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Jehovah's harmony has already been planned out, and now I've already written 90 pages of it. My plan's different from the last book I wrote, however.I intend on releasing larger chunks of the book at a time, though less frequently then before.

While MDM was a work I put every bit of my heart into, it still fumbles at many parts. Some scenarios are ridiculous and unrelatable. The writing's often difficult to read, and important pieces of the plot remain foggy and unexplained, (EG, Soul forging, gemchaining, consolidation, Sophia and Jack's relationship, etc.) A large part of this was my inexperience, another part is how I released chapters before finishing the book.

You see, whenever I started writing, I never imagined actually going through with it, but now I'm dead set on getting my work published. Despite this, I genuinely believe that MDM isn't publisher quality. It has more than enough oomph, but it's an unpolished gem. To many flaws with all the positives.

I think I'm able to craft a publisher quality book now by using my experiences with MDM, but rewriting the book so soon would be crushing on my moral, and I doubt you all would enjoy re-reading the less flawed rewriting so soon either.

So I will write Jehovah's harmony with every intention of getting the book published. I will incorporate every lesson I've learned when writing, from my readability to my characterization. After completing the work, I'll take it to a literary agent while I work on rewriting MDM. The plot will remain roughly the same, albeit with a few key differences in certain scenarios and better writing throughout...hopefully.

I believe the complexity of my story's gears more towards reading the entire thing quickly rather than over several months as well. Many people have alerted me to their lack of awareness over certain details, and incorporating reminders of each and every facet of the story makes the actual reading of the book repetitive and tedious.

With all this in mind, I hope you don't dislike nor hate this change, and JH will be a good chunk longer than MDM. Around 3-4 hundred pages in fact. I hope you enjoy it when I release it.

In case your worried, I'll let you know I'm focused. I'm spending 8 hours a day writing at the moment. I'm diving into the process, and each day is exciting and new and fun. This is what I loved about writing. This is why I want to be an author. It feels like I'm living through a story.

Ah yes, I almost forgot. As always, thank you for the support. It means a lot to me.


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