been able to contribute to this in a small way. Love the book bud, great job.


Wh-where chappter? This feels like some cruel joke, being able read the published version yet having no new characters 😭


I like to think he's trying to figure out how to get us the free e-book we were told we would have


was very excited about the book release hoping that we will see more in short order


I have left before because you went no contact. I’m FINE if you have to take a break….or work on something else IRL….but COMMUNICATE


Here it is in September, no contact. I love your story but I’m going to pause my subscription until you are back.


hello I really enjoy your story, but with how money suddenly got tighter in my family I currently do not have the spare cash to spend every month without any sign that you are still active. If my financial situation changes I'll be back, but for now I must bid you adieu and hope your life is going well.


With no contact and No released chapters in these last couple months. I'm going to pause my subscription until I see progress. I have been hoping That we would see you post something or hear some kind of communication. But there's still nothing and it's been months. I've been to subscriber since 2020.